
Encourage cadres to be energetic and responsible

author:Tongzhou Group Workers

In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the implementation of the "three distinctions" should encourage cadres to dare to take responsibility and act actively. This is a major measure to turn the grand blueprint drawn by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into reality, and it is the essence of building a contingent of high-quality cadres worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation. Embarking on a new journey, the risks and challenges that need to be addressed, and the contradictions and problems that need to be resolved are more complex than ever. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the important requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, pay close attention to the eternal theme of encouraging responsibility, take multiple measures at the same time, implement comprehensive policies, continue to make efforts and make contributions for a long time, and encourage cadres to be energetic, bear hardships, hardships, and risks, and gather the majestic power of forging ahead on a new journey and making contributions in the new era.

The calibration is in charge as a new scale. A generation has a generation's long march, and a generation has a generation's responsibility. Responsibility has the nature of the times, we must be based on the new historical position, establish the yardstick of responsibility, and always walk with the times, the trend, the society, and the wise. The bar should be set by absolute loyalty to the core leader. Those who have the courage to take responsibility must have true loyalty. The "two establishments" are the major political achievements made by the Party in the new era, and the greatest certainty, the greatest confidence and the greatest guarantee for overcoming all difficulties and obstacles and coping with all uncertainties. To encourage responsibility, the most fundamental thing is to promote party members and cadres to strengthen the high consciousness of firmly defending the "two establishments" and resolutely achieving the "two maintenances", cultivate loyalty and virtue, follow the core struggle, and interpret absolute loyalty with great responsibility. It is necessary to set the yardstick on the practical actions of implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is the most important government order, military order, and order. It is necessary to educate and guide party members and cadres to keep in mind the "great man of the party" and "the great man of the country", to do a good job of the "standard" of the Party Central Committee and the "table" of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is necessary to set the yardstick on the deep expectations of the masses of the people. People's hearts are the biggest politics, people's hearts are the most solid support, and original aspirations are the most fundamental pursuits. It is necessary to take the hearts of the people as the heart, take the people's support or disapproval, whether they approve or disapprove, whether they are happy or not, and whether they agree or not as the starting point of all work, establish a long-term mechanism for connecting with the masses and serving the masses, and solve practical problems such as "clothing, food, housing, transportation, industry, education, and medical care" with heart and affection, and constantly realize the people's yearning for a better life.

Stimulate responsibility as internal motivation. "Those who plant trees must cultivate their roots, and those who plant virtue must nourish their hearts." To motivate and take responsibility, we must work "mental strength" and strive to improve the consciousness and realm of cadres who "do not need to raise the whip and work hard". It is necessary to forge the soul with innovative theories. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the "true scripture" and "heart study" of the Chinese Communists. It is necessary to unremittingly use this scientific thought to forge the soul, implement the party's innovative theoretical study and education plan, organize party members and cadres to read the original works, learn the original texts, understand the principles and know the original meaning, grasp its world outlook and methodology, adhere to and use well the positions, views and methods that run through it, know its words and know its meaning, know its nature, know its reason, know its way and do its way. It is necessary to build a foundation with ideals and convictions. Take the education of ideals and beliefs as a strategic task, promote the normalization and long-term effect of party history learning and education, make good use of local red resources such as the Zhou Deng Memorial Hall and the Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall, deeply explore the value orientation of stressing responsibility, emphasizing action, and helping the world in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and guide party members and cadres to consolidate the ideological foundation of responsibility. It is necessary to cast strength with ideology and style. Thinking determines the way out, and style determines action. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of integrity and innovation, break the old ideas, establish new ideas, break the old traditions, establish new rules, break the old model, and establish a new pattern, and promote party members and cadres to open the "Tianjin door" on their heads, consciously raise the benchmark, create the first and strive for excellence, and enhance the determination, courage, power, and perseverance of taking responsibility, so that the shot must be brilliant and the completion must be perfect.

Practice responsibility as a hard skill. Soft shoulders can't carry hard burdens. Ability and ability are the confidence to take responsibility, and it is a weapon to meet new challenges and fight new battles. How many weapons are in the arsenal, whether they can be used, whether they are good or not, and whether they work or not directly determines the outcome of the battle. It is necessary to carry out in-depth political training. Strictly implement the system of political life within the Party such as the democratic life meeting and the "Three Meetings and One Lesson", adhere to and improve political ceremonies such as reviewing the oath of joining the Party and celebrating the "political birthday" of Party members, make good use of the sharp weapon of criticism and self-criticism, and guide cadres at all levels to "forge steel" in the "melting pot" of political life within the Party. Professional training should be carried out accurately. Anchoring the major decisions and deployments made by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, focusing on the development needs of key industries in the city and the needs of cadres to perform their duties, implementing the plan for improving the professional ability of leading cadres, vigorously carrying out special training on the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, building a modern industrial system, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, preventing and resolving risks, etc., deepening the system of leading cadres on the podium, and enhancing cadres' ability to promote high-quality development, serve the masses, prevent and resolve risks, and struggle. It is necessary to solidly promote practical training. The sword is sharpened on stone, and man is practiced in things. It is necessary to take the implementation of the "gazelle tempering" and "eagle cultivation" actions as the starting point, intensify the exchange and rotation of cadres, and systematically select and send outstanding young cadres with good political quality and great development potential to work hard and complex areas and the front line of major struggles such as letters and visits, stability maintenance, epidemic prevention and control, inspection and inspection, east-west cooperation, and counterpart support, so as to enhance the ability to prevent risks, meet challenges, and resist suppression, and train the hard backbone and iron shoulders of the officer.

