
Fighting to break the sky: After Xiao Yan broke through the Dou Emperor, why did he return to the Garma Empire for retirement?

Fighting to break the sky: After Xiao Yan broke through the Dou Emperor, why did he return to the Garma Empire for retirement?

After Xiao Yan broke through the Doudi Realm, his strength reached the top of the Douqi Continent, at this time, Xiao Yan's voice in the Douqi Continent was not low, plus he had just defeated the Soul Heavenly Emperor, Xiao Yan could completely unify the entire Douqi Continent, but Xiao Yan did not do this, but returned to the Garma Empire for the elderly, accompanied by Xuan'er, colorful scales to play in the mountains, leisure moments, to meet old friends, quite comfortable.

Fighting to break the sky: After Xiao Yan broke through the Dou Emperor, why did he return to the Garma Empire for retirement?

Many people do not understand, since Xiao Yan has already achieved the Dou Emperor, why should he return to the Garma Empire for the elderly?

First, there is no hegemonic heart

Fighting to break the sky: After Xiao Yan broke through the Dou Emperor, why did he return to the Garma Empire for retirement?

Throughout Xiao Yan's life, it is not difficult for us to find that Xiao Yan has no desire for power, he constantly improves his strength just to protect his family, and the three-year contract made by Nalan Yanran is only to maintain the dignity of the family. After defeating Nalan Yanran, Xiao Yan was killed by the Yunlan Sect, and with the help of Hai Bodong, he escaped from the Garma Empire and broke through the Black Horn Domain, Xiao Yan was eager to increase his strength and wanted to overthrow the Yunlan Sect.

The main reason was not revenge, but Yun Shan's action against the rest of the Xiao family, if it were not for Xiao Li's good luck, it would be impossible to escape to the Black Horn Domain.

After the matter of the Garma Empire was handled, Xiao Yan had friction with the Soul Hall, the Soul Hall kidnapped Xiao Zhan, and the medicine man touched Xiao Yan's reverse scales, and Xiao Yan's increase in strength was simply to protect the safety of his family.

Second, avoid suspicion

Fighting to break the sky: After Xiao Yan broke through the Dou Emperor, why did he return to the Garma Empire for retirement?

After Xiao Yan broke through the Dou Emperor, the entire Douqi Continent was Xiao Yan's strongest strength, at this time people were panicked, Xuan Er and Xiao Yan were engaged, but Gu Yuan was still afraid of Xiao Yan's action against the Gu Clan, not that Gu Yuan was narrow-minded, this was just the common sentiment of people. In the same way, the Yan Clan and the Lei Clan were impetuous and feared that Xiao Yan would become the second Soul Heavenly Emperor.

Xiao Yan left Zhongzhou to return to the Garma Empire, explaining on the side that he did not have the heart to dominate, reforging the glory of the Xiao clan, just to fulfill the ancestor's last wish, after Xiao Yan left Zhongzhou, Gu Yuan, Yan Ember, Lei Ying and other masters could be at ease.

Third, commitment

Xiao Yan's red face confidants are indeed many, xiao yixian, Yun Yun, Yafei and many other beautiful women are all people of the Garma Empire, and Xiao Yan returned to the Garma Empire to fulfill the promise of the day.

Fighting to break the sky: After Xiao Yan broke through the Dou Emperor, why did he return to the Garma Empire for retirement?

After the creation of the Yan Alliance, Xiao Yan and Ya Fei never met again, Hua Zong's trip, Xiao Yan and Yun Yun also agreed to return to the Garma Empire Demon Beast Mountain Range, after the defeat of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, the little doctor immortal returned to qingshan town one step ahead of the hermitage, Xiao Yan knew that he had failed too much, and he also wanted to withdraw to accompany them.

At the end of the novel, Yun Yun received a letter from Xiao Yan, and this is enough to explain everything.

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