
Only race to open a new bureau丨OPPO, the world's largest production base "Tianzhi", will build a Chongqing R&D center

Only race to open a new bureau丨OPPO, the world's largest production base "Tianzhi", will build a Chongqing R&D center

On February 7, the first working day after the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, workers have actively put into work on the production line of OPPO (Chongqing) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. As of February 8, about 4,700 people had returned to work. OPPO Chongqing, as its world's largest production base and logistics center, will build a Chongqing R&D center this year to continue to increase innovation and research and development.

OPPO increased its investment in Chongqing

On the morning of February 7, on the production line of OPPO (Chongqing) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., workers wearing overalls and hair hats were busy in an orderly manner, and nearly 10,000 mobile phones were rolled off the line here every hour.

"I hope that enterprises will pay close attention to market demand, develop more new products and high-end products, continue to grow bigger and stronger, and produce at full capacity, so that they can exert force at the beginning and compete for the first place at the beginning, so as to lay a solid foundation for achieving the goals and tasks of economic and social development throughout the year." Hu Henghua, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, walked into the intelligent production line when investigating the OPPO (Chongqing) intelligent technology company, inspected the display of consumer electronic products, and affirmed the company's achievements.

OPPO Chongqing employees began to return to work one after another from the morning of February 4, and about 70 people returned to work on the same day. As of February 8, about 4,700 people had returned to work. Liu Chu, the relevant person in charge of the company, told the upstream news reporter that it is expected to fully resume production within a week.

"Thanks to the ramp-up of production capacity and the increase in orders, OPPO's mobile phone shipments in Chongqing reached 34.1 million units last year, an increase of 84.8% year-on-year, and the output value reached 35.329 billion yuan, an increase of 91.4% year-on-year, and sales reached 33.3596 million units, and this year will continue to maintain a growth trend." Liu Chu revealed that this year the company will further improve the development sector, in June this year will start the construction of OPPO Chongqing R & D center, focusing on making up for the shortcomings of R & D, after completion, will drive many senior technology R & D personnel to Chongqing officers to start a prosperous home, can accommodate more than 4,000 R & D personnel office, to achieve R & D and manufacturing two-headed progress.

In fact, as the world's leading smart device manufacturer and innovator, OPPO's investment in Chongqing is constantly increasing. According to the data, in 2016, OPPO Chongqing signed a contract to settle in Yubei District, with a planned total investment of 7 billion yuan and an area of 1524 mu, and is committed to building the Chongqing base into an intelligent science and technology park integrating intelligent manufacturing, automated warehousing and hardware research and development. On November 30 last year, oppo innovation demonstration smart factory was officially launched, and OPPO's output value in Chongqing exceeded 30 billion yuan for the first time.

According to the relevant person in charge of OPPO, the Chongqing base will be positioned as OPPO's world's largest production base and logistics center, and will make full use of 5G, industrial high-definition vision, edge cloud collaboration, industrial AR/VR, dynamic intelligent scheduling of production lines, digital twins, big data assisted decision-making, AGV intelligent transportation, three-dimensional warehouse intelligent scheduling and other 9 aspects of technology, with a cumulative investment of 500 million yuan in 5 years, to achieve intelligent decision-making and dynamic optimization of the entire factory, to create a 5G + intelligent terminal production digital innovation demonstration smart factory.

"This year, we will further expand production capacity, innovative research and development, active production, it is expected that this year's Output Value of Chongqing Company will maintain double-digit growth on the basis of last year." Liu Chu said.

Smart end products quickly "take root"

Also in the airport area, the relevant person in charge of Chongqing Yibao Intelligent Electronic Device Co., Ltd. also said: "Due to the abundant orders, there was no work stoppage during the Spring Festival, and 12,000 people worked overtime, accounting for about 70% of all employees." ”

According to the person in charge, the company mainly produces tablet computers, smart watches, etc., and continues to promote intelligent transformation and upgrading, and was rated as "Chongqing Digital Workshop" by the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology in August 2021. Last year, the total output value reached 41.1 billion. "Due to the huge increase in labor demand, we have recruited hundreds of people every day recently."

Facts have shown that major projects and key enterprises are the ballast stone for Chongqing's high-quality development. Thanks to the contribution of Yibao, Xushuo and other enterprises, as an important electronic terminal production place in Chongqing, in 2021, the industrial output value of the comprehensive insurance zone will exceed the "100 billion mark" for the first time, of which the scale and quality of the intelligent manufacturing industry have achieved "double improvement". The annual production of various types of intelligent terminal products 49 million units, an increase of 10% year-on-year, to promote the implementation of intelligent transformation of intelligent terminal enterprises, the average number of production lines reduced by 16%, the production yield rate increased to 98%.

Hu Henghua stressed that all levels and departments should strengthen overall planning and scheduling, timely coordinate and solve difficult problems in project construction and enterprise production, strengthen the guarantee of factors, support enterprises to increase capital and expand capacity and intelligent transformation, and create a strong atmosphere of grasping projects and stabilizing investment.

"Such a loud commitment has played a great role in encouraging the development of the enterprise." Liu Chu said that the company will continue to further improve product research and development capabilities, optimize product quality, and make more and better product and service markets.

"We are encouraged and confident that in the new year we will continue to struggle, work together to the future, seize the opportunity, take advantage of the momentum, and devote ourselves to the new work with more enthusiasm and state." The relevant person in charge of Chongqing Bonded Port Area Group said, "We will continue to expand and strengthen the scale of industry, actively cultivate science and technology innovation industries, promote the rapid development of "bonded +" industries, cultivate open subjects, and lay out a number of strategic emerging industries, intelligent manufacturing industries, and modern service industries. ”

According to the plan, by 2025, the total output value of Chongqing's intelligent terminal industry will reach 600 billion yuan, and 2 enterprises with operating income of more than 100 billion yuan, 12 enterprises with 10 billion yuan, and 30 billion-level enterprises will be cultivated.

Upstream journalist Yan Wei

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