
Non-whimsical: how to avoid a war to destroy humanity?

author:Old odds

Non-whimsical: how to avoid a war to destroy humanity?

Old odds/text

Observing today's human world, we are actually facing unprecedented dangers and challenges. In my opinion, the dangers and challenges come from two aspects: First, the new crown virus from the natural world, with strong transmission ability, is still causing great harm to human beings, and after more than two years of fighting between humans and the virus, human beings cannot say that they have defeated the new crown virus.

Non-whimsical: how to avoid a war to destroy humanity?

The second comes from human beings themselves, that is, the old world order is unwilling to withdraw from the stage of history, and the hegemonic countries still do not accept the changes of the new era. But, because objective laws are irresistible, hegemonism, which represents the old world order, is still struggling to the death, and this dying struggle is likely to lead humanity to devastating modern warfare.

So how can we avoid a devastating world war?

Carefully observe the real world, you will find that there is a way to avoid a devastating war in the world, this method is: the newly rising eastern powers strengthen the construction of the army, so that it reaches the level of military strength that comprehensively surpasses the hegemonic countries in the old world, so as to effectively curb the occurrence of world wars and ensure human peace.

Non-whimsical: how to avoid a war to destroy humanity?

According to the hegemonic state's only belief in and superstitious belief in strength, this method is undoubtedly realistically feasible. Because the great powers of the East pursue a basic national policy of not seeking hegemony, while their 1.4 billion people are industrious, courageous and kind, the world has hope for a better future. Therefore, as long as the great powers in the East have comprehensive national strength and strong military strength that surpass the hegemonic countries, and have the strong will and determination to defeat the hegemonic countries, the hegemonic countries will have to give up their struggles and resistance. For there are only two paths before them: either to resist, but eventually to be destroyed, or to give up the struggle to accept change and to enter a new world of mutual equality. In this way, the haze of war can dissipate and mankind can have a better future!

In my opinion, the great powers of the East are fully capable of comprehensively surpassing hegemonic powers. Because of more than two hundred years of suffering, they know that the fate of mankind is closely related, and only by working together in the same boat can they live in harmony. At the same time, the concept of great unity and the collective nature of the behavior of the eastern powers and the spirit of unity and cooperation are the powerful magic weapons for mankind to overcome all difficulties and dangers on the road ahead.

Non-whimsical: how to avoid a war to destroy humanity?

The rising and sunset of the world, the growth and decline of all things on the earth, and the innovation and transformation of human society are all caused by the natural laws of metabolism, and any artificial obstruction and resistance is not only ineffective, but also inevitably ends in failure. Of course, if the hegemonic countries have to go to the end of the world, they are also to blame themselves, and they cannot blame others. The general trend of the world is like the flow of water in the East China Sea, and the vastness will never turn back. Only by following the natural trajectory can human beings avoid risks and sustain the future!

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