
How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

Some netizens once asked a small story, "The seat is half-ou light and green, and the opening of several pieces of light yellow", who are these two poems from, and how should this poem be interpreted?

At the beginning, these two poems were written by the poet Zheng Gu. Zheng Gu, a famous poet of the late Tang Dynasty, the character Shouyu, a native of Yuanzhou District, Yichun City, Jiangxi, was a jinshi of the Tang Dynasty, and a guandu official Langzhong, known as Zheng Duguan. Zheng Gu wrote poems praising partridges, and the poet thus received the nickname "Zheng Partridge".

How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

Zheng Gu's "Partridge" poem, popular among the population, was all the rage, and the original poem is as follows:

The warm play smoke and smoke are all in line, and the product flow deserves to be close to the pheasant.

The rain passed by the grass lake, and the flowers fell in the Huangling Temple.

The wanderer smells that the sleeves are wet, and the beautiful people sing with low eyebrows.

Corresponding to each other, the Xiang River is wide, and the bitter bamboo bushes are deep in the sun to the west.

Zheng Gu's partridge is very expressive, and reading his partridge poems can often bring people into the poetic mood created by the poet. Zheng Gu's poetry is longer than writing scenes and chants, showing the leisure and leisure of the scholar literati, and his poetic style is fresh and natural, easy to understand.

How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

Zheng Gu composed no less than a thousand poems in his lifetime. Because he lived in Yuntai Daoshe in his early years, his descendants named his poetry collection "Yuntai Compilation", and the Quan Tang Poetry included more than 300 poems by Zheng Gu.

"Tasting Tea in the Gorge" is a poem about tea written by Zheng Gu, the poem recounts his specific experience of tasting tea, this poem can also be said to be a Tang tea poem about the tea ceremony. The original poem is as follows:

The new ying picked the dew and tasted it on fire in the small river garden.

Wu Monk Man said that the Crow Mountain is good, and shu Shu Shu Hu praises the birds and incense.

The seat is light and green, and the opening is light and yellow.

The sick people of Lumen do not return, and the thirst for wine is more aware of the long taste of spring.

How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

The opening two sentences say that the fresh buds are picked at the morning dew, and then made into the famous tea of "Xiaojiang garden", and then with an excited mood, "and try new tea with new fire".

Here to popularize a little common sense, the Tang Dynasty people's tea drinking habits and the current method of directly brewing with boiling water is not the same. When people in the Tang Dynasty drank tea, they paid great attention to the brewing process, first crushing the tea cake into powder, and then brewing it with boiling water.

How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

Bai Juyi, a great poet of the Middle Tang Dynasty, vividly described the brewing process in the poem "You Bao Zhi Temple": "The wine is tender and pours gold liquid, and the tea is newly milled with jade dust", which refers to the process of crushing the tea leaves and then brewing. Bai Juyi's poem can be used as a commentary on Zheng Gu's poem "Fire in the Small River Garden".

The last few verses of the poem are to the effect that the monks of Wudi boast that Yashan tea is good, and the people in the Sichuan and Shu areas should not boast about bird's mouth tea. But since the poet has tasted the famous tea of "Xiaojiang garden", he feels that his taste is very good, and it can be compared with yashan tea and bird's mouth tea. The poet drank the "Xiaojiangyuan" tea and did not want to leave, especially after drinking tea, he felt that it was delicious and fragrant.

How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

In this poem, the names of three teas appear: Xiaojiangyuan, Yashan, and Bird.

Xiaojiangyuan, a famous tea produced in Xiazhou in the Tang Dynasty, is recorded in the "Tea Recipe" of Mao Wenxi, a five-generation literati: "Xiaojiangyuan in Xiazhou ... All are the best of tea. ”

Crow Mountain was originally the name of a mountain, associating Crow Mountain with tea, and was first seen in two poems by Mei Yaochen. The famous tea of Yashan mountain was recorded in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. Yashan is also written as "Yashan" and "Yashan". According to the "Tea Recipe" of Mao Wenxi, a scholar of the Shu Kingdom in the Fifth Dynasty, "There is Yashan Mountain in Xuancheng County, and small square cakes are spread across the tea buds to fill the noodles. Its Shandong is candlesticked by Asahi, known as Yangpo, its tea is the most victorious, Taishou taste recommended to the Jingluo people, the inscription 'Yashan Yangpo' and 'horizontal striped tea'. ”

Bird's beak tea is a famous tea of the Tang Dynasty produced in Sichuan. The "Tea Recipe" says: "Shuzhou Jinyuan, Dongkou, Weijiang, Qingcheng." Its transverse source is made of finch tongue, bird's beak, wheat grain, and cover, and its buds are also similar. ”

How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

Zheng Gu's "Taste Tea in the Gorge" also has two famous sentences that describe the color of tea: "The seat is half-ou light and green, and the opening of several pieces is light and yellow." "Light green, is to describe the tea soup is light green; light yellow, is to describe the shape of the tea cake is light yellow."

