
Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

author:Indefinite pleasure reading
Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

In 1997, on a cold winter day, 19-year-old Li Yugang quietly left his hometown. He only has 200 yuan in his pocket, but he is full of hope for the future.

He only left an affectionate letter to his parents and stepped on the train to Changchun.

A few years later, his entrepreneurial dream in Shenzhen was shattered, and Li Yugang, who was heavily in debt, fell into a trough in his life. In desperation, he came to a river and was ready to end his life.

However, fate is always full of drama. The river was not deep, and a group of beggars on the bank rescued him in time. This experience of brushing shoulders with death made Li Yugang re-examine the meaning of life.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

Just when he was determined to start over, he happened to work in a dance hall. Here, he met the noble man who changed his life - the famous erhu player Ma Hongcai.

Under the careful guidance of Mr. Ma, Li Yugang's music path began to show the dawn.

In the summer of 1978, in a poor farmer's family in Gongzhuling City, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Li Yugang fell to the ground. Although his family was poor, the northern boy's childhood was colorful by a chance encounter.

In 1982, a movie called "Shaolin Temple" caused a national sensation. The young Li Yugang watched the film intently in front of the black and white TV set at his uncle's house, and the martial arts dream in his heart was ignited.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

From that day on, imitating the martial arts masters on the screen became his greatest pleasure. Praying mantis boxing, arm boxing, eagle claw skills, he learned well at a young age, and even won the reputation of "martial arts master" among the friends in the village.

In addition to martial arts, music was also an integral part of Li Yugang's childhood life. He often imitates the singers on TV, performing various songs with a young voice.

This talent made him secretly imagine that even if he couldn't become a martial arts master, he might be able to become an excellent singer one day.

However, the predicament of reality soon extinguished Li Yugang's childhood fantasies. His parents were hard-working and simple farmers, waking up early and working late every day, but they still struggled to make ends meet.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

In the harsh winter, the family could not even afford cotton clothes, and the parents could only shiver in the cold wind in thin clothes. Witnessing all this, the young Li Yugang gradually realized that only through reading could he change his fate.

Despite the family's difficult circumstances, Li Yugang's parents still fully supported their son's studies. They were frugal and used all their hard-earned money to pay for Li Yugang's tuition.

This expectation and pressure have become the driving force for Li Yugang to work hard. In the county school, he studied hard with tenacious perseverance and came out on top in every exam.

Whenever he brought the certificate home and saw the proud smiles on his parents' faces, Li Yugang felt that all the efforts were worth it.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

In this way, in the interweaving of poverty and hope, Li Yugang spent his childhood. This experience not only cultivated his tenacity, but also planted the seeds for his future artistic career.

Although his childhood dream of martial arts and singer dreams seemed unattainable, his love for art was buried in his heart and became the guiding light on his future life path.

In 1996, with excellent results, Li Yugang was admitted to the literary and artistic directing major of Jilin Provincial Academy of Arts. However, before the joy could fully bloom, the burden of reality weighed on us.

The high tuition fees are astronomical for this poor family. Li Yugang watched his parents run around to raise tuition fees, but was repeatedly ignored by his neighbors, and his heart was full of helplessness and guilt.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

At this seemingly desperate moment, 19-year-old Li Yugang made a surprising decision. Late one night, he quietly took the only remaining 200 yuan from his family, left a letter full of apology and determination, and stepped on the train to Changchun alone to find work.

This decision shows both his determination to change his fate and his sense of responsibility for not wanting to be a burden to his family.

Li Yugang, who first arrived in Changchun, tried various jobs to make ends meet. He worked as a waiter in a restaurant and a cabaret in a cabaret hall, and although his life was hard, his love for music and dance never went out.

In 2000, after accumulating some experience and capital in Changchun, Li Yugang decided to go south to Shenzhen and opened a domestic service company. However, due to a lack of management experience, the company soon fell into trouble, not only with heavy losses, but also with heavy debts.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

Just when his career hit rock bottom, Li Yugang rekindled his passion for music. To make ends meet, he worked for a sound company. Here, he makes the most of his free time to learn singing skills from the stars of the discs.

During the day, he was busy in a video store, and at night he worked as a handyman in a dance hall to earn money for daily life. Despite the hardships of life, Li Yugang never gave up his pursuit of music.

Fate always favors those who don't give up easily. While working in the dance hall, Li Yugang met the noble man who changed his life - the famous erhu player Ma Hongcai.

With his keen insight, Mr. Ma Hongcai discovered Li Yugang's musical talent and accepted him as a disciple without hesitation. Under the careful guidance of teacher Ma Hongcai, Li Yugang's singing skills improved by leaps and bounds, and he began to have the opportunity to participate in various performance activities.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

It was during this period that Li Yugang discovered his unique talent. In a performance, when the female singer he partnered with was unable to attend due to an emergency, Li Yugang improvised and played the male and female voices by himself, and successfully completed the performance.

This experience made him realize his talent for switching male and female voices, which laid the foundation for his unique artistic style in the future.

These arduous years not only honed Li Yugang's will, but also accumulated valuable experience for his future artistic career. He learned to look for opportunities in the face of adversity and constantly improve his skills.

