
Dong Guohong's column | go to the gate

Dong Guohong's column | go to the gate

Wen | Dong Guohong Editor| Swallow Photo | Network

Go to the gate

Go out after the New Year

Standing again at the mouth of the small village

Take a look at the smell of cooking smoke that surrounds the village

Grab a handful of loess and stick it to our hearts

Go to the gate and go to the door

How much reluctance to stay in the heart

The hope of the child is the expectation of the parents

Heavy responsibility lies on the shoulders

The wind blows the willows by the river

People who leave home walk away

It's hard to give up the familiar pair of old hands

How much I told myself to put it in my child's pocket

The wanderer looked back three times in one step

Wait until the dream RuiXue flies

The child returned to his hometown to have a good harvest


Dong Guohong's column | go to the gate
Dong Guohong's column | go to the gate

About the author: Dong Guohong, male, pen name Hongxue Fei. There are occasional works that are reported in the press.

One Point Heart Dream Literature

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