
What you really have to overcome is not the difficulties, but yourself

author:Yanliang, China Aviation City
What you really have to overcome is not the difficulties, but yourself
What you really have to overcome is not the difficulties, but yourself
What you really have to overcome is not the difficulties, but yourself


A person's true growth is to overcome himself

I don't know if you have such an experience: once thought that a problem was difficult, but after solving it, you found that it was not that difficult; I used to think that one thing was impossible to accomplish, but after a lot of hard work to achieve it, I looked back and found that I could actually do it.

For the same thing, a person will have two completely different feelings, not because things have really become simpler, but because their own ability and level have improved. Therefore, when you encounter difficulties that you can't overcome temporarily, don't give up too early, and don't have the mentality of retreating. You find it difficult because you haven't beaten it yet; You feel relaxed because your abilities have improved.

What we really need to overcome is ourselves, not the difficulties themselves. As long as you give yourself enough time and patience, put in enough effort and perseverance, no matter how difficult things are, they will slowly become easier.


The key to getting out of this situation is in you

In life, we all encounter lows, there will always be unsatisfactory times, and the key to getting out of the predicament lies in yourself.

If you take difficulties too seriously and take yourself too lightly, you will be easily defeated by difficulties. In fact, there are some problems that you think you can't solve, not necessarily really unsolvable, but you set yourself up with an imaginary thinking "cage", trapping yourself in place and not daring to act.

In many moments, what you should really break through is not only your own ability, but also your own mentality. Adjust your emotions well, calm down, face challenges, laugh at difficult problems, and you will eventually become a winner in life.


A person's biggest opponent is actually himself

No matter how capable a person is, once he is lazy to act and unable to persevere, no matter how good his ideas are, they are just beautiful illusions. What can make people gain is always effective action.

Only by knowing who you want to be and what kind of life you want to be can you keep working hard and improving yourself. When you want to be lazy and slack, when you want to be discouraged and give up, think about your ideal life, and you will find the motivation to move forward again.

A person's biggest opponent is actually himself. Our best weapon to overcome difficulties is precisely our determination, courage and perseverance to overcome ourselves.

Source: People's Daily

Anchor: Wei Xiao

Content: Original American text, recitation audio

Submission email: [email protected]

Editors of this issue: Guo Dong, Wang Xin