
How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

Chinese literati have always been very sensitive to the change of the order of the festivals, and chanting seasons and festival orders is the subject of the Chinese literary tradition.

The Western Jin Dynasty literary scholar Lu Ji also said in the "WenFu": "When the fourth time is observed, it is a sigh and a thought of all things; the sad leaves fall in the autumn, and the joy of the soft stripes is in the spring." ”

Since the Wei and Jin dynasties, there have been many psalms singing seasons and festival orders, especially the chanting of specific festivals.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

Among the traditional festivals in China, the Lantern Festival, Qingming Festival and Chongyang Festival are suitable festivals for travel, but people's moods, reasons and destinations are different.

Qingming Qingqing is an outing activity with the main purpose of sweeping tombs and remembering ancestors; although Chongyang Ascend is also an activity involved in outings, the activities are inevitably mixed with the feelings of missing relatives and mourning autumn.

The Lantern Festival closely follows the Spring Festival, at this time the lively atmosphere of the New Year is still continuing, and on the day of the Lantern Festival, a wave of celebratory atmosphere like the Spring Festival will be set off again.

Unlike the Qingming Chongyang outing place, which is generally in the suburbs, the Lantern Festival can be called a real urban festival. The Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month of the new year is a good night festival for the first full moon of the new year, so it is also called New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, Lantern Festival, and Shangyuan Festival.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

Zhang Lantern Night Tour is an important activity of this Lantern Festival This night, when the moon is empty, the streets are full of lights, fire trees and honeysuckle; the bright moon in the sky and the lights on the ground shine together, providing a romantic and warm atmosphere for people's outings.

The poem "The Fifteenth Night of the First Month" by the early Tang Dynasty poet Su Wei recorded the grandeur of this festival: "The fire tree and silver flowers are combined, and the star bridge is locked open." Dark dust goes with the horse, and the bright moon comes one by one. The Tang Dynasty poet Cui Lian also wrote in the poem "Shangyuan Night": "Whoever sees the moon can sit idly, where to smell the lamp does not come to see." ”

It can be seen that in the Tang Dynasty, the Lantern Festival was already a lively festival. By the time of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Lantern Festival had become a statutory holiday, and the time had been extended from three days to five days, and the prosperity was greater than before.

The Song Dynasty notebook "Records of the Retreat of the Chunming Dynasty" records: "During the reign of Emperor Taizong of this dynasty, the three yuan could not stop at night, the Shangyuan Yuqianyuan Gate, the Zhongyuan and Xiayuan YudonghuaMen, and the later two sections of the Zhongyuan and Xiayuan, and the Chuyuan Youguan was crowned in the previous generation. ”

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

The social and economic prosperity of the Song Dynasty and the rapid development of the city gave the Lantern Festival carnival a solid material foundation and a dazzling background.

The Lantern Festival is the most grand and lively traditional festival of the two Song Dynasties, as the most prosperous and lively legal festival, the Lantern Festival is naturally combined with the emerging Song words at that time, resulting in a large number of Lantern words. It can be said that this is a fundamental reason for the prosperity and brilliance of the Song Dynasty Lantern Words.

The talented Song Dynasty poets also integrated the order of the verses into their lyrics, and they reached a tacit balance between the words and the music, and achieved fruitful artistic effects, so the lantern words in the early Northern Song Dynasty depicted the prosperous scenes of meteorological chengping.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

The Northern Song Dynasty poet Liu Yong has lived in the city for a long time, he has his own observation and experience of urban style, and his lyrics are always full of a strong atmosphere of life.

Liu Yong's "Welcoming the New Year" is a poem describing the grandeur of the Lantern Festival in the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty:

The ridge pipe becomes green law, Di Li Yang and Xinbu. The sunny scenery is back to light. Celebrate the Festival, when three or five. Liehua lamp, thousands of doors. All over the nine strange Luoqi, the fragrance is slight. Ten Mile Tree. Aoshan towering, noisy and drumming.

Gradually the sky is like water, and the moon is noon. In the incense path, there are countless fruits. More candle shadows under the shade, young people, often adventures. In the time of peace, the government and the opposition are happy, and the people are kangfu and gather with the good division. Kan can face this scene and fight to wake up alone.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

In the opening sentence, "The Ridge Pipe Becomes Green Law, Di Li Yang and Xinbu", the lyricist uses music to render a prosperous and noisy festive atmosphere.

The lingguan is a musical instrument made of bamboo produced in the Kunlun Mountains, which is roughly equivalent to the current sound fixer; Qinglu, in ancient mainland mythology, the Qing Emperor is the god of Sichun, and the Qinglu is also the meaning of winter to spring.

The city was full of festive crowds, the qiluo bushes emitted gusts of incense, and people were fully prepared for the night tour of Zhang Lantern, and they went out of their homes. On this night, the city of Bieliang is bustling with traffic, tourists are weaving, the bustling crowds on the streets are intertwined with the rows of flower lanterns, and the endless stream of figures and glittering lights shine together.

