
After filming "A Curtain of Dreams" that year, Liu Dekai called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding: The marriage is not married, you can live alone. After that, there was no news. Liu Xuehua was overly sad,

author:LeEco 2008

After filming "A Curtain of Dreams" that year, Liu Dekai called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding: The marriage is not married, you can live alone. After that, there was no news.

Liu Xuehua was overly sad, accidentally fell when taking a bath, and the child in his stomach not only failed to save, but also removed the uterus due to heavy bleeding, and could no longer have children.

When filming the 96th edition of "A Curtain of Dreams", Qiong Yao was completely disappointed, because the TV series had just reached the halfway point, and the director left a sentence: Filming can not find feelings. He did not do the pick, and had no choice but to temporarily change the director, and the crew was in a hurry.

"A Curtain of Dreams" is the most beautiful and romantic work in Qiong Yao's heart, she does not want to give up, from the casting costumes to the lines, she is personally responsible, and each episode must be sent to her until she is satisfied.

However, when the crew went to France to shoot the location, due to the relevant conditions, the Cooperation of the French side was too poor.

Qiong Yao's mind wanted to shoot, almost did not shoot, once she was discouraged, but did not expect that after the broadcast of this drama, it was popular all over the country, and it was well received by the audiences on both sides of the strait and the three places, and even was wildly pursued by the audience.

Remember Fei Yunfan's sentence: You just lost a leg, and Zi Ling lost his love.

Such a dog-blood plot was very popular in that era, after the TV series was broadcast, Xiao Qiang, who had just debuted, became famous overnight, became a veritable Qiong Yao girl, and became the first beautiful woman in Taiwan among the population.

And Liu Dekai has also become a male god in the hearts of all women with the play, and the Fei Yunfan he played is very classic.

There is both the elegance of the Oriental literati and the romantic handsomeness of the Western gentleman, the gold, romance, and dedication, almost all the male advantages in one, satisfying the most beautiful yearning of countless girls for love.

However, it is regrettable that when Liu Dekai filmed "A Face of Ghostly Dreams", he had already prepared a wedding with Liu Xuehua, and the two had been together for many years.

Liu Xuehua has already had the crystallization of the love between the two, but during Liu Dekai's filming in France, he fell in love with a French girl at first sight, and the two soon fell in love.

Liu Dekai directly called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding, and asked her to cancel the wedding, after which there was no news.

Liu Xuehua was overly sad, accidentally fell when taking a bath, and the child in his stomach not only failed to save, but also because of heavy bleeding, he removed the uterus and could no longer have children.

The biggest winner of "A Curtain of Dreams" is not the protagonist Chen Derong and Lin Ruiyang, but the supporting actress Xiao Qiang.

There is a threshold for shooting Qiong Yao's drama, in addition to having a stunning beauty, the line cannot change a word.

The three treasures of Qiong Yao's play must also be mastered, crying drama, roaring drama, and kissing drama.

Crying drama is the first condition for actors to play Qiong Yao, and the eyes should be larger, there can be no expression when crying, and tears must be fixed in quantity and position.

The director directly gave her a large line and circled a few words on it, asking her which words must shed tears, which is really a challenge for a newcomer.

Xiao Qiang was under a lot of pressure in her heart, and she had no choice but to go home to practice, she cried for a night, and only finished shooting the next day.

In order to play Lu Ping well, she deliberately went to study ballet a year in advance, practicing day and night, just because she wanted to be more like a professional ballet dancer when shooting.

In her mind, although filming is only a kind of interpretation, it must be perfect, and the performer must experience it personally.

In the plot, Lu Ping suffered a car accident and lost a leg, in order to perform the real feeling, Xiao Qiang tied one leg with a rope, and a bundle was a whole day.

The gentleness of Lu Ping in the TV series, to the later blackening madness, Xiao Qiang has portrayed three points into the wood, vividly.

This TV series was originally to praise Chen Derong, but I didn't know that Xiao Qiang's role was more brilliant. Both beauty and acting skills seem to have suppressed Chen Derong.

In order to act well in the crying scene, she also did a lot of homework, he would lay out his emotions a long time in advance, and burn all the music he liked in his heart.

As long as she is sad and sheds tears, she plays sad music in her heart. The director shouted, she could do it for a second to shed tears.

Once in a show, Cai Kangyong and XiaoS asked her, if she can't cry in Qiong Yao's play, can't she use eye drops as tears?

Xiao Qiang immediately said solemnly: Please do not insult an actor.

When it comes to Lin Ruiyang, everyone may only think of the 1.7 billion building that he and Zhang Ting once swept around, and the cosmetics business suspected of pyramid schemes.

As early as the nineties, he was a Qiong Yao xiaosheng in the audience's mind, not the current white-haired grandfather who appeared in the show business circle, Lin Ruiyang was running to become popular and rich.

In order to make the audience remember himself, when he creates the character, he will deliberately amplify the emotions, show exaggeration and passion, and maintain this style.

In this way, the audience can remember that it is very similar to the roaring Emperor Ma Jingtao, with such an exaggerated performance method, Lin Ruiyang actually caught fire, and his popularity actually rose, and he soon became the first young student in Taiwan.

At the peak of Lin Ruiyang, all thirteen TV series were broadcast in prime time, and at least ten of them would be ratings champions.

He played Chu Lian in "A Curtain of Dreams", the sunshine is handsome and weak, hesitant, and pierced to make the audience hate the teeth itchy, and the acting skills are really OK.

At the time of his fame, he also married and had children with Qiong Yao's girl.

Perhaps it is the shallow love, obviously the children have gone to school, but he chose to divorce his wife and choose to combine with the dimple beauty Zhang Ting.

Do you remember "A Curtain of Dreams", which character do you like in it?

When you watch "A Curtain of Dreams", how old are you?

#影视杂谈 #

After filming "A Curtain of Dreams" that year, Liu Dekai called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding: The marriage is not married, you can live alone. After that, there was no news. Liu Xuehua was overly sad,
After filming "A Curtain of Dreams" that year, Liu Dekai called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding: The marriage is not married, you can live alone. After that, there was no news. Liu Xuehua was overly sad,
After filming "A Curtain of Dreams" that year, Liu Dekai called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding: The marriage is not married, you can live alone. After that, there was no news. Liu Xuehua was overly sad,
After filming "A Curtain of Dreams" that year, Liu Dekai called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding: The marriage is not married, you can live alone. After that, there was no news. Liu Xuehua was overly sad,
After filming "A Curtain of Dreams" that year, Liu Dekai called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding: The marriage is not married, you can live alone. After that, there was no news. Liu Xuehua was overly sad,
After filming "A Curtain of Dreams" that year, Liu Dekai called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding: The marriage is not married, you can live alone. After that, there was no news. Liu Xuehua was overly sad,
After filming "A Curtain of Dreams" that year, Liu Dekai called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding: The marriage is not married, you can live alone. After that, there was no news. Liu Xuehua was overly sad,
After filming "A Curtain of Dreams" that year, Liu Dekai called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding: The marriage is not married, you can live alone. After that, there was no news. Liu Xuehua was overly sad,
After filming "A Curtain of Dreams" that year, Liu Dekai called Liu Xuehua, who was preparing for the wedding: The marriage is not married, you can live alone. After that, there was no news. Liu Xuehua was overly sad,

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