
In 2007, Fan Xiaoxuan, who was still a well-behaved woman, met Allen, who was tattooed all over her body and had a beard, and fell in love and could not extricate herself. Fan Xiaoxuan and her boyfriend Allen made a decision

author:Xiahou Xuanxuan

In 2007, Fan Xiaoxuan, who was still a well-behaved woman, met Allen, who was tattooed all over her body and had a beard, and fell in love and could not extricate herself. Fan Xiaoxuan and her boyfriend Allen unanimously decided not to get married, not to have children, only to fall in love. After living together for 8 years, Fan Xiaoxuan cut off Zi Gong for love.

She said: "I think this organ is dispensable. ”

In 1977, Fan Xiaoxuan was born in Taiwan, that year, her mother was only 17 years old, two years later, her parents broke up, she lived with her mother, because she was a girl, her father did not want her.

Her mother let Fan Xiaoxuan learn piano when she was three years old, learned flute at the age of 7, and at the age of 13, the versatile Fan Xiaoxuan composed the song "Talk to Yourself".

At the age of 18, she released her debut album "Rain", and Fan Xiaoxuan became famous overnight.

In 1998, at the age of 21, Fan Xiaoxuan appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and sang a "Health Song" with Xiaodong, which became one of the enlightenment songs for many parents to listen to their children.

"Three circles on the left, three circles on the right, and the neck twists..." (I can't help but sing it) It is precisely because of this song that Fan Xiaoxuan has exploded on both sides of the strait. For example, "I Love Bathing" and "Brushing Teeth Song" have been in the children's song library until now.

It's just that later Fan Xiaoxuan reached the age of rebellion, and she felt that she should not live under the packaging, so she decided to be her true self.

In order to show her personality, Fan Xiaoxuan began to get tattoos, destroying the image of the well-behaved girl she had once created.

Everyone was stunned, the fans were very disgusted, for a while there were countless powders, the company also terminated the contract with her, and the career suddenly slipped to the bottom.

Questioning her voices grew louder and louder, Fan Xiaoxuan once suffered from depression and even thought of suicide.

Because of the lack of father's love since childhood, Fan Xiaoxuan's concept of love is also particularly different from others.

For a while, her relationship with Zhou Xun made the outside world talk about it, and the two were introduced by Zhou Xun's ex-boyfriend Li Daqi and cooperated in the movie "Dragon Gate Flying Armor".

Zhou Xun said: "I like her very much, and I also appreciate her. ”

Later, casually Zhou Xun's marriage, this relationship scratched the end.

In 1998, when Fan Xiaoxuan performed in Vancouver, she met The Hong Kong male singer Zhou Junwei, and the two had an open love affair, and was once praised by the outside world as "talented with talented women".

Once Xiao S said: "Fan Xiaoxuan sleeps in winter and is afraid of the cold, Zhou Junwei takes a hair dryer to blow the quilt to heat, and then let Fan Xiaoxuan go to bed." He also bluntly said, "Zhou Junwei is very much like her servant." ”

But after Fan Xiaoxuan recovered from depression, she chose to break up with Zhou Junwei because the other party was too good to her, and she felt that it was a burden.

After that, Fan Xiaoxuan and guitarist Allen fell in love. Allen is a guitarist, and it is precisely because Fan Xiaoxuan appreciates his musical style that the two come together smoothly. But the boyfriend who made her love to death and live was not favored by the people around her.

Allen's personality is very eccentric, with two arms full of tattoos, and a full face of beard, which looks scruffy at first glance, like a tramp!

Moreover, Allen has no fame or money, and everyone thinks that he is not worthy of Fan Xiaoxuan at all.

However, Fan Xiaoxuan liked it, there was no way, no one could persuade him.

Allen has no money, Fan Xiaoxuan will take his old book to help him make music; Allen is not famous, Fan Xiaoxuan personally formed a group with him; Allen claims that he is not married, fan Xiaoxuan does not plan to get married and have children.....