In the Lantern Festival after Lichun, time and space fit together just right. The air is already filled with the breath of spring, the spring breeze gently caresses the earth and everything, and the plant can't wait to open the hazy sleeping eyes that have been sleeping for a winter, greet the spring, and feel the taste and breath of spring.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

At this time, although it is not yet a peachy willow green spring scene, but people have sensed the taste of spring, winter heavy clothes have obviously been somewhat out of place, people change into spring clothes, help the old and young, came to the street.

The lanterns of the Lantern Festival and the festive atmosphere make people who rarely go out usually join the surging crowd, and the brilliant Lantern Festival has turned Chang'an City into a nightless day.

The Lantern Night in Bieliang City became a city that never sleeps, because of the festival, the curfew was also canceled, and the City of Bieliang welcomed tourists from all directions with an open attitude.

The ten mile flower lanterns in Bieliang City are as beautiful as bright corals, and the rockeries decorated with colored lanterns tower on both sides of the street. A band that weaves through the streets, gongs and drums chime in unison. On this night, both court and folk artists sing and sing, adding to the city's festive atmosphere.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

The prosperity of the economy and the development of the city have made the lantern festival lights more brilliant than ever, and Liu Yong's rockery decorated with colored lanterns is a good example.

In the Song Dynasty, Elder Meng made the following record of the Lantern Festival in the "Tokyo Dream Record": "From Dengshan Mountain to XuandeMenlou Heng Street, about 100 zhang, surrounded by thorns, called "thorn basin". There are two long poles inside, dozens of feet high, ending in color, paper paste hundreds of drama characters, hanging on the pole, the wind is like a flying fairy. ”

When the moon climbs to the top of the willow, the night presents its gentle and feminine side. At this beautiful moment, young men and women joined the carnival crowd in pairs, and they also looked forward to her being able to show her gentleness and charm like this gentle night.

Liu Yong's "young people, often adventures" can be interpreted by Ouyang Xiu's "willow heads on the moon, people about after dusk", it can be said that the romantic love that happened in the Lantern Festival is also worth the words that people should focus on depicting, and the Lantern Festival scene of the big book is specially written.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

In the Song Dynasty, boudoir women have always been forbidden to travel, only in the Lantern Night when Jinwu can't help but leak, young men and women take the opportunity to watch the lights together, meet freely, and love occurs from time to time. The Lantern Festival is therefore also a bit of a Valentine's Day, full of joy and romance.

This is not only a night of fire trees and honeysuckle, but also a night worth thousands of dollars at a spring supper. "The willows on the moon, people about after dusk", "young people, often strange encounters", watch the flower lanterns with their loved ones, wander in the lively city, linger in front of the flower lanterns, and travel to and from the lights.

This is destined to be an unforgettable and enchanting evening. In the middle of the night, they talked about love and affection under the witness of light and shadow.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

The Lantern Lanterns in Bieliang City make people feast their eyes. Unconsciously, it is the time of deeper change, but people still have a feeling of infinite nostalgia, and they are reluctant to take their eyes and steps away from the lanterns.

People hope that this annual lantern festival and good times will not pass easily. Because human beings always have a preference for beautiful things.

Liu Yong's Lantern Poem describes the grand lantern festival in the capital city of Kaifeng, and the lyrics are known for their laying out, meteorological rendering, and appropriate intensity. At the beginning, the change of seasons points out the new spring and warmth of The City of Bieliang, and then writes that the weather is sunny to make the climate more pleasant, and the laying out of the scenery makes the meaning of the words follow the path preset by the lyricist in one go.

The whole word writing scenery is dense and detailed, and the use of the canon is appropriate, and the characters are all presented and active in the beautiful scenery of the good day, showing the northern Song Dynasty's capital city of Bieliang, a peaceful, peaceful, peaceful and peaceful scene of people's prosperity and beauty, combined with the meaning of joy and constant protection.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

Liu Yong was deeply impressed by the Lantern Festival in Bieliang City, who had more than once lingered in the Lantern Night scene of Bieliang, and had also filled in the Lantern Festival of Bieliang City more than once.

The following song "Pouring Cup Music" is another poem after "Welcoming the New Year" to describe the grand scene of the Lantern Festival in Bieliang City:

Forbidden leakage of flowers deep, embroidery day forever, fertile wind cloth warm. Change Shaojing, Dumen Twelve, Lantern Three-Five, Silver Toad Full of Light. Lianyun Fudao Ling Fei Guan. Towering Imperial Residence, Jiaqirui smoke and green. Cuihua Xiaoxing is a city in the upper floor.

Dragon and phoenix candles, cross-light stars. On the foot of Aoshan Mountain, open a lupine fan. Huile Fu, two immortals, pear garden four strings. Xiang Xiaose and all the people have not dispersed. Yingwanjing, Shan Hu'ao. May the years be old, in the heavenly battles, always looking at the phoenix.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

Starting at a specific time is a distinctive feature of this song.

