
| 17-year-old Su Yiming, a 17-year-old youngster at the Winter Olympics, won silver in the top of the clouds, creating the history of snowboarding in China

| 17-year-old Su Yiming, a 17-year-old youngster at the Winter Olympics, won silver in the top of the clouds, creating the history of snowboarding in China

In the second round of the men's slope steeplechase final of the Beijing Winter Olympics on the 7th, in the final section of the "Snow Great Wall" track, Su Yiming, a 17-year-old young player who participated in the Winter Olympics for the first time, soared into the sky and landed steadily, and finally won the silver medal with the first 1800-degree action of the whole field. This is the first snow sports medal of the Chinese sports delegation to the Beijing Winter Olympics, and the first medal in the men's event of the Winter Olympics in China's snowboarding.

In the first round of the final, Su Yiming scored 78.38 points, ranking fourth. The defending winter Olympic champion, Gerrard of the United States, scored a high of 83.25 points in the round. For the difficulty of the final, Su Yiming was prepared for it, after all, the top masters saved better states and more difficult moves for the final final battle. In the second round, Canada's Max Parrott scored as high as 90.96. Resisting the pressure, Su Yiming increased the difficulty in the second round. In 3 jumps, he completed 1440 degrees, 1620 degrees and 1800 degrees in succession, becoming the first Chinese player to use a 1800 degree turn in the final jump of the Slope Obstacle Course at the Winter Olympics. This set of continuous actions is also the most difficult of all the contestants at present. The score reached 88.70 points, and Su Yiming rose from fourth to second. In the end, Su Yiming finished second with 88.70 points, pressing against his idol McMorris, who won the third place. Gerrard of the United States finished fourth with 83.25 points.

| 17-year-old Su Yiming, a 17-year-old youngster at the Winter Olympics, won silver in the top of the clouds, creating the history of snowboarding in China

Regarding the performance of the two Canadian opponents, Su Yiming said: "I think everyone is the best to be able to stand in the final of the Olympic Games and complete their best moves. "Anyway, we all had a lot of fun. Parot has really done a good set of moves, and in this final, everyone is in first place. "Max Parrott and Mark McMorris are both international 'god' skaters and my idols, and I grew up watching their videos and imitating their movements. It is a great honor for me to be on the podium with them. ”

"My goal has always been to be the highest position." In a few days, on February 18, Su Yiming will celebrate his 18th birthday, and he has been looking forward to giving himself a most special "coming-of-age ceremony", that is, the Olympic gold medal. "Su Bingtian's performance at the Tokyo Olympics has always been an inspiration for me to create the best historical results." This silver medal can already be regarded as Su Yiming's coming-of-age gift to himself. Next, he will continue to attack the podium on his main event, the men's snowboard jump. Su Yiming, who has turned "impossible" into "possible" again and again, may also change the silver medal into gold.

Photo by Pan Zhiwang, reporter of the Winter Olympics

Client The Winter Olympics | Reporters Li Yuanfei, Chen Jiakun, and Deng Fangjia

Edited by Kang Dian

Process Editor Wu Yue

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