The two lived together for 8 years and reached a consensus: not to marry, not to have children, and to cater to her boyfriend, she is said to have had her uterus removed.

However, two people who are so loving eventually parted ways, and the end of love is to break up.

Xiao S met Fan Xiaoxuan 15 years ago, and now Xiao S has 3 children, and when she sees Fan Xiaoxuan again, she still has a firm belief.

"Don't get married, don't have children, I still think so!"

In the face of the media interview, Fan Xiaoxuan also said her views very generously: "I think the uterus is just a dispensable organ. ”

Instead, the media asked: "Will your family support you?" ”

Fan Xiaoxuan said: "My family is more open and different in thought, and they all respect my choice, and getting married and having children is not in my life plan. ”

Fan Xiaoxuan fell in love with such a man, rebellious souls attracted to each other, originally thought it was a pair made in heaven, but the man was an unmarried family, tattooed, pierced earrings, but also different.

At present, 43-year-old Fan Xiaoxuan rarely appears in public view, without prior notice or performance. Most recently appeared on the Good Sisters Aya show "Strange Life".

She is still the character who dares to love and dare to hate, yearning for platonic love beyond the flesh, and insisting on the love declaration of "only marrying, not having children".

Fan Xiaoxuan once said: The three people I love the most are my mother, my boyfriend Allen, and the third is my good sister Zhou Xun.

Today's Fan Xiaoxuan's career is not as good as before, her mother revealed that her daughter has been eating the old book, usually living a more frugal life, the rest of her life, she can no longer be a mother's rights, think it is really regrettable!

@Xiahou Xuanxuan

Fan Xiaoxuan's parents divorced in childhood, the original family is incomplete father's love is missing, so that she lacks a sense of security, for example, when she was a child, once her mother went to the bar to sing and make a living, her grandmother went out to buy vegetables and told her to sit and watch TV and don't move, she didn't even dare to go to the toilet in a hurry, and she waited until her grandmother came back to buy vegetables before she dared to move!

The severe insecurity caused her to grow up to be rebellious and to act in a rebellious manner, including her infidelity and infertility. The shadow of childhood she really spent her life healing.

In fact, Fan Xiaoxuan can be unmarried and infertile, but she really does not need to remove the uterus, which she has done a little too much.

However, the understanding will change, and I don't know if she will have a trace of regret in the future, but I still wish her happiness.

After all, everyone has the right to choose, the lover is a matter for two people, and marriage is a matter for two families.

Maybe it's better for her to love purely.

What do you think? Is it acceptable?

In 2007, Fan Xiaoxuan, who was still a well-behaved woman, met Allen, who was tattooed all over her body and had a beard, and fell in love and could not extricate herself. Fan Xiaoxuan and her boyfriend Allen made a decision
In 2007, Fan Xiaoxuan, who was still a well-behaved woman, met Allen, who was tattooed all over her body and had a beard, and fell in love and could not extricate herself. Fan Xiaoxuan and her boyfriend Allen made a decision
In 2007, Fan Xiaoxuan, who was still a well-behaved woman, met Allen, who was tattooed all over her body and had a beard, and fell in love and could not extricate herself. Fan Xiaoxuan and her boyfriend Allen made a decision
In 2007, Fan Xiaoxuan, who was still a well-behaved woman, met Allen, who was tattooed all over her body and had a beard, and fell in love and could not extricate herself. Fan Xiaoxuan and her boyfriend Allen made a decision
In 2007, Fan Xiaoxuan, who was still a well-behaved woman, met Allen, who was tattooed all over her body and had a beard, and fell in love and could not extricate herself. Fan Xiaoxuan and her boyfriend Allen made a decision
In 2007, Fan Xiaoxuan, who was still a well-behaved woman, met Allen, who was tattooed all over her body and had a beard, and fell in love and could not extricate herself. Fan Xiaoxuan and her boyfriend Allen made a decision

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