
126 cases were confirmed in 4 days! The epidemic in Guangxi Baise Aomi Kerong is in a rapidly rising stage

People's Daily health client Zhao Mengmeng

"The epidemic situation in Guangxi Baise Aomi Kerong is in a rapidly rising stage," He Qinghua, a first-level inspector of the Disease Control Bureau of the National Health Commission, said at a press conference of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council on the afternoon of February 8.

According to the press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Baise City, Guangxi Province, from 12:00 on February 7 to 12:00 on February 8, there were 27 new locally confirmed cases in Baise City. According to a press conference on the 7th, as of 12:00 on February 7, Guangxi had reported a total of 99 locally confirmed cases of the current round of the epidemic, all of which occurred in Baise City. According to the People's Daily health client, as of 12:00 on the 8th, Bose reported a total of 126 confirmed cases of the epidemic in this round.

126 cases were confirmed in 4 days! The epidemic in Guangxi Baise Aomi Kerong is in a rapidly rising stage

On February 4, Debao County, Baise City, Guangxi Province, reported the first confirmed case in this round of the epidemic, and within 4 days, cases were also found in Youjiang District, Tianyang District, Longlin County and Jingxi City of Baise City.

On the afternoon of the 7th, Huang Zhaoyong, deputy director of the Guangxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said at the press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region that the specimen test results of the 2 confirmed cases were the Aomi Kerong virus strain, genetic testing was being carried out, and all cases were currently in the same transmission chain. 4 days, 108 cases confirmed, why did the epidemic situation in Guangxi Baise develop so fast?

The first case was confirmed 8 days after returning home

Huang Zhaoyong revealed on the 7th that according to the current situation of local circulation traceability, the possibility of the first case in Guangxi being infected outside the province is large, and relevant sequencing comparisons are currently being carried out. He Qinghua clearly mentioned at the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council on the 8th that the epidemic in Guangxi was affected by the epidemic in Aomi Kerong, Shenzhen, Guangdong.

Xu Moumou, the first infected person in Bose, returned home from Shenzhen by car on the evening of January 26 and returned to his home in Debao County, Baise City, and took the initiative to go to the county people's hospital to test for nucleic acid on February 3, and the result was positive on the 4th. At this time, 8 days have passed since he returned home, and the virus has been lurking for some time.

About half of the cases are caused by meals

At that time, it was the Spring Festival holiday, and there would be more visits to relatives and friends or gatherings. After the first case returned to Guizhou, it participated in many cluster activities, resulting in the rapid spread of the epidemic, of which the cases caused by participating in the dinner accounted for about half of the local generation of cases, and then further spread the epidemic to many places through family and community transmission.

On February 6, Guangxi press conference reported that Xu Moumou returned to his hometown by car the next day for the festival after receiving a negative nucleic acid test in other provinces on January 25, and the activity trajectory included stopping at highway service areas, accommodation hotels, dinners, etc. along the way back to his hometown, involving many places and a wide range of contacts.

The trajectory of the flow shows that Xu Moumou lives in Shiyan Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, and works at Shenzhen West Bus Co., Ltd. On the evening of January 25, he played mahjong at the Shiyan Street Xiaxincun Mahjong Hall, and on the evening of January 26, he drove back to his hometown and arrived at Longyitun, Fuji Village, Du'an Township, Debao County, Baise City, at noon the next day. Since then, Xu Moumou has stayed at the Vienna Hotel in Debao County, traveled to and from the county seat and Longyitun many times, and also traveled to Jingxi City. The trajectory of activities includes stopping at highway service areas, accommodation hotels, and dinners along the way back home.

126 cases were confirmed in 4 days! The epidemic in Guangxi Baise Aomi Kerong is in a rapidly rising stage

According to Guangxi Satellite TV Weibo

There is a risk of spillover from the spread of the outbreak

About 80% of the infected people in this epidemic live in the same natural village, the spatial aggregation is obvious, the community has a long hidden transmission time, the trajectory of personnel activities is large, coupled with the large mobility of personnel during the Spring Festival, the risk of further spread is relatively high, and it is necessary to complete the screening and control of risk personnel, accelerate the speed of nucleic acid screening, and find the source of infection in the community as soon as possible.

He Qinghua stressed that the spillover cases from Bose to Nanning, Guangxi and Guangzhou, Guangdong, had many trajectories before being controlled, and there was a risk of spillover from the spread of the epidemic.

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