
After the end of the year, the father had to go out to work again, and the daughter's words made netizens cry

The Spring Festival has ended, and many people have once again embarked on the journey of going out to work. Although parents do not want their children to go out to work, but children also have families, in order to live in order to make their children's living conditions better, many people have to go out to work.

Families without children are better off, and families with children have to make trade-offs for their children. At home with children can not go to work, work can not take children, many people in order to let the children have a good condition will choose to go to work, put the children in the hometown to let the elderly help to bring.

After the end of the year, the father had to go out to work again, and the daughter's words made netizens cry

Although this perfectly solves the problem between going to work and not going to work, there are also drawbacks, and the days when the child is placed in the hometown will miss the child in particular, and the child will miss the parents. On February 7, Yichun, Jiangxi, at the end of the New Year, my father had to go out to work again, and my daughter's words made netizens cry.

Those who work outside the home, all year round, only the New Year's time can accompany the elderly and children at home, but that time is too short, and it will pass in the blink of an eye. The parents in Yichun, Jiangxi Province, are about to embark on a journey to work outside the home.

After the end of the year, the father had to go out to work again, and the daughter's words made netizens cry

Originally, the parents had already gotten on the car, but the child ran out and followed, and the father opened the car window to ask the child what was going on The child said a sentence to the father that made netizens feel tears, and the child said: Dad, you have time to come back to see more.

The child and her father obviously wanted to cry when they said that, but she controlled. Maybe it's because she knows that even if she cries, she can't change the fact that her parents are leaving, or maybe it's because she's long been used to such a life, and she can only tell her father to go home and see her more.

After the end of the year, the father had to go out to work again, and the daughter's words made netizens cry

Such a simple sentence was exposed to the Internet by netizens after the discussion, some netizens said: hearing the child say such a thing is too sad, but in order to live and have to go out to work, if you can have a choice, everyone wants to accompany the child' side.

With the development of the times, more and more people are developing in the city. Too many people buy houses in the city because of the establishment of good education, good medical conditions, and many employment opportunities. But no matter where it develops, the children in a family must always be watched, especially when the children are young.

After the end of the year, the father had to go out to work again, and the daughter's words made netizens cry

Raising a child takes a lot of time and energy, but now people are too stressed, especially those who live in the city, most of them are burdened with mortgages and car loans, and the pressure of life makes parents unable to watch their children at home, and they can only give their children to the elderly to raise.

Many elderly people are used to living in the countryside, not used to living in the city, in order to avoid too many contradictions, more and more young people choose to put their children in their hometowns to be treated by the elderly. In this way, young people can go to work better, the elderly can freely look at their children at home, and children can grow up smoothly.

After the end of the year, the father had to go out to work again, and the daughter's words made netizens cry

It seems like a perfect thing, but the child has only grown up for a few years, and if you miss it, you can't go back. Just like this child in Yichun, Jiangxi, living with the elderly in her hometown will miss her parents very much, but she has no way to do anything.

To solve such a thing, I think it is better to take the child with you, after all, the child's growth is only a few years. If you really don't have the conditions to take your child with you, you can take advantage of your rest to go home to visit your child and give your child some love, after all, now everyone's living conditions are good, and every household has a car.

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