
Early spring retro neutral style wear: "Loef shoes + socks", so wear a strong sense of fashion trend

Retro neutral style wear, fashion trend sense strong. The most important collocation style is more avant-garde and fashionable. To share with you a few sets of retro style unisex wear, not only the upper body effect is good, but also special comfort.

Early spring retro neutral style wear: "Loef shoes + socks", so wear a strong sense of fashion trend

Stylish minimalist dress

Retro neutral style of wearing, the colors used, most of them are black, white, and brown, etc., these several colors to match out of the feeling of simplicity, fashion, and more atmospheric.

The knit shirt or shirt with the lapel collar, with the long A-line skirt slimming, and the aura displayed is very confident and generous. Stepping on loafers shows a retro fashion taste, then this outfit is more suitable for girls with slim figures.

Early spring retro neutral style wear: "Loef shoes + socks", so wear a strong sense of fashion trend

Gentle and elegant dress, showing the elegance of women. Skirts, which are indispensable for gentle temperament wearing, are the most suitable for neutral retro, and mixed with gentle characteristics, only the medium and long A-line skirts are the most suitable.

A-line skirt, it has the advantage of covering the crotch and looking thin, in addition to the pleated skirt is also a good item, the pleats are flowing and flexible, so that your wear is not only a cold feeling, from the cold to reveal the gentleness of the fairy.

Early spring retro neutral style wear: "Loef shoes + socks", so wear a strong sense of fashion trend

Office workers always have to dress generously and formally. Then the daily commuter wear, the indispensable item, must be a blazer.

Workplace beauties need the dignity of a suit to set off your identity, so it reflects your identity in details. Neutral wind, when choosing a blazer, must be a loose fit, is the most appropriate and comfortable.

Early spring retro neutral style wear: "Loef shoes + socks", so wear a strong sense of fashion trend

These two skirts are more versatile, whether it is a knit shirt or a blazer. However, it is more recommended to choose a short style, exposing the line of the waist, improving the proportion of the body, and looking taller and slimmer.

So for short girls, you can also wear it like this, pull up the proportion of the body, and no longer worry about the short man not being able to wear the beauty.

Early spring retro neutral style wear: "Loef shoes + socks", so wear a strong sense of fashion trend

Slip off handsome pants

Young girls, what to wear will be particularly energetic, and it is more fashionable and generous to wear. However, for some elderly women, more attention should be paid to collocation in wearing, even ordinary jeans, but also to wear a fashionable feeling, enhance their temperament and charm.

Early spring retro neutral style wear: "Loef shoes + socks", so wear a strong sense of fashion trend

The straight-leg jeans are designed to be straight, which can make the lines of the legs look more straight, even if the leg shape is not perfect, it can also show the visual effect of large long legs under the background of the jeans.

Middle-aged women choose blue jeans, more casual collocation, and can highlight the retro temperament of women. Jeans paired with an intellectually elegant little fragrance coat enhance the temperament of elegance and intellectualism.

Early spring retro neutral style wear: "Loef shoes + socks", so wear a strong sense of fashion trend

The most rare thing about a woman is not gentleness, but free and handsome. Then the daily dressing, like the loose fit of the collocation, is the suit pants, lazy casual style characteristics, so that your wear can maintain a sense of youthful vitality.

Therefore, the suit pants carry a young and fashionable temperament, and the color is fresh and bright, and the overall shape follows a simple color match, while carrying some refreshing and cool beauty.

Early spring retro neutral style wear: "Loef shoes + socks", so wear a strong sense of fashion trend

Shirts with wide-leg pants, the embodiment of neutral style, may not choose dark colors to highlight the style, light colors tend to have more mature charm, and light colors will not have a dull feeling, more fashionable and tasteful.

Women's most powerful weapon is gentleness, which can capture people's hearts, so a gentle outfit can also be built with pants.

Early spring retro neutral style wear: "Loef shoes + socks", so wear a strong sense of fashion trend

The lower body is paired with jeans, and the mix-and-match matching mode is very fashionable and trendy. And this kind of collocation, so that your wear is no longer limited to the old-fashioned wear template, try the confidence brought by innovation. A casual pair of shoes can be satisfied, and Loafers are also a good match.

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