
Once, Liu Jialing asked Xie Na, "How many houses do you have?" Xie Na said: "I didn't buy a house in Shanghai and rent a house." Liu Jialing was curious: "You are so rich, why don't you buy it?"

author:Entertainment details

Once, Liu Jialing asked Xie Na, "How many houses do you have?" Xie Na said: "I didn't buy a house in Shanghai and rent a house." Liu Jialing was curious: "You are so rich, why don't you buy it?"

Xie Na rented a house, 500 square meters, with a monthly rent of 320,000 yuan and a price of more than 100 million. She said, "I really can't afford it!"

In 2006, Xie Na ended her 6-year relationship with Liu Ye, and soon after, through He Jiong's introduction, she met Zhang Jie, whom Huai Cai had never met.

At that time, although Zhang Jie had already won the championship of "My Type I Show" and successfully debuted, he did not have a fire at all, and he had no money in his hands.

Zhang Jie's parents, one laid off, one in the stall, the family life is also very difficult.

But Xie Na did not abandon him, used all resources to help him, and in the end, a lover eventually became a family.

When he got married, Zhang Jie had already earned a lot of money and had a certain economic strength, and wanted to buy a 500-square-meter villa for Xie Na in Shanghai as a wedding house.

But Xie Na still refused, she came from an ordinary family, has always been very critical of money, and feels that it is not necessary to spend so much money to buy a house.

And in Changsha and Beijing, she already has a house, although it is not a mansion, but it can also live, there is no need to waste money.

In fact, as a well-known program host, Xie Na's income can earn a lot, and as a host, her income is already a domestic ceiling.

Coupled with her endorsements and commercial performances, 50 million a year is not a problem.

Zhang Jie's ability to absorb gold is also very strong, the concert is almost full, and the income of the two people can be hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

But Xie Na is a special door cutter.

Once on a travel show, Xie Na borrowed 30,000 Australian dollars from Bao Wenjing to buy a bag, saying that she would pay it back when she went back.

But before she could go back, Xie Na kept saying, "I actually blew up Bao Bell's card!" The implication is that the amount of Bao Belka is too low, and there is no money.

Bao Wenjing was a little upset, but did not say anything.

Later, Xie Na actually directly returned Bao Wenjing 30,000 yuan, you know, 30,000 Australian dollars is equivalent to 150,000 yuan.

Bao Wenjing said to Xie Na: "Nana, the money is not right, 120,000 yuan less."

Xie Na complained to Bao Wenjing: "Bao Wenjing is really too calculated, and if I am embarrassed to ask for it, I will say that I have received it."

For the matter of her own door cutting, Xie Na never felt that there was anything wrong with it, and also created her own "door cutting teaching".

He was the head of the house himself, and even took in two apprentices, Wei Daxun and Yang Di.

Yang Di went to her house to play and found a pot to be delicious, but Xie Na said, "You shoot this down and buy it yourself!"

In terms of buying a house, she also has her own calculations.

After giving birth to twin daughters, Xie Na and Zhang Jie moved their family to Shanghai and rented a large house of 500 square meters, with a rent of only 4 million yuan a year.

It's a lot more cost-effective than spending 100 million to buy a house.

So when Liu Jialing asked her about her house in Shanghai, she said, "We don't have a house in Shanghai, we just rent a house."

She also said that it is not that it is not that it is not to buy, it is really that it is impossible to buy, wait until the baby goes to school, and then rent a house next to their school, all for the baby.

Unexpectedly, on February 7, some netizens wrote a thousand-word long article to break the news, Xie Na Zhang Jie and his wife were ready to buy a luxury house in Shanghai as early as 2019, in order not to give the commission to the intermediary, but also quietly "jumped the order".

Netizens said: "Looking for me to see the house 2 times, after saying that I don't like it and don't buy it." I didn't look for me to buy a house, and after I bought it, I was afraid of being exposed, so I found a lawyer to threaten me. ”

He also said the specific address of Xie Na's house, 341 square meters, with a total price of 62 million.

However, we can't listen to the one-sided words of netizens, Zhang Jie and Xie Na have not yet responded, I don't know what everyone thinks about this matter?

Once, Liu Jialing asked Xie Na, "How many houses do you have?" Xie Na said: "I didn't buy a house in Shanghai and rent a house." Liu Jialing was curious: "You are so rich, why don't you buy it?"
Once, Liu Jialing asked Xie Na, "How many houses do you have?" Xie Na said: "I didn't buy a house in Shanghai and rent a house." Liu Jialing was curious: "You are so rich, why don't you buy it?"
Once, Liu Jialing asked Xie Na, "How many houses do you have?" Xie Na said: "I didn't buy a house in Shanghai and rent a house." Liu Jialing was curious: "You are so rich, why don't you buy it?"
Once, Liu Jialing asked Xie Na, "How many houses do you have?" Xie Na said: "I didn't buy a house in Shanghai and rent a house." Liu Jialing was curious: "You are so rich, why don't you buy it?"
Once, Liu Jialing asked Xie Na, "How many houses do you have?" Xie Na said: "I didn't buy a house in Shanghai and rent a house." Liu Jialing was curious: "You are so rich, why don't you buy it?"
Once, Liu Jialing asked Xie Na, "How many houses do you have?" Xie Na said: "I didn't buy a house in Shanghai and rent a house." Liu Jialing was curious: "You are so rich, why don't you buy it?"

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