
Oolong police station in my mind god work

author:Unruly bombers

Oolong police station This anime I feel is the most feeling Chinese version, the anime A two from time to time out of a few Hokkien language is really funny and classic. The difference between this anime and other anime is still very obvious, the male protagonist is a short and ugly like a gorilla who loves money and owes a bunch of debts. It is such a person, that is, it will make people like, it is really a very magical anime.

The anime mainly tells the story of the former police station in Kametomo Park, and the main characters are Nitsu Kankichi, Daijiro Ohara, Yoichi Terai, Keiichi Nakagawa, and Reiko Akimoto.

Oolong police station in my mind god work

In addition to the male protagonist, many supporting roles in the anime are also very classic, there is Honda who will change his personality on a motorcycle, there is a judo master Zuo Jinji who likes beautiful girls in the game, there is a super special soldier PolPo who has served in the United States with particularly small courage, there are Mari Ai who likes A two looks like girls are actually men, there are Xiao Ting of the Traffic Department and Najiko Special Criminal Police Hot Pants Criminal Police Moonlight Criminal Police Dolphin Criminal Police, in short, there are many classic characters.

Oolong police station in my mind god work

This anime is mainly funny, and some long-term memories of the male protagonist will be inserted in the middle of the way, and it is touching that the changing things of the times are not human. Unfortunately, the anime has been updated for more than three hundred episodes, which makes people wonder if Ah Liang will eventually end up alone. Is it with Reiko or with the man Marie?

Oolong police station in my mind god work