
After the Spring Festival, parents must take their children to check their vision as soon as possible!

The Spring Festival is the grandest, grandest and warmest traditional festival of the Chinese nation. Every year during the Spring Festival, the happiest people are the children, who can enjoy the happy time of the whole winter vacation. Can sleep until naturally awake, can play until midnight sleepless, games, animation, mobile phones, tablets... Although under the policy of double reduction, there are many fewer cram classes and online classes this year, but the pressure on the children's eyes has not been reduced.

After the Spring Festival, parents must take their children to check their vision as soon as possible!

Happy times always pass in a hurry! In the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival has ended. Although the festive atmosphere is slowly dissipating, for the eyes of children, the damage caused by the festival has just begun. Due to the uncontrolled use of the eyes by children during the holidays, it can lead to severe eye fatigue and even further deepening of the degree. The most important thing parents should do at this time is to take their children to a professional hospital or optometry center to check their children's vision as soon as possible, and once they find problems, they must be solved quickly, so as not to make vision problems more and more serious.

A set of research data has been published in the "Chinese Epidemiology": nearly 60,000 primary and secondary school students were surveyed, and the myopia rate in the 6-8 age group was 35.8%, the myopia rate in the 10-12 age group was 58.9%, the myopia rate in the 13-15 age group was 73.4%, and the myopia rate in the 16-18 age group was 81.2%. In order to effectively control the incidence of myopia in children and adolescents on the mainland, the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the Ministry of Education, and the State General Administration of Sports jointly issued a document requiring early detection and scientific education to strengthen the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents.

After the Spring Festival, parents must take their children to check their vision as soon as possible!

Ophthalmologists remind: It is necessary to check your child's vision in time!

Expert reminder: It is necessary to check your child's vision in time!

Prevention is greater than treatment, early detection, early prevention and control.

Some parents are afraid to take their children to check their vision, and once they find out that they have vision problems, they are afraid to wear glasses for their children, thinking that "they can't take them off when they wear them" or "the higher the degree of wearing". In fact, if the child is pseudo-myopia, it will evolve into true myopia if it is not found or effective methods are not taken in time; if the child has suffered from myopia, does not wear suitable glasses, and squints for a long time, it will aggravate the fatigue of the eyes, but accelerate the development of myopia.

It is recommended that adolescents have vision tests every 3 months.

Once the child is short-sighted in elementary school, the most conservative estimate is that the degree of myopia will increase by 50-100 degrees per year (on average, 1 degree per 3 days); if you add improper use of the eyes, high frequency of electronic product use, and eye fatigue, the growth rate will be faster, and may increase by 50-150 degrees per year (on average, 1 degree per 2 days); the child is in the long stage, the height is 10 cm per length, and the eye axis is 1 mm long (equivalent to 300 degrees). Growing too quickly in the eye axis can also cause vision problems, and it is dangerous if there is no scientific eye care. Once the trend of myopia is found, it is necessary to correct the wrong eye habits in time and take preventive measures such as optometry and glasses to avoid and delay myopia. Children who have been myopic, it is more appropriate to go to a professional eye institution for review at about 3 months.

After the Spring Festival, parents must take their children to check their vision as soon as possible!

Prevention and control of myopia should be done: correct use of eyes, reasonable diet, outdoor activities

1. Use your eyes correctly

Reading and writing pay attention to "one foot, one punch, one inch", perseverance; close to the eyes every 50 minutes to rest for 10 minutes; wear special functional prevention and control glasses for children and adolescents.

2. Eat a reasonable diet

Eat more leafy green vegetables, eggs, and whole grains to supplement lutein in the body. Eat less sweets and drinks and control your sugar intake.

3. Outdoor activities

Allowing children's eyes and body to be fully exposed to sunlight can promote the body to secrete more dopamine, effectively inhibiting the growth of the eye axis, thereby inhibiting the occurrence and development of myopia. At the same time, the high light intensity makes the pupil narrow, deepen the depth of field, increase the visual clarity, and delay the development of myopia. Moreover, outdoor sports can also exercise far vision and improve visual fatigue, which can be described as many benefits.

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