
The more you don't meet, the more you love your zodiac sign

The more you don't meet, the more you love your zodiac sign
The more you don't meet, the more you love your zodiac sign

The less you meet, the more you love your zodiac sign.

Some relatives from different places are looking at the astrolabe

Always complaining

If we don't see each other often, will our relationship fade?

Let the eggshell with years of experience in astrolabes tell you

Too intimate love has no mystery

The more these zodiac signs don't meet, the more they love you


TA always likes people who can't be chased,

Your posture is low, and he is immediately enthusiastic

You are good to him and he feels that you are not worthy of him

The more not contacted

The more you think you're mysterious

Love you even more


It's not just like or dislike yourself

It's just that the talent he deceived is fragrant

Compared to the feeling of being loved

They all like the feeling of going out of their way to love someone

To give the shooter affection to you

You can't be obedient all the time

A bit of your own opinion

Appropriately refuse to keep a little distance

They will give everything to you

You can also be a clingy weird.

You make the Aquarius twins think you're very mysterious,

Then they'll really want to talk to you

But you have to fight every day

Then he definitely wants to find a home immediately

The scales are pressing too tightly

will disappear directly

No matter how much you love him, he won't reply to you

Grab the big and let go of the small to leave some space

Let him breathe

to get him interested in you

Eggshell said

Falling in love doesn't have to be stickier the better

Different zodiac signs are suitable for different methods

Only by taking the right medicine can we really grow old

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