
Reading the "pseudo-Chu" of the Jin Army has a feeling: it is very difficult to resist gold, and it is also dangerous to reduce gold

After the siege of The City of Bieliang, the Jin army did not penetrate deeper, but only stationed near the city wall.

Many people are very strange about this behavior of the Jin Army, and some people have concluded that the Jin people do not dare to enter the city.

In fact, it was not that the Jin Army did not dare to enter the city, but at this time, they had not yet figured out how to pick up this huge victory fruit.

Reading the "pseudo-Chu" of the Jin Army has a feeling: it is very difficult to resist gold, and it is also dangerous to reduce gold

After the siege of Bieliang City, if the first choice of the Jin army was to lead the army into the city, it could only prove that the commander of the Jin army did not even have the most basic political acumen.

If the commander of the Jin army had no mind, it would have been necessary to enter Bieliang to burn and loot, take a large bag of gold and silver and slaves back to his hometown, and wait for the Central Plains Dynasty to recover, and then fight against them.

It is said that the Northern Song Dynasty is weak, but its volume is obviously very large, and it is not easy for the Jin Army to eat it in one bite.

The Jin army could defeat the Song army many times, but for them, the biggest problem was: how should they rule in the face of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people, in the face of millions of square kilometers of land?

The best choice is to quickly cultivate agents, which is what we often call "traitors", which should probably be called "Song traitors" at that time.

If the commander of the Jin Army had some brains, after breaking through the Bieliang, he should find a way to take advantage of the situation to sweep the entire north and south of the great river, and then unify the whole of China.

Therefore, after conquering the city of Bieliang, the commander of the Jin Army put forward a request outside the city, that is, peace talks. I hope that Bieliang City will quickly send representatives to Jinying for peace talks, and if it refuses to negotiate peace, what will be the consequences, I believe there is no need to say more!

After the Song court received this request, he naturally quickly sent representatives into the golden camp.

For Song Qinzong, he still had illusions at this time, although the Jin army had attacked the city of Bieliang, but the Great Song Empire was a region with a population of nearly 100 million and a territory area of several million square kilometers.

And the Jurchens? The population base is really too small, and there are actually not many true Jurchen soldiers, otherwise how can there be a saying that "Jurchens are dissatisfied with ten thousand"?

In this context, if Jin guo wants to obtain the greatest benefits in the whole country, it needs a reliable agent, and now, it depends on who Jin Guo chooses as an agent.

Song Qinzong believed that he could completely find a way to stabilize the Jin Army, even if it was to temporarily give them an agent, and there would be a chance to find the field back in the future.

Why did Song Qinzong have such illusions? Because at that time, there was a voice that hoped that the Jin Kingdom could maintain the rule of Emperor Zhao, and the representative figure was the commander of the Eastern Route Army, Yan Zongwang.

Yan Zongwang believed that a large amount of money should be extorted from the Song court, a large number of unequal treaties should be signed, and then the troops should be withdrawn. Because the army has already breached the city of Bieliang, when extorting money and signing unequal treaties, it is natural for the lion to open its mouth. When you are short of money in the future, play with them again, and repeatedly consume the Central Plains Dynasty to achieve the purpose of destroying the Great Song Dynasty.

The danger of this strategy is that such a repeated consumption of the Great Song may make the Great Song continue to become stronger, because this small intensity of the blow will sometimes play the role of destroying the opponent, and sometimes it seems to be vaccinating the opponent.

Because, under such a small-intensity blow, the opponent may plant the fire of "weak and small will be bullied" in the hearts of the Song people, forcing the Song court to achieve various military, political, and economic changes, and the army will begin to slowly become stronger.

It was for this reason that the commander of the Western Route Army, Yan Zonghan, opposed Yan Zongwang's opinion, and the big men of the Jin court seemed to be more willing to support Yan Zonghan, so the option of maintaining Zhao's rule was eventually ruled out.

Reading the "pseudo-Chu" of the Jin Army has a feeling: it is very difficult to resist gold, and it is also dangerous to reduce gold

Since you are not willing to continue to maintain the rule of the Zhao clan, what should you do? Yan Zonghan believes that it is still necessary to find an agent to support a pro-Jin puppet regime to facilitate control. Therefore, after the peace talks, Zhang Bangchang became the lucky one who was selected, and he established the Chu state, which was called pseudo-Chu in history.

However, after supporting Zhang Bangchang, Jin Guo discovered the complexity of the problem, and found a puppet regime that was not qualified or able to act as its own agent, because the vast area outside the city of Bieliang was full of guerrillas, which was a headache.

Jin Jun is indeed a powerful tiger, but when facing a flexible cat, the tiger's strong strength is often difficult to exert.

In this context, unless the main force of the Jin Army is willing to stay under the city of Bieliang for a long time, the city of Bieliang will be retaken by the guerrillas surrounding it at any time.

In this context, the Jin Army had to think about a new question, should it leave a large number of garrisons in Bieliang?

If there is no large garrison left, this newly established puppet regime, I am afraid, is a house on the beach, which will collapse at any time.