In the aesthetic creation of Tang tea poetry, the beauty of tea is not illusory, and people find beauty and feel beauty through the understanding of the intuitive external state of tea, such as color, fragrance, taste, and shape. Because of the colorful color, quiet aroma, and colorful shape, the beauty of tea becomes concrete and vivid, appropriate and touching, and then through taste, the tea and emotions are combined to expand the wings of imagination.

How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

For example, the Tang Dynasty poet Li Deyu described the tea fragrance in the sentence "Pine flowers fluttering and pan, lan qi into Ou light", "light" characters vividly express the process of tea aroma as elegant as orchids gradually emitted with the cooking of tea; and then for Example, Li Qunyu wrote the famous sentence of tea "Bi xiang is pressed and stacked, Ji Fang Mo Nengjia", and the poet uses the word "Bi" to describe cake tea.

The poet Zheng Gu's famous sentence "Hezuo Ban'ou is light and green, and several pieces of light yellow are opened", which depicts the fragrance of tea leaves with very colorful and infectious words, and the fragrance of tea leaves seems to come to the face and refresh people's hearts. Although it has gone through thousands of years, it still allows readers to perceive the author's invigorating feelings when appreciating the shape of tea, and easily grasp the beauty of cake tea.

The poet's understanding of tea has undergone an abstract aesthetic process from the aesthetic of the intuitive external state to the spiritualization of the personality, and finally nurtured it into an elegant, untainted aesthetic image.

How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

In the "Tea Classic" of the Tea Saint Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty, there is a record of tea leaves "originating from the Shennong clan and smelling from the Lu Zhou Gong", and since the Han Dynasty, there have been records of tea plant cultivation in the literature. On the basis of the research on tea by his predecessors, Lu Yu summarized a set of tea cooking techniques, tea drinking customs and tea tasting methods.

The advent of the "Tea Classic" also greatly stimulated the creative enthusiasm of the literati, and poets began to write a large number of tea poems, and Zheng Gu was undoubtedly one of the many tea poets.

Tea is drunk by poets, and masterpieces of tea poetry are produced one after another. The tea texts, tea poems, tea words, tea songs and other chapters representing tea culture handed down from the Tang Dynasty have greatly exceeded the previous ones. Poetry has tea is fresher, tea has poetry more elegant, the two complement each other, tea and poetry have a preliminary combination, and Chinese tea culture has also begun.

How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

In fact, in Zheng Gu's poems, we can also see the philosophy of life he realized in drinking tea. The "Lumen Mountain" mentioned by Zheng Gu in the last two sentences of the poem, the Tang poet Pi Rixiu lived in seclusion in Lumen Mountain in his early years and called himself "Lumenzi", and the poem does not refer to the poet Pi Rixiu, but to the poet's self-designation.

Obviously, Zheng Gu borrowed his predecessors to express his leisure. And through tea poetry to express the hidden feelings, in the tea poetry writing experience to get their own temporary rest and satisfaction. In literary and artistic creation, it is customary to attach the moral standards of human society to the things they chant.

How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

Just like the Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum, tea is also endowed with a unique humanistic color and cultural character because of their chanting. Tea born in the deep mountains and valleys is usually considered to have a quiet, distant, cold and flowing character, and the philosophy of life of "tea Zen taste" makes tea regarded as an elegant and unworldly thing.

Just as an advertising slogan says: in 1267 AD, steamed green tea crossed to Japan; in the fifteenth year of Zhenguan, black tea was transmitted to the western region through the tea horse ancient road; in the seventeenth century, China's oolong was popular in Britain; traditional Chinese tea, magical oriental leaves.

Tea, this magical leaf from China, like its water vapor, has long been soaked into the hearts of every Chinese, becoming a unique and charming cultural symbol.

How did the Tang Dynasty people drink tea? Zheng Gu: The seat is half-ou lightly green, and several pieces of the opening are light and yellow

The literati of the Tang Dynasty were famous for their tea lovers, whether in the dynasty or in the opposition, whether they were in the opposition, whether they were ambitious or frustrated, they all had an indissoluble relationship with tea. With their unique high-level cultural attainments, poets have a profound influence on the dissemination and promotion of Tang tea poetry. It can be said that Zheng Gu's tea poem is very representative.

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