
Although you are really beautiful, I already have Kaoru, and I will not be tempted by you!

In the depths of the Demon Beast Mountains, a heroic woman appeared in front of the Amethyst Wing Lion King, this woman was very domineering, opening her mouth to ask for the Amethyst Wing Lion King's Amethyst, to know that the Amethyst Wing Lion King is the overlord of this mountain range, it will not easily agree to the requirements of humans, the two sides are sword-fighting, a big war is inevitable!

Although you are really beautiful, I already have Kaoru, and I will not be tempted by you!

1. A woman who was seriously injured

Xiao Yan was wandering in the Demon Beast Mountains, he had also found a human woman fighting with the Amethyst Wing Lion King before, but that level of fighting, a casual aftershock could make Xiao Yan disappear, so Xiao Yan had already slipped away.

However, coincidentally, Xiao Yan followed Xiao Hong's footsteps, found a person in a place full of purple crystals, walked in to see Xiao Yan and found that this person was the woman who had just fought with the Amethyst Wing Lion King!

Although you are really beautiful, I already have Kaoru, and I will not be tempted by you!

Second, I already have Kaoru

This woman hit the amethyst seal of the Amethyst Wing Lion King, the breath of this seal will attract the surrounding demons, in order to protect the safety of this woman, Xiao Yan took this woman to the cave, Xiao Yan looked at the woman's appearance in a daze, but soon woke up, Xiao Yan said that he already had Kaoruer, and would not be tempted!

Although you are really beautiful, I already have Kaoru, and I will not be tempted by you!

Third, the human feelings of the Emperor Dou

Although it is safe for the time being, if you do not break the amethyst seal of this woman, sooner or later you will be found by the Amethyst Wing Lion King, with Xiao Yan's current strength, I am afraid that even a sneeze of the Amethyst Wing Lion King can not hold it, so the most important thing at the moment is to lift the amethyst seal, and Xiao Yan's luck is very good, and he easily found the medicinal materials that can lift the amethyst seal.

Although you are really beautiful, I already have Kaoru, and I will not be tempted by you!

Fourth, the mercenary who is lost in the red dust

Finally, with the help of the medicine man, Xiao Yan successfully concocted the antidote, which was Xiao Yan's first great success in refining the medicine, and the woman asked Xiao Yan who was after waking up, at this time Xiao Yan said handsomely:

"I'm just a mercenary lost in the red dust..."

Although you are really beautiful, I already have Kaoru, and I will not be tempted by you!

Do you know the name of the woman who fought the Amethyst Wing Lion King?

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Although you are really beautiful, I already have Kaoru, and I will not be tempted by you!

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