
What's wrong with the baby's thick white tongue? Is it sick?

Normal healthy baby's tongue should be a moderately sized, soft, reddish and moist body. However, sometimes, the baby will have a thick white tongue. What's wrong with the baby's thick white tongue? How to adjust the thick white tongue of the baby?

What's wrong with the baby's thick white tongue? Is it sick?

What are the causes of the thick white tongue of the baby

1. Residue after drinking milk

If you find that your baby's "tongue is thick and white, as if there is a thick layer of milk, and sometimes drinking some water will be reduced", then this is likely to be the residue after drinking milk. In general, babies will naturally disappear by about four months.

2. The baby has accumulated food

If the baby's small tongue, you can see a thick layer of yellow-white dirt, the tongue is sticky and thick, not easy to scrape off, and at the same time there will be a sour and smelly smell in the mouth, this situation is likely to be caused by the usual excessive diet, or eating too much greasy food, poor digestion of the spleen and stomach, that is, accumulation of food.

3. There is cold and dampness in the body

If the baby's tongue is pale, it means that there may be more cold and damp in the body, and it is usually accompanied by cold limbs, hands and feet and other phenomena. At this time, you should pay attention to keeping warm, and at the same time, you should choose a warm diet, such as hot red date porridge, ginger soup, etc., or some light and warm beef soup, mutton soup, carrots, onions, etc., in order to achieve the purpose of driving away cold and warmth. (But pay attention to the baby's age and physique to choose, it is best to consult a doctor first)

4. On fire

Indigestion and fire cause the tongue of infants and young children to be thick and white, which is the most common condition. Because the digestive system development of infants and young children is not perfect, if the child does not pay attention to the diet, eating too much and too greasy can easily lead to indigestion or fire, resulting in thickening and whitening of the tongue.

What's wrong with the baby's thick white tongue? Is it sick?

How to help your baby clean the tongue?

First of all, change from the diet, try to eat less greasy food, such as fritters, lean meat, etc., children should not eat more. Second, avoid eating too spicy, overly salty dishes. Otherwise, it will stimulate the baby's stomach and intestines and affect the digestive function. To help the baby clean his mouth, you can use a cotton ball dipped in water to wipe the baby's oral mucosa.

If the baby's tongue is white, accompanied by high fever, refusal to eat, and crying, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time to avoid the occurrence of some serious diseases. I really understand the baby, I understand you more about the baby!

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