
Watching the reading | the best state of the New Year: half bookish, half fireworks

Watching the reading | the best state of the New Year: half bookish, half fireworks

I often wonder, how should I live to live up to this life?

Seeing an answer in the documentary "Bookstores and Wet Markets", I felt particularly reasonable.

A person's best state is to have both a high ground of thought and a little smoke.

Holding fireworks in hand to make a living, and poetry to seek love.

The fragrance of books accompanied by the fragrance of rice is the warmest and sure happiness in the red dust world.


The noblest temperament of a person is the aroma of books.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Min Ziqian admired Confucius's talent and worshipped Confucius as his teacher.

When he first entered the division, Min Ziqian's face was sallow and listless.

After a while, his complexion improved and he became radiant.

Confucius asked why, and Min Ziqian replied:

After coming here, I often read books, understood a lot of truths, calmed down when things happened, and my face naturally became rosy.

Sanmao said in "Send You a Horse":

"Many times, I may think that many of the books I have read have become a smoke cloud and no longer remember, but in fact, they are still potential.

In temperament, in conversation, in the endlessness of the mind, of course, it may also be revealed in life and words. ”

Reading is a process of water droplets wearing stones.

Reading a book, you may not feel any change.

By reading a hundred books, you'll have more knowledge and skills, and you'll be able to solve problems with ease.

After reading a thousand books, your insight and mind are opened, and you can calmly cope with the big waves you encounter.

Mu Xin, who came from a rich and noble family, could have been a young master with fine clothes and jade food.

But he didn't care about pleasure, he didn't love money, he only liked to read.

His distant relative Mao Dun had a bookhouse with 10,000 books, and Mu Xin plunged into it as soon as he had time, talking to Kong Meng and making friends with Nietzsche.

When he was 19 years old, he hid in the Mogan Mountains to read and write under the pretext of recuperating.

During the day, he chanted poems in the courtyard and conversed with the sages such as Flaubert and Shakespeare in the moonlight at night.

The mountain people were puzzled and laughed at him one after another: "This fool, who is not a good young master, has to come to this barren mountain to suffer." ”

But he drew from the book the spiritual power that transcended things.

In the late 1960s, Mu Xin was unjustly imprisoned and locked up in a dark and damp bomb shelter, eating steamed buns full of flies and moldy pickles every day.

On the hard nights day after day, he wrote a 650,000-word "Notes from Prison" on the paper of the review, hand-drawn black and white keys of the piano, and silently played Mozart.

During the devastated years, he healed his body with words and settled his soul with art.

When he was released from prison, he wore a coat and a top hat, his waist was straight, his shoes were polished, clean as ever, and his elegance was still there, as if the wind of suffering had never blown him.

To develop the habit of reading is to build a refuge for yourself.

It allows you to avoid all the disasters in life, and it can also allow you to escape almost all the sorrows of the world.

All the puzzles and doubts in life can be found in the book.

Whether it is to drive away confusion, fight mediocrity, or dissolve suffering, reading is the simplest and most practical way.

In the new year, may you make reading a pleasure and internalized as a way of life.

In the fragrance of books and ink, moisturize the dullness of life and fill your soul.


The highest sense of ceremony in a home is the pyrotechnic gas.

I've seen a little story.

A couple, when they were young, their husbands were working hard outside the home, and their wives were taking care of their children at home.

After middle age, the husband with a successful career felt that he and his wife no longer had any common language and filed for divorce.

After listening, the wife did not say a word, went to the kitchen, and cooked a bowl of tomato egg noodles for her husband.

Then he wiped away his tears and left cleanly.

In the next few days, the man went home every time he socialized, saw the dark room, remembered that no matter how late his wife would leave a lamp for him, and his heart was empty.

After returning from a drunken drink, my stomach turned upside down and I couldn't eat a bowl of steaming tomato egg noodles.

Looking at the cold and clear living room, he understood what love was and what home was.

Home is not the same as a house, the house is a cold building, only when there is a loving person in the house, there is a firework, there is a temperature.

Happy families are all similar, think about it, is that the home you remember?

The woks are stirring on the stove, the cooking smoke rises with the aroma of rice, and the lights of thousands of homes shine outside the window.

The mother wore an apron and urged the meal to be served, and the father hurriedly brought the meal to the table.

The family sat around the dinner table, chopsticks and spoons coming and going, cup walls clanging, chatting about each other's daily life.

In the "One Day Zen", it is written: "The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to the hearts of mortals." ”

The happiest thing in life is just a family waiting for each other in the smell of fireworks.

Zhu Ziqing once recalled in the book that his father cooked tofu on a winter night.

There was heavy snow outside the room, and the father slowly picked up the tofu in the steaming heat, put it in the son's soy sauce dish, and said lovingly: "It's cold at night, and it's warmer to eat." ”

At that time, he was still young, and he only felt that tofu was warm to his mouth and hands, until one winter many years later, Zhu Ziqing and his family were in Taizhou for the New Year.

When he came back from work, he saw his wife and children in the house side by side at the square table in the kitchen, staring at himself from a distance with an innocent smile.

At that moment, he understood that the tofu cooked by his father was actually a heart-warming and stomach-warming cure.

In the future, every difficult winter of life, as long as he remembers his father's advice, the smile of his wife and children, his heart is always warm.

"China on the Tip of the Tongue" says:

Chinese always hide bitterness in their hearts, and turn happiness into food, presenting it on the table of the four seasons.

Because of this, the steaming table, the family reunion, the laughter, the cup for the cup, will become the simplest and most down-to-earth happiness in the Chinese.

Life is a chicken feather, work is not satisfactory, we are day after day in the world of ups and downs and struggles.

But fortunately, there is a family member who unloads a body of wind and frost for you, and there are three meals to heal your tiredness.

Those warmest feelings, the most beautiful stories, are always hidden in the waiting of a porridge and a meal, and the warmth of a smile.


Best of all: half bookish, half fireworks.

I have always felt that Chen Daoming is a maverick in the entertainment industry.

In vanity fair for decades, he has not been half tacky.

When others pushed the cup to change the cup at the liquor store, he preferred to hide at home and read and practice words.

He loves classical literature, and every time he shoots a scene, he will read it with his own care; after each film, he will leave a year or two to read and study.

Chen Daoming's brother once told the media:

"His home in Beijing didn't even have cable TV, his study was full of books, and he slept in a pile of books."

The fragrance of books moisturizes the soul, and the book is read a lot, and Chen Daoming naturally has a gentle and quiet temperament.

He has always shown a high-cold image, but in real life, he is a person full of fireworks.

"Men just want to stay at home for a while, and it's fashionable if the lights are on at night for every family."

He does not like to socialize, never patronizes bars and dance halls, and rushes home as soon as he finishes work every day.

Cooking dinner with his wife and accompanying his daughter to do small handicrafts, the family laughed and laughed, and they were happy.

I like a sentence by Wang Zengqi: Four square food affairs, but a bowl of human fireworks.

Over time, we will eventually find that the words of the song are not as pleasant as the gentle words of the family, and the late night wine is not as delicious as the porridge in the early morning.

The worldly lights are red and green, not as good as the fireworks of the small family.

We have asked for it all our lives, but there are books next to the pillow, there is love in the home, spend three meals and four seasons with the people we like, slowly taste the fireworks of the world, and watch the long years of the world.

Half poetic, half fireworks, is the most beautiful look of life.

No matter how busy the work is, you must also remember to read, don't neglect the soul;

No matter how tired life is, you must also know how to accompany, don't neglect your family.

In the new year, may you live with your left hand, idealize with your right hand, see the world with a pure heart, have a normal heart, and live a life full of life.

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