
In 1982, composer Wang Liping took over a hot potato and composed music for the 87th edition of "Dream of the Red Chamber". He asked that the music be composed entirely by him and that no one else should participate, and soon he made another one

author:Entertainment details

In 1982, composer Wang Liping took over a hot potato and composed music for the 87th edition of "Dream of the Red Chamber". He demanded that the music be composed entirely by him and that no one else should participate, and soon he made an even bolder decision: "I am going to use an amateur singer, she is a worker in the automobile factory, Chen Li."

Wang Liping is a national first-class composer who has written many well-known songs.

For example, the theme song of "Shaolin Temple" "Shepherd Song" and the theme song of "Handcuffed Traveler" "Camel Bell" are all his works.

In 1982, director Wang Fulin prepared to prepare for the filming of "Dream of the Red Chamber", which broke his brain for the soundtrack of the TV series.

At that time, the actors in the crew of "Dream of the Red Chamber", costume styling, etc. all had the original novel as a reference, only the soundtrack, and I couldn't find a note throughout the book.

Later, Wang Fulin's wife, Wang Zhifu, the music editor of the Central People's Radio, found Wang Liping and asked him if he would like to score "Dream of the Red Chamber".

Wang Liping himself liked "Dream of the Red Chamber" very much, and he agreed to it without thinking about it.

But he also made two demands: First, he did not accept others to compose with him, and all the soundtracks had to be composed by himself.

The second is that all songs use the original words of Cao Xueqin. "No one should move the soil on the head of the too old."

Wang Fulin also discussed with him the ideas of creation, and Wang Liping set the tone for the soundtrack of "Dream of the Red Chamber" as:

"Full of sorrow, infinite emotion."

Unexpectedly, it coincided with the ideas of director Wang Fulin and the "red scholars", so it was finally decided to hand over all the soundtracks to him.

Director Wang Fulin said: "Filming "Dream of the Red Chamber" is related to our cultural heritage inheritance, we must shoot it well, we must not mess it up!"

At the beginning of the establishment of the crew, Wang Liping actually became the first to enter the group, and the actors who played Baoyu and Daiyu at that time had not yet come.

Wang Liping stayed with the red scholars and the main creators every day in the crew, visiting the Ming and Qing dynasty buildings in Beijing and learning about every detail related to the Dream of the Red Chamber.

Most TV dramas are filmed first, followed by the soundtrack, so many people do not understand: "Is it necessary to get the soundtrack to follow the group so early?"

Wang Fulin said: "I have long asked him to write "Overture" and "Brow Crushing" first, so that the actors can follow the music to find feelings and easily integrate into the role."

Many people don't know that Wang Liping originally wrote the song very quickly, but just a song of "Frowning", he wrote it for 1 year and 2 months.

At that time, Wang Liping immersed himself in the world of "Dream of the Red Chamber" every day, just like a demon, bringing himself into every poem and feeling it with his heart.

All day long, he forgot to eat and sleep, and even wrote his dream words on the general spectrum, and when Wang Fulin listened to "Frowning", he praised:

"It's not three days around the beam, it's 30 years around the beam, this is the voice of the dream of the Red Chamber."

When writing "Funeral Flower Yin", Wang Liping was also tortured, and for a year and 9 months, he put this poem in his hand.

But he couldn't understand many details, why would Cao Xueqin pour so much emotion into this little girl who loved to be angry all day?

Suddenly, one day, he read," At the end of the day, where is the incense mound?" When, suddenly, I had an epiphany, this is not a woman burying flowers at all, it is obvious that she is asking the heavens!

Wang Liping finally completed this "Funeral Flower Yin" in one go.

Just when he had finished writing all the songs, he made another amazing move, that is, to let an automobile factory worker, Chen Li, sing all the songs.

Although Wang Fulin did not understand why, he did not use well-known singers such as Zhu Fengbo and Li Guyi, but instead went to find an unknown amateur singer.

But he believed that Wang Liping must have his reasons, so he still sent a car to pick up Chen Li.

Later, Wang Liping said the reason: "I imagined that the sound of the dream of the Red Chamber was the voice of an ignorant girl, and there would be no such youthful feeling as it was formed."

Chen Li was originally an ordinary worker in the automobile factory, but he was also a literary and artistic backbone, and later joined the literary and artistic troupe in the factory.

Although Wang Liping chose Chen Li, she is indeed not a professional singer, and all aspects are more difficult, Wang Liping usually said:

"I'm demanding, and the audience is definitely more demanding than I am."

Wang Li usually scolded Chen Li and cried, but Chen Li was very tenacious, crying and walking the first day, and then singing the next day.

Later, even Wang Liping's mother couldn't stand it, and after listening to "Frowning" for a month, she thought: How many tears can she cry like this?

Therefore, she never interfered with her son, and advised him: "You have a better attitude toward others."

In fact, Chen Li's husband died of cancer at that time, instead of saying that she was singing "Dream of the Red Chamber", why not feel sad about her life?

In 1987, "Dream of the Red Chamber" was released, and all the soundtracks were recognized by the audience, such as "Frowning", "Flesh and Bones", "Smart and Tired", etc. all made people cry and touch their hearts.

Wang Liping said: "During the time when I wrote the Dream of the Red Chamber, for four and a half years like purgatory, I didn't sleep well for a day, and I didn't think I was very happy today!"

300 years ago, Cao Xueqin wrote the classic "Dream of the Red Chamber".

300 years later, Wang Liping's composition and Chen Li's singing fused Cao Xueqin's words to achieve a new ancient singing.

What do you think Chen Li sang?

#八卦手册 #

In 1982, composer Wang Liping took over a hot potato and composed music for the 87th edition of "Dream of the Red Chamber". He asked that the music be composed entirely by him and that no one else should participate, and soon he made another one
In 1982, composer Wang Liping took over a hot potato and composed music for the 87th edition of "Dream of the Red Chamber". He asked that the music be composed entirely by him and that no one else should participate, and soon he made another one
In 1982, composer Wang Liping took over a hot potato and composed music for the 87th edition of "Dream of the Red Chamber". He asked that the music be composed entirely by him and that no one else should participate, and soon he made another one
In 1982, composer Wang Liping took over a hot potato and composed music for the 87th edition of "Dream of the Red Chamber". He asked that the music be composed entirely by him and that no one else should participate, and soon he made another one
In 1982, composer Wang Liping took over a hot potato and composed music for the 87th edition of "Dream of the Red Chamber". He asked that the music be composed entirely by him and that no one else should participate, and soon he made another one
In 1982, composer Wang Liping took over a hot potato and composed music for the 87th edition of "Dream of the Red Chamber". He asked that the music be composed entirely by him and that no one else should participate, and soon he made another one

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