This perseverance has become the key to Li Yugang's future success. From a restaurant waiter to a cabaret handyman to a music apprentice, every seemingly mundane experience paved the way for his artistic dreams.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

Li Yugang's story tells us that as long as we have a dream in our hearts, even if we start from the bottom, we can climb towards success step by step.

The year 2006 was a turning point in Li Yugang's fate. "Avenue of Stars" launched auditions nationwide, and Li Yugang, who had a try mentality, signed up for the competition.

His unique singing style dazzled the judges, and he passed all the way to the third place. On the final stage, Li Yugang invited his girlfriend Fan Xiaoning at the time to perform on the same stage, and the two performed "Velvet Flower" affectionately, winning warm applause from the audience.

This competition not only made Li Yugang famous, but more importantly, allowed him to find his artistic positioning. He skillfully blended male and female voices to create a unique singing style that opened up a new path for his artistic career.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

This unique way of performing quickly attracted the attention of industry insiders and laid the foundation for his subsequent development.

In October of the same year, opportunity favored Li Yugang again. The Golden Rooster Award Ceremony was held in full swing, and Li Yugang was invited to sing on stage. He chose the challenging "Farewell My Concubine" and shocked the audience with his superb acting skills and unique voice.

This song not only made the audience fall in love with it, but also made the audience in front of the national TV set leave a deep impression on the name "Li Yugang". This performance became another important turning point in Li Yugang's career, allowing him to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Taking advantage of the success, Li Yu began to brew his own solo album. In 2010, he released his solo album "New Concubine Drunk", which pushed his career to new heights.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

"The New Concubine Drunk" not only shows Li Yugang's unique talent for blending traditional opera and modern music, but also leads a wave of opera craze, which has been widely recognized by industry insiders.

From the stage of "Avenue of Stars" to the Golden Rooster Award Ceremony, and then to the successful release of his solo album, Li Yugang has used his talent and hard work to realize his music dream step by step.

This experience not only proved his artistic prowess, but also showed his spirit of constantly striving and pursuing his dreams in the face of adversity.

Li Yugang's success is not accidental. It's the perfect combination of talent, hard work, and opportunity. His unique way of singing with male and female voices has won him attention, while his deep understanding of traditional culture and innovative spirit have given his works lasting vitality.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

From a folk singer to a nationally renowned artist, Li Yugang's every step is down-to-earth and firm, interpreting what is the true spirit of an artist.

As his fame grew, so did Li's artistic career, which began to face controversy and challenges. In 2018, an unexpected public opinion storm pushed him to the forefront.

Zhou Libo, known for his Shanghainese clean-mouthedness, publicly ridiculed Li Yugang as a "sissy", embroiling him in a heated discussion about artistic expression.

In the face of doubts, Li Yugang did not flinch. He calmly faced the controversy and firmly expressed his love and dedication to the traditional art of opera. He explained that he is committed to integrating opera culture with modern pop music elements, with the aim of attracting more young people to pay attention to traditional arts.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

Whenever he saw young people imitating him and singing "The New Concubine is Drunk", Li Yugang felt sincerely proud.

However, just when his career was at its peak, Li Yugang suffered the biggest blow in his life. In 2016, his father became seriously ill. Despite his busy work, Li Yugang still left his work many times and rushed back to his hometown to visit.

It's a pity that he didn't get to see his father for the last time. In 2020, Li Yugang revealed to the public the news that his father had passed away through a touching handwritten letter.

The regret of "the son wants to raise but does not wait" has become an eternal pain in his heart.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

After the death of his father, Li Yugang poured all his heart and soul into music creation, as if he wanted to use art to express his inner grief. In 2023, the song "Wanjiang" created by him will become popular all over the Internet just six months after its launch, and the number of single views will exceed the 6 billion mark.

This song has even been praised by the People's Daily and is known as the "song of the whole people". The success of this song is not only an affirmation of Li Yugang's artistic talent, but also a way for him to express his emotions and comfort his soul with music.

Li Yugang's story teaches us that even in the darkest moments of life, art can be a soothing medicine for the soul. He used his own experience to prove that glory and regret coexist, joy and sorrow coexist, this is the real life.

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Li Yugang has always maintained his love and dedication to music. He insisted on innovation and skillfully integrated traditional opera with modern musical elements, attracting a large number of young audiences.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

This unique artistic style not only makes him unique in the entertainment industry, but also makes an important contribution to the inheritance of traditional culture.

In the face of doubts and controversy, Li Yugang chose to speak with his works. He continues to create excellent music works and proves his artistic value with his strength. From the early "New Concubine Drunk" to the later "Wanjiang", each song shows his unique artistic style and profound cultural heritage.

These works have not only won the love of the audience, but also been recognized by industry insiders.

Despite the great success he has achieved, Li Yugang still maintains his original intention and continues to explore and innovate on the road of music. He hopes that through his own efforts, more people will understand and love traditional Chinese culture.

Li Yugang: begging for food, jumping into the river to commit suicide, and the death of his father became the pain of his life

At the same time, he is also using music to express his emotions and comfort those who have similar experiences to him.

Li Yugang's story tells us that no matter how difficult and frustrating we encounter, as long as we stick to our dreams and maintain our original intentions, we will be able to create a wonderful life of our own.

His experience is not only a history of growing up as an artist, but also an inspirational story of perseverance and courage that inspires countless dreamers to continue to move forward.

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