
China Mobile's Migu Winter Olympics brush screen, china mobile intraday rise of more than 7%

On the second trading day of the Year of the Tiger, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets were weak, but China Mobile rose steadily after a slight high, the highest intraday to 62.5 yuan, up more than 7%, the second highest price since the listing, driving other stocks in the telecom operation industry sector to follow the rise, and the final plate rose by 2.19%, while China Mobile closed at 61.3 yuan, up 5.42%.

China Mobile's Migu Winter Olympics brush screen, china mobile intraday rise of more than 7%

Migu went out of the circle with the help of the Winter Olympics, and China Mobile Migu and CCTV reached a cooperation to become the official broadcaster of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Migu introduced a number of well-known commentaries at this Winter Olympics, of which Wang Meng was the hottest, and as the first gold of the Chinese delegation to the Winter Olympics rushed to the hot search, the whole network swiped the screen overnight, and "Wang Meng's explanation" became a phenomenon-level IP. Huang Jianxiang, who partnered with her, not only formed a "golden combination" with Wang Meng, but also rushed to the hot search after winning the Asian Cup of the Chinese women's football team, contributing huge traffic to Migu Video.

China Mobile's Migu Winter Olympics brush screen, china mobile intraday rise of more than 7%

Previously, China Mobile's 5G Ice and Snow Team signed five potential athletes (Gu Ailing, Xu Mengtao, Sui Wenjing/Han Cong, Ren Ziwei), while Gu Ailing and Ren Ziwei of the Ice and Snow Team have won three gold medals at the Winter Olympics, fully demonstrating China Mobile's advanced layout and professional vision in emerging fields.

It is worth noting that the hot search screen of the Winter Olympics is not an isolated case, and Migu has reserved top IP across major fields. Judging from Migu's trend, this kind of top IP reserve is systematic, not a short-term behavior. It is foreseeable that once there are international top events or major cultural and artistic activities, Migu may become a hot search regular. This will further enhance China Mobile's brand advantages and trend characteristics, bringing it greater market advantages.

Metacosm focuses on the competitive sport of digital Homo sapiens

For the recently exploded meta-universe concept, China Mobile has not fallen. In response to the question of whether the organization has new deployments in the development of the meta-universe business in 2022, the company said that the meta-universe concept is still in the early stage of development, involving many industries and application scenarios, and the company will actively pay attention to its development.

The company is actively building a new information infrastructure focusing on 5G, computing power network (CFN), and smart middle office (AaaS). The company can provide the computing power required for real modeling and interaction and large-scale virtual content production experience to meet the needs of ultra-low latency and ultra-large bandwidth. Based on the existing XR capability field layout, the company forges the underlying virtual scene immersion ability, and can provide the ability to integrate virtual and real, the three-dimensional modeling ability with human subjects, and the rendering ability in the future. The company focuses on the construction of digital homo sapiens and scenes, has created a digital Homo sapiens image for 5G ice and snow, and takes digital competitive sports as the main body to carry out research pilots on relevant computing power and ability services. Migu's digital homo sapiens MEET GU, which was based on Gu Ailing, also appeared in the studio during the Winter Olympics to interact with the winning Gu Ailing. Analysts said that China Mobile is based on its own advantages, grounded gas, hot spots, and is expected to form a product series, or will open up new imagination space for future development.

Several institutions give positive ratings

According to the investor relations record sheet of listed companies, China Mobile was surveyed by 23 institutions on January 21, 2022. Among them, there are 22 securities companies and 1 fund management company, including Shen Wanhongyuan Liu Yang, a gold medal analyst of New Fortune Computer in 2020. In February, CICC gave China Mobile's initial rating of A-shares outperforming the broader market, with a target price of 81 yuan, corresponding to 13.8 times the 2022 P/E. From January this year to the present, in addition to CICC, there are a number of institutions that have given China Mobile A shares a positive direction rating. Minsheng Securities believes that China Mobile has good fundamentals, multiple factors escort, the traditional business is basically stable, and industrial digitalization is expected to open up growth space and give recommended ratings. Guosheng Securities believes that China Mobile is the global operator leader, the C-end and B-end business resonate, and the operator's prosperity is upward. Tianfeng Securities believes that China Mobile, as the global operator leader, has a clear leading edge in network scale and user scale, and the APRU value stabilizes and rebounds, which increases from 47.4 yuan in 2020 to 52.2 yuan, of which 5G users reach 88.9 yuan, and the comprehensive ARPU value of the home market increased by 16.2% year-on-year in the first half of 2021, plus 5G applications, government and enterprises and emerging services give full play to the core advantages of network resources and technical reserves, giving a buy rating. Changjiang Securities believes that China Mobile's profitability is world-class, the path to improvement is clear, and the industry has ushered in three major inflection points, and the company is expected to benefit in an all-round way.

(This article does not constitute any investment advice, investors act accordingly, at their own risk.) )

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