
Rummenigge Jr.: Using Ram as an example, dort suggested that Dort also consider renting Out Mukoko for exercise

Rummenigge Jr.: Using Ram as an example, dort suggested that Dort also consider renting Out Mukoko for exercise

Live Bar Feb. 7 (Live Bar) Dortmund star Michael Rummenigge said in an interview with Sport that Dort can train young striker Mukoko on loan.

Michael Rummenigge said: "In the case of Ram, it makes sense to rent out exercises. At that time, Bayern loaned the young Ram to Stuttgart, where he became more mature and returned to Bayern with the performance of a top player. This summer Dort could give Mukoko two options, either by letting him go on loan for a short period of time and training with professional players. Or just let him get more playing time in the U23 echelon. The situation is clear now, and I believe that this will definitely help Mukoko's development. ”

This season, Mucoco made 12 appearances for The Dortmund first team, scoring just two starts.

(by Mario)

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