
To understand in the human heart is the most beautiful

To understand in the human heart is the most beautiful

"Understanding in people's hearts is the most beautiful" | text: Strange and late return

"No matter how many friends you have, how many confidants can have?"


For this great world, each of us is like dust, but please believe that in this world, there is a reason for your existence, and there will be people who understand you.

Time flows all the time, we have experienced a lot, but we will always meet someone who understands you. Suffering and pain are just scenes on the way, or positive or negative encouragement, stimulation, let you brave forward, you will meet or beautiful or special moments, all melancholy and sorrow will naturally disappear.

Sometimes, people are lonely! It is not because the world is lonely, but because we find ourselves, when we miss, when we are helpless, when we are bored, we will be lonely. It's an inner feeling.

In this life, we will walk many roads, fall many times, and get up again. Meet many people and many things, only when you meet the right person, you know how to cherish. Time is hurried, and being with people who understand will warm the time and moisturize the seasons.

No matter the spring, summer, autumn or winter, no matter how the world changes, as long as they are in each other, support each other, and rely on each other, the inner impulse is the most beautiful note in the depths of the soul. No matter how many friends there are, how many zhiyin can there be? No matter how much money you have, you will have a lifetime!

Walking side by side with those who understand, simple days will be exquisite, and ordinary life will be poetic. Sometimes, without too much description, without deliberately flattering, even an ordinary look, a faint smile, an ordinary gesture, has made people understand.


Time is deep and shallow, if you can go forward with the people you like in your life, shuttle together, in the wind and rain, see the complexity of the complex, taste the sour, sweet and bitter, and taste each other, each other is still the treasure in each other's heart, it must be the most beautiful thing.

There is warmth in the heart, no matter how cold it is warm; and you are in the heart, no matter how bitter it is, it is worth it; if so, the world will be very simple, and everything in the world will become clear and soft.

The most precious thing in the heart is to understand. The spring breeze is ten miles, the flowers on the strange flowers bloom, and the encounter with Jun is just a drunken moment. Isn't this a spring-like poem, and why isn't there a sunny look?

I think that people who understand do not need to say much, just stop, otherwise, no matter how much rhetoric will always be punctured by time, falling to the ground. Understand, even everything is in the unspoken, because the heart has a sharp mind, a shallow smile is safe, and each other's hearts are gradually broadened.

Image source network, invasion and deletion


Pen name: Mo Shang Chi Gui Ren, a native of Leishan County, Guizhou Province. A teacher who loves education and loves literature

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