
Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-2-7

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-2-7

【Today's Cover】

On February 6, in the men's steeplechase qualification event for the snowboarding event of the Beijing Winter Olympics, China's Su Yiming played well and successfully advanced to the final. Photo by China News Service reporter Tomita

Message stations

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-2-7

On February 4, on the platform of Qujing Railway Station in Yunnan Province, staff checked passenger ticket information. Courtesy of China Railway Kunming Bureau Group Co., Ltd., Xinhua News Agency

● According to the Ministry of Transport, during the 7 days of the Spring Festival holiday, it is expected that the national railway, highway, waterway and civil aviation will send 130 million passengers, an increase of 31.7% over the same period in 2021 and a decrease of 69.2% over the same period in 2019. Among them, it is estimated that railways will send 30.297 million passengers, highways will send 91.270 million passengers, waterways will send 3.046 million passengers, and civil aviation will send 5.009 million passengers. (Source: CCTV News Client)

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-2-7

Science and Technology Daily reporter He Liang photographed

● The Beijing Winter Olympics mascot "Ice Pier" recently triggered a wave of purchases, resulting in "a pier is difficult to find". On February 6, Zhao Weidong, spokesman for the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, said that due to the Spring Festival holiday, some factory workers went home for vacation, and in the face of the public's sudden outbreak of heat on the "ice pier", the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee is coordinating relevant aspects to increase the supply of ice piers. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)

Pure technology

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-2-7

Image source: Visual China

● How to repair tooth enamel has always been a problem in the field of bionics. Recently, the artificial tooth enamel research led by mainland scholars has made a new breakthrough, and composite materials with similar structure and performance to natural tooth enamel are expected to become a new generation of dental restoration materials. In this study, a multi-scale enamel-like composite synthesis route based on "macro synthesis and controllable assembly of nanostructured units" was designed, and the controllable preparation of tooth enamel composites with similar enamel structure was realized. (Source: XinhuaNet)

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-2-7

Image source: Hefei Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

●Recently, the research team of the Institute of Solid State Physics of hefei Research Institute of chinese Academy of Sciences broke through the traditional idea of "solid-solid" phase change refrigeration material research, put forward the innovative idea of "achieving refrigeration effect by hydrostatic pressure drive liquid-solid phase change", obtained the room temperature ponsacard effect in the normal alkane system, and opened up a new path for the development of green and environmentally friendly new refrigeration technology. The research results were recently published in the journal Nature Communications. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)

New discoveries

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-2-7

● A study published in the British journal Nature Communications shows that mosquitoes prefer specific colors such as red, orange, and black, but tend to ignore colors such as green, blue, and purple. The researchers believe this could help explain how mosquitoes find their bites. (Source: XinhuaNet)

Look at the world

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-2-7

The British Museum is planning to carry out a major renovation, and its chairman of the board of directors, former Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, hopes to raise £1 billion (about 8.6 billion yuan) over the next 10 years. The Financial Times reported on February 5, citing sources, that the renovation project included replacing the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems in the museum building and renovating public galleries. Funding for the renovation is expected to come from government grants and private donations. (Source: CCTV News Client)

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-2-7

Image source: Physicists Organization Network

● According to the Physicists Organization Network reported on the 5th, an international research team has confirmed that a "microlensing" event they witnessed in 2011 was caused by a lonely black hole roaming freely in interstellar space, which is the first time scientists have ever observed such a black hole. Moreover, for the first time, scientists have measured the mass of the black hole to be about 7 times the mass of the sun, and the speed of travel is about 45 km/s. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)


Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-2-7

● On the evening of February 6, in the final of the 2022 Women's Asian Cup, the Chinese women's football team achieved a big reversal, falling behind 0-2, first scoring two goals in the second half for 4 minutes to equalize, scoring another goal in the 93rd minute to kill the opponent, and finally defeating the South Korean team 3-2, winning the Asian Cup championship and returning to the top of Asian football. (Source: Beijing Daily)

Editor: Zhang Shuang

Review: Yue Liang

Final Judgement: Wang Yu

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