The question is, how useful is it to leave a large garrison? In this context, the Jin army left a large garrison in the city of Bieliang, is it not to gather the strength of the whole country to guard the isolated city of Bieliang?

This account was a loss no matter how it was calculated, so Jin Guo finally only decided to leave a force of about 10,000 people near the city of Bieliang, pretending not to see the guerrillas, and doing its best to defend the city.

After hearing this news, a group of pseudo-government officials led by Zhang Bangchang were frightened and surrounded Yan Zonghan all day to say: Although the Jin army was invincible and invincible. But the good men can't stand up to the crowd, so you will keep ten thousand people, and you won't throw us into the pit of fire?

The subtext of Zhang Bangchang and others is: I am now serving you Jin Guo, but you are so indifferent to my safety, and when you are gone, if the Song army comes back to retake the city of Bieliang, you don't blame me for turning to the Song court again.

Zhang Bangchang and others said this, they all understand Yan Zonghan, but the reality is: the population of jurchens is limited, and the female soldiers are even more limited. Now, although their opponent is a weak Song, the size of this weak Song is too large.

It was originally a very difficult question, but Zhang Bangchang and others jumped out to intentionally or unintentionally threaten, and Yan Zonghan and others were naturally not vegetarians: Do you still want to go back? It's so naïve, I'll help you submit a petition!

After the establishment of the Pseudo-Chu, Yan Zonghan and others urged one by one: give me more gold and silver, find me some flower girls, and finally bring me your two emperors, and we will take all these people and things with us.

In addition, there are quite a few guerrillas outside the city who want to rob our Jin army of the fruits of victory, and the army of your Chu state should immediately dispatch to clean up this gang of chaotic parties!

Think about it, when Zhang Bangchang and others helped the Jin army to collect gold, silver, and women, when Zhang Bangchang and others presented the Second Emperor Hui Qin, when Zhang Bangchang and others led an army to attack the rebels and officers outside the city, would he still have a chance to return to the Song court?

Reading the "pseudo-Chu" of the Jin Army has a feeling: it is very difficult to resist gold, and it is also dangerous to reduce gold

In the face of such a request, the first reaction of Zhang Bangchang and others must be to refuse, because once they have done this kind of thing, and then want to say that they are not Song traitors, others will not believe it.

However, when jin jun made a request, he would naturally make it clear to Zhang Bangchang and others in a "pleasant face": "If you are not willing to do it, we Jin jun will do it ourselves, but we are all people from the countryside, we do not know any rules, in case we do some vicious cases, it is really embarrassing." ”

In the face of this counter-threat, what should Zhang Bangchang and others do? Naturally, we can only find a way to comfort ourselves: let the golden people do it better than us do it ourselves, at least when we do it, we still know the weight, not too much.

How much truth is there in these words or these psychological activities? The answer is probably not optimistic. But in the environment at that time, not to mention Zhang Bangchang and others, even ordinary people could only deceive themselves.

The choice before the people is: you will either be looted by the Jin Army, or looted by Zhang Bangchang and others, there is no third way, choose one of the two and choose yourself!

At this time, the people naturally could only say with a bitter face: "Otherwise, please ask Lord Zhang to do it, but Lord Zhang, please remember that you are a Song dynasty before you do it!" ”

Zhang Bangchang and others were unwilling to do this kind of thing, not because they had a conscience, but purely because they were worried that in the future, the Jin Army would leave, and the Song Army would kill them again, and then settle the general account with them.

The people are willing to cooperate with Zhang Bangchang and others in a semi-coercive state, not because Zhang Bangchang and others have a conscience, but because there is a big tiger next to them, at this time, even if they are eaten by wolves, I am afraid that the degree of pain should be lighter, right?

Reading the "pseudo-Chu" of the Jin Army has a feeling: it is very difficult to resist gold, and it is also dangerous to reduce gold

Many historical commentators in later generations, when mentioning all kinds of negative characters, will always open god's perspective: "This person is not a good thing in the first place, and now that he has the opportunity to be a Song traitor, he must be very happy, where is the kind of fear you said?" ”

In fact, who would be happy to be a traitor? It is said that the anti-gold heroes are pinning their heads to the waistband of their pants to play for their lives, but song traitors are also like this.

The job of doing Song rape may be assassinated at any time, and may be liquidated in the future, and he will still die a very tragic death, and its danger is not lower than that of the anti-Jin hero.

Afterwards, when many Song traitors mentioned their experience, the most important thing they wanted to say was probably: "My family has been loyal for generations, and I can't imagine that the reputation was destroyed in my hands, if I hadn't been present, how good it would have been!" ”

Yes, if you were not present at the beginning, it would be really difficult to become a Song traitor, and you would not be scolded by the hundred worlds.

But everyone thinks about it in turn, if the Jin Kingdom really swept across the north and south of the river and established a new unified dynasty, would these people beat their chests and feet: "Oh, lord Jin Guo originally wanted to form a new government, how could he not find anyone, if I had been present, how good would it have been!" ”

A lot of times, it's a real thought.

Reading the "pseudo-Chu" of the Jin Army has a feeling: it is very difficult to resist gold, and it is also dangerous to reduce gold

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