Establish responsibility as a weather vane. The greatest encouragement for cadres is to correctly guide the use of personnel. This motivates that incentive, and the best cadres are used. The organizational orientation is clear and clear, and only when cadres take responsibility can they have the strength and confidence. Be bold in your arguments. Use the person in charge, and the responsibility will become a common practice. It is necessary to unify the "orientation of cadres" with the "direction of selection", adhere to the standards of good cadres in the new era, strictly control the first pass in politics, regard them as heroes, pay attention to the selection of thousands of horses on the "racecourse" and the selection of doers in practice and actual combat, especially for those generals and talents who can stand out and rush forward at critical moments, major tasks, emergencies, and struggles, break the routine and boldly use them. We will continue to release the effect of the parallel system of positions and ranks, and set aside a certain number of flexible quotas to solve the problem of rank promotion of cadres with outstanding performance. It is necessary to be able to go up and down resolutely. Only by being promising can there be a position, and there must be a promise in office. We should conscientiously implement the "Regulations on Promoting the Advancement of Leading Cadres and Their Promotions", intensify the adjustment of cadres who are not suitable for their current posts, and resolutely do not wait for those "back-handed cadres" who hold official positions, "hand-shaking cadres" who do not know anything about anything, "hand-waving cadres" who are lazy and lazy, and "hand-shaking cadres" who move and dodge, and make it clear to cadres that there is no "package ticket" or "one-way road" in selecting and appointing people, and still less that there is no "Danshu iron coupon" that only advances but does not retreat, and only promotes but does not descend. It is necessary for the governor to know people and test them accurately. We should persist in making efforts in peacetime and extending our tentacles to the front line, regularly have close contact with cadres, improve the mechanism for inspecting and identifying cadres on the front line of major struggles, and earnestly integrate research and research with people. Coordinate and strengthen the annual assessment, ordinary assessment, special assessment, and tenure assessment, so that the real work is different, the work is not the same, the work is not the same, and the good work is not the same, so that the "lying flat" has nowhere to lie down, and the "indiscriminate filler" has nowhere to hide.

Create a responsible ecology. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that to do a good job in all aspects, we must have a good political ecology. It is necessary to give full play to the functions and roles of the organizational department, adhere to the combination of strict management and love, drive the cadres to take responsibility with the organization, promote the responsibility of the cadres with the responsibility of the organization, stimulate the enthusiasm of the cadres with the warmth of the organization, and create a strong aura of the officer. To enhance the warm tones of "home". The organizational department is the "three homes", and the home should have the appearance of a home, and it should reflect the warmth, fairness, responsibility and care of the home. Conscientiously implement provisions such as fault tolerance and correction, clarification and correct names, carry out "warm-hearted return visits" for cadres who have been dealt with, improve and implement systems such as paid leave, regular physical examinations, and treatment guarantees, and vigorously select and publicize the responsibility as advanced models, and encourage the majority of cadres to think alike and work hard. It is necessary to adhere to the main tone of "strictness." There are filial sons under the sticks, and there are many defeated children under the mother. Home is not a place of unprincipled doting, bottomless connivance, hello, hello, everyone, but also clear family rules, family education, strict family law, and family style. It is necessary to firmly establish the concept that strict management is love, manage the "key minority" well, drive the "vast majority", strengthen the supervision of the performance of duties and responsibilities, improve the long-term mechanism of governing mediocrity and laziness, continue to rectify the problem of inaction and non-responsibility, and strictly produce a good work style, strict spirit, and strict combat effectiveness. It is necessary to pass on the positive energy of "dry". Strictly implement the deployment requirements of the central and municipal party committees to reduce the burden on the grassroots, clarify the boundaries of responsibilities between different levels, departments and posts, do not engage in red tape and increase the code at all levels, and do a good job of "subtraction", and reduce documents, meetings, tables, reports, and traces for the grassroots level; We will also do a good job of "addition" to send policies, talents, resources, and guarantees to the grassroots level, so that the majority of party members and cadres can roll up their sleeves and work hard without distraction.

(Source: China Organization and Personnel News)