
Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-3-24

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-3-24

【Today's Cover】

In mid-March, the temperature rises and Shennongjia photographs rare birds. Xinhua News Agency Yang Kaihua photo

Message stations

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-3-24

Source: Xinhua News Agency Weibo

● On the 23rd, "space teachers" Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu attended another wonderful space science lesson, and the second space teaching activity of the Chinese space station was a complete success. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-3-24

●On the 22nd, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued a notice on the public solicitation of opinions on the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Human Genetic Resources (Draft for Solicitation of Comments) (hereinafter referred to as the "Detailed Implementing Rules"). The Detailed Implementing Rules propose to stipulate that the mainland's human genetic resources shall not be provided to foreign countries. (Source: Ministry of Science and Technology website)

New discoveries

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-3-24

● Australia's Berghofer Institute of Medicine recently issued a research bulletin saying that melanoma has the same genetic loci as some autoimmune diseases. This finding not only helps to screen for these two types of diseases, but also provides new ideas for the development of therapeutic drugs. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-3-24

The picture shows Hainan Datou tea raw charcoal horn fungus. Courtesy of the Institute of Thermal Sciences

●Recently, Dr. Ma Haixia, Institute of Tropical Biotechnology of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences, led the team to discover 8 new species of large fungi in Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, named Hainan Charcoal Group Bacteria, Wuzhishan Charcoal Group Bacteria, Jianfengling Carbon Group Bacteria, Cocoon Charcoal Group Bacteria, Qinggang Carbon Group Bacteria, Snow Pandan Leaf Charcoal Horn Bacteria, Hainan Mountain Pepper Leaf Carbonobic Horn Bacteria and Hainan Datou Tea Carbonaceae Bacteria. (Source: China News Network)

Pure technology

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-3-24

A crystal that stores optical qubits. Source: Physicists Organization Network

● According to the Physicists Organization Network reported on the 22nd, researchers at the University of Geneva in Switzerland stored a qubit in a crystal with a duration of up to 20 milliseconds, setting a new world record and laying an important foundation for the development of long-distance quantum communication networks. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-3-24

●On the 22nd, the Chinese research team found that under chronic stress stress, the cluster firing of ventral medial nuclear neurons in the hypothalamus of the brain was involved in the regulation of anxiety and energy metabolism. The research results not only deeply analyze the neural mechanisms of anxiety and metabolic abnormalities caused by stress stress, but also provide new intervention strategies for the intervention of anxiety stress and other related diseases. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)


Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-3-24

● The British "Nature" magazine published an astronomical paper on the 23rd pointed out that the Milky Way may have gone through different stages of evolution, starting from the formation of disk stars about 13 billion years ago. This result, which comes from an accurate calculation of the ages of nearly 250,000 stars, has propelled our understanding of the history of the formation of the Milky Way, especially in the early stages of the formation of the Milky Way. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)

Science and technology morning news is coming丨2022-3-24

Image source: The website of the British magazine New Scientist

● According to the British "New Scientist" magazine website reported on the 22nd, American scientists submitted a paper at the 2022 spring meeting of the American Chemical Society that they cultivated a transgenic lettuce that can produce bone hormones to promote bone growth, and if astronauts cultivate and eat this lettuce in space, it will be of great benefit to them to maintain health during long-term missions. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)

Editor: Li Xiaohang (intern) Wang Yu

Review: Wang Xiaolong

Final Judge: He Yi

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