
Li Yuntian Tarot Card Mini-Games Broadcast: Sunday, February 6, 2022

Xiaoyun Broadcast: February 6, 2022, Sunday, the sixth day of the first lunar month (壬寅年壬寅月庚寅日), a statutory holiday.

Tegi Zodiac Signs: Horses, Pigs, Dogs

Zodiac Signs: Rats, Rabbits, Tigers

Today's decline: cattle, snakes, monkeys

Hi God Direction: Northwest

Fortuna Directions: True East

Suitable: marriage, engagement, travel, banquet, transaction, contract, property purchase, wealth, appointment, population, burial, breaking the ground

Taboo: Lift

Lucky numbers: 6, 9

Lucky colors: gray, white, blue

Li Yuntian Tarot Card Mini-Games Broadcast: Sunday, February 6, 2022

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