
Supplementing with DHA can make children's brain development win at the starting line! Supplementation is better from the beginning of pregnancy!

One DHA per day, what you invest, what kind of return you have!

Babies who eat DHA have an IQ 7%-10% higher than their peers!

Bright eyes, flexible turning movements,

6 months to grasp quickly, preschool can know 400-600 words.

Development is not reversible,

Don't miss out on today and let your child win at the starting line!

Supplement with DHA, starting from pregnancy!

Because the most critical stages of brain development are:

3 months pregnant - 6 years old!

You know, this stage is the peak of brain development!

DHA is an indispensable nutrient for the baby's brain development, and this view has been well known to most mothers. So what exactly is expensive DHA? What role does it play? Let's re-succinctly sort it out.

DHA scientific name: docosahexaenoic acid, common name: brain gold

DHA: A type of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid that makes up 10% of brain lipids in mature mammals. 20% of the lipids in our human cerebral cortex and 50% of the retina are made up of DHA. Together with proteins, sugars, and other lipids, it makes up our central nervous system and is an extremely important brain nutrient.

Supplementing with DHA can make children's brain development win at the starting line! Supplementation is better from the beginning of pregnancy!

Efficacy and Effects of DHA:

We often hear that infant formula contains DHA, which plays a key role in the brain development of infants and young children.

1, promote brain development: DHA is known as "brain gold", the formation and development of brain cells and the efficient connection between neural networks, are inseparable from DHA.

2. Promote the maturity of retinal light-sensitive cells: DHA plays an important role in the maturation of retinal light-sensitive cells. Pregnant women can increase the maturity of nerve cells by ingesting DHA during pregnancy and then transporting it to the fetal brain and retina.

3. Reduce postpartum depression: Investigation and research have found that women who take capsules of omega-3 fatty acid dha during pregnancy have less anxiety and loss of self-worth and other problems after childbirth.

Hazards of lack of DHA in infants and young children:

1. DHA is an important nutrient component in the development of infants and young children's nerve cells, which has a lot to do with the sensitivity of their response during growth.

2. The lack of DHA will lead to a decline in the learning ability of children (especially infants and young children), and the probability of neurological diseases is also high.

3. The development process of brain and retina in infants and young children is delayed or blocked, resulting in mental retardation and visual impairment.

4. Severe lack of DHA in infants and young children will cause irreversible and serious harm to the rapidly developing central nervous system.

5. Infants and young children who lack DHA are weak, have poor language ability and slow speaking time

6. The lack of DHA and ARA may have a serious adverse effect on the development of human tissues and organs, especially the development of the brain and nervous system.

7. The content of DHA in optic nerve cells and retinal tissue is as high as 40-47, which is an indispensable fatty acid for the development of the visual system in infants, young children and children; Infants supplemented with DHA were visibly more visually sensitive after 52 weeks than other healthy infants who had not eaten DHA.

8. DHA can accelerate bone growth and prevent osteoporosis. DHA can reduce the incidence of postpartum neurasthenia and postpartum depression in women.

9. International nutrition organizations recommend that during pregnancy, the daily intake of DHA should be increased by 300 mg to meet the needs of fetal brain and visual neurodevelopment for DHA.

10. DHA is an important nutrient component in the development of infants and young children's nerve cells, which has a lot to do with the sensitivity of their response during growth.

Supplementing with DHA can make children's brain development win at the starting line! Supplementation is better from the beginning of pregnancy!

Hazards of lack of DHA in pregnant women:

1. Fetal brain cell growth and retinal development are abnormal, resulting in slow response, resulting in mental retardation, amblyopia and blindness.

2. The fetus cannot normally carry out the metabolism controlled by its own central system, which may cause malformations, fetal stillbirth, resulting in premature birth, miscarriage, etc.

3. Studies have shown that the weight at birth is too low, and the proportion of heart disease, hypertension and diabetes in the middle of the year is high.

4. If women lack DHA during pregnancy, it will affect the normal development of the fetal brain and nervous system. Nursing mothers who supplemented with DHA had significantly higher visual and language development indices than other children.

Supplementing with DHA can make children's brain development win at the starting line! Supplementation is better from the beginning of pregnancy!

When is it best for pregnant women and infants to supplement DHA?

Although DHA is good, it is necessary to choose the right time to supplement, so as to achieve the effect of doubling the results with half the effort.

Pregnant mother

The best time for pregnant mothers to take DHA is after 20 weeks of pregnancy, because this stage is the fastest period of division and maturation of neurons in the central neurons of the fetal brain, and the appropriate amount of supplementation of DHA at this time can help the brain development of the fetus and make the baby smarter.


6 months to 2 years old is the most rapid growth and development of the baby, DHA can produce a large number of vital hormones that promote brain development to meet the baby's development needs. In addition, the baby's intake of the right amount of DHA can promote better hand-eye coordination, and this effect is most obvious at the age of 2.

Supplementing with DHA can make children's brain development win at the starting line! Supplementation is better from the beginning of pregnancy!

(Source: Maternal and Infant Vision)

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