
Which zodiac signs have the shortest shelf life for love?

Which zodiac signs have the shortest shelf life for love?

NO.6 Aries

The Aries man has always been hot and cold, and once his so-called freshness is gone, he begins to look for new goals and seek new stimuli. "Where are the fragrance of wildflowers in the family flowers" is most appropriately used on them. Therefore, the only way to make the impatient Aries fall in love with you is to leave him immediately, so that he can never touch you, and his feelings for you will always remain fresh. This is a bit difficult, and the crush should cultivate well!

NO.5 Libra

Speaking of flirting masters, we can't leave Libra behind. One of the most handsome men and women is a constellation with a natural good face. Libra men have a strong tendency to enjoy the pleasures of love, they will not miss any opportunities around them, and like to secretly engage in male-female relationships. If you are unfortunate enough to fall in love with Libra, then Technology Ziwei advises you to keep an eye on it and be careful of his underground activities!

NO.4 Aquarius

Aquarius men are intelligent, philosophical, and like to pursue new things. In their concept, kissing is as common as greeting, they are spontaneous and natural, and they are relatively simple in love. They will never seriously fall in love, so they will not fall into the swamp of love. Love and no love are very simple in their transformation, so the technology Ziwei advises girls who do not have the same skill, do not provoke the bottles, be careful of being trapped in the depths, and cannot extricate themselves.

NO.3 Pisces

Although Pisces men do not care, because of their indecision, they are often in a dilemma. They are kind, do not know how to reject others, and cannot bear to disappoint others, so they often make decisions that they do not understand. In order to prevent your fish from making the wrong decision in the middle of wandering, you should pay more attention and show him the right direction when he is wandering. So that your love trajectory will not deviate.

NO.2 Gemini

Gemini men have always been polyhedrons, they have two or more personalities, they are first-rate eloquence, quick response, have a strong curiosity about new things, love in their eyes is a game in the world, chasing new love is their never stop pursuing. It's impossible to keep Gemini's endurance in a relationship unless you always give him freshness and his interest in you never fades.

NO.1 Sagittarius

Sagittarius's flower heart is obvious to all, so he ranks first in the shortest "shelf life". The shooter, who is born unable to be quiet, is always looking for new love, as if only fresh love can give him the motivation to chase, and keep things hot for three minutes forever. If you have the ability to make the shooter die for you, your skill is superb. If you can't tie up the shooter, then you still have to close it early, so as not to get the head "bamboo basket to hit the water empty".

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