You see, as water droplets continue to flow out of the copper leak used to time, time passes little by little. The sun is like an embroiderer constantly embroidering all kinds of pictures on the earth. By the time of the Lantern Festival, the flowers and grasses have grown taller, and the air is filled with the aroma of fern flowers and the fragrance of earth.

Forbidden leakage is a copper leak used in the court to time, which is a kind of timepiece in ancient times; embroidery is the nickname of the sun, and the lyricist uses anthropomorphic rhetorical techniques here to express the cuteness of the sun; hui wind, the wind with the aroma of hui flowers. These three sentences are to the effect that the sun is like a skilled embroidery woman, constantly embroidering all kinds of beautiful pictures on the earth.

Liu Yong's description is true, in fact, in the folk there is a "winter solstice a yangsheng" saying, after the winter solstice, the day is getting longer and longer, the sun rises, is the beginning of a direct sun point round-trip cycle, so at this time the spring water in the mountains can flow and warm, and the city of Bieliang in the Central Plains is already a new green scene.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

The upper film of the word focuses on rendering the festive atmosphere of the Lantern Festival. Liu Yong starts from time and season, the opening few sentences hold the seasonal characteristics of early spring, show the change of the natural world from winter to spring, depict the new spring weather of the long day, the flowers bloom and the grass are green, and the wind sends warmth, outlining the beauty and moving of the Lantern Festival in Bieliang City.

"Lian Yun Fu Dao Ling Fei Guan." Towering Imperial Residence, Jiaqirui Smoke and Lush", this is the lyricist's description of the buildings of Bieliang City. The capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, Bieliang, in the era when Liu Yong lived, was the most prosperous period, and it was also the most prosperous metropolis in the world, and the history books described the prosperity of Bieliang with "eight wilderness contending, all countries salty".

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

There are twelve gates in Bieliang City, the passage between the high attics is almost connected to the clouds, the high-end restaurants and luxurious buildings bear witness to the prosperity of bieliang City, the palace buildings are even more majestic, and the Jiaqirui smoke is surrounded by flowers and trees, like a fairyland.

The writer's vision gradually shifted from the sky to the ground, focusing on depicting the architecture of Bieliang City from a macroscopic perspective. For the architecture of Bieliang City, the Northern Song Dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan's famous painting "Qingming On the River", which can be said to be the most perfect interpretation, with the tall city tower as the center, the houses on both sides are lined up one after another, with tea houses, liquor stores, butcher shops, temples, and office space.

This painting vividly depicts the bustling, lively scenes and beautiful natural scenery on both sides of the Beihe River in Kaifeng City, Tokyo, during the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zeduan's paintings and Liu Yong's lyrics are what the bustling city of Bieliang should look like.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

Lantern Festival, the full moon is clear, the whole world celebrates, people wear festive costumes, go out of their homes, and come to the street to watch the lights and admire the moon. The people have not dispersed when the sky is almost dawn, the streets are full of people watching the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival, and the streets are a sea of joy.

The bright moon in the sky, like the lights on the streets, flows with beautiful brilliance, and it is an intoxicating Lantern Festival night.

Liu Yong's two Lantern words are long tones in terms of asanas, and the advantage of long tones is that there is enough space to describe the beauty of the festival, and Liu Yong is handy for the creation of long tones, and he holds the temperament of long tones just right.

The lyricist Liu Yong uses a long tone to make a detailed and extensive depiction of the Lantern Night in Bieliang City, showing us a lantern festival night with flashing lights, busy traffic, crowds, singing and dancing, bustling and splendid Lantern Festival night and people enjoying themselves with beautiful music.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

In the era of Liu Yong's life, the commodity economy in Bieliang City was developed, the shops were lined up, and the tiles were all over the street market, providing a wealth of places and contents for people to play, which was very convenient for people to play. In Liu Yong's lyrics, we can also see the depiction of the bustling street scene, which shows the developed urban environment of the Northern Song Dynasty at that time.

Especially as the most grand and lively festival in the Song Dynasty, the Lantern Festival itself has a very rich cultural connotation, and the social style of the Song Dynasty has given it the ability to express a deeper and broader social content.

Poetry comes from life.

In the era when Liu Yong lived, the Northern Song Dynasty was economically prosperous and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, this phenomenon was fully reflected in the Lantern Festival, and Liu Yong filled this phenomenon into the words with the keen perception of the lyricist, presenting a prosperous festival scene.

How did the Song Dynasty people celebrate the Lantern Festival? Liu Yong's two Lantern Poems are the most telling

Through Liu Yong's two Lantern poems, the gorgeous and meticulous narrative description, strong appeal and expressiveness, the urban style of Bieliang is clearly presented in front of the reader's eyes, and the beautiful scenery of people celebrating the Lantern Festival in a pleasant way is presented to the reader's eyes. Through Liu Yong's writings, we see a prosperous picture of a capital city with peaceful weather and stable and rich people's lives.

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