
Classics are a piece of humanized matte paper

Classics are a piece of humanized matte paper

"Ideological Sketches" by Li Xuetao published by Guangxi Normal University Press

■ Zou Zhaotao

The world is changing rapidly, the word "fast" is the first, and the people of the world who are racing against the clock to "hurry" seem to have no time to review the classics. The classics that have become "classics" because of their integrity seem to be difficult to navigate for the world who are "rushing", after all, time has changed, and things have changed for stars. So why do we still stubbornly preserve the classics and read them tirelessly? Recently, after studying Professor Li Xuetao's new book "Thought Sketches", Mao Sai suddenly opened: In fact, in terms of spiritual desire, we are getting closer and closer to the classics. Classics are like a piece of scrub paper that polishes the reader's humanity. Who can say that the renewal of personality does not start from the meticulous removal of stains? Between the classics and the details of human nature, the "sand grain" that refracts the light in "Thought Sketches" and the wisdom of the three words of "quiet", "pure" and "exhausted" contained in it are worth reading and thinking about.

A "quiet" word, how bland, how rare. Li Xuetao encouraged his book friends to find their leisure, which in no way meant that he promoted negativity. "Thought Sketches" clearly explains: "The so-called 'idle' is not external, but more of an inner idyllic life. The inner tranquility of the human heart, first of all, is not to fall into the trap of "often being dissatisfied and calculating in every way.". In this regard, Li Xuetao pulled out a classic in the Ming Dynasty's "Cai Gen Tan": "Sleep eight feet at night, two liters a day, why bother?" This sentence from 500 years ago was concise and concise, and people still feel bad about it today. Since our material needs are destined to be "endless", why did the ancients more than 500 years ago and we more than 500 years later waste the soul of "endless" in a surprisingly similar way? Mechanized, materialized, it is time for us to "loosen" ourselves.

Classics are also polishing the "purity" of our lives, which is a clean and refreshing attitude to life and a clear and clear interpersonal relationship. "Be a clean person" is the main line that runs through "Thought Sketches". A "clean person" must first let go of the burden of intellectual overload and narrow-mindedness. Li Xuetao quoted the Indian thinker Krishnamurti as saying: "You have to rely on yourself to discover new things, so when you first start on the road, you must let go of all the burdens, especially knowledge." Readers are advised not to be besieged by a network of knowledge that knows a thing or two, but to seek the unknown with a clean "blankness", only in this way can they transform their knowledge into wisdom and build a bridge between the mind and true knowledge instead of building a wall.

And "exhaustion" is the classic fine polishing of the fundamentals of our human nature. The so-called "exhaustion" refers to the heart, the second must be as detailed as possible, and the third must be "stopped at the end". It is not difficult to understand that it is responsible for things, not scrupulous, not perfunctory. In detail, details are difficult to directly determine success or failure, but success or failure is destined to start with inconspicuous details. Li Xuetao presents the classic Latin aphorism: "If you ignore one syllable, you ignore the meaning of the whole text." In this way, readers are advised that "no matter what era, 'perusal' is the key to reading." Looking at "ending in the end", in the book, Li Xuetao recounts the miracle of his son's undergraduate classmates who did not stop "pre-learning" Italian after learning that they would enter the Italian major. Can such an advanced and overloaded learning in the inner volume really help children realize the value of life? Li Xuetao quoted the aphorism of "hunger to eat, sleep to sleep" in the "Jingde Chuan Lantern Record" to guide those who are bored to clear their minds and "live in the present".

Classic is a piece of sandpaper that ponders human nature, but whether this sandpaper polishes human nature or grinds life into a blur of flesh and blood depends entirely on us holding the classics. The ancients said, "Books are medicines, and good reading can cure stupidity." The book "stimulates the reader's enthusiasm for thinking for himself", thinks about the ins and outs of the wisdom of the three words of "quiet", "pure" and "exhausted" in life, thinks about how to see through and straighten out the "heart of the person who needs to be constantly restrained", and thinks about how to help "quiet the scattered and rushing thoughts" in a fast-paced era.

Source: Wen Wei Po

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