
Internet doctor language: vitamin D, vitamin AD, which one is better?

In order to prevent rickets, mothers will supplement their babies with cod liver oil (vitamin AD), and some mothers will give their babies a single component of vitamin D. So, which is more suitable for your baby, vitamin D or vitamin AD?

Internet doctor language: vitamin D, vitamin AD, which one is better?

Recommendations for vitamin D supplementation

Infants and young children aged 2 to 2 years who are exclusively breastfed should be supplemented with 400 units of vitamin D per day; infants and young children fed with formula milk should be supplemented with 200 units of vitamin D per day if the milk intake is less than 500 ml per day; babies with more than 500 ml of milk per day do not need to supplement vitamin D.

Vitamin A does not need to be supplemented separately

Most green vegetables and animal livers are rich in vitamin A, as long as the mother's diet is balanced, the content of vitamin A in breast milk will not be less. In addition, the baby's addition of complementary food science can also ensure the intake of vitamin A.

There are also babies who drink formula, based on the formula itself is also rich in vitamin A, if the baby's daily intake of milk is normal, there will be no lack of vitamin A.

Why vitamin D is recommended

If the baby is breastfeeding, the mother is best to choose to supplement with vitamin D alone. If the mother has already bought vitamin AD drops, don't worry, you can give your baby vitamin AD drops every other day. It is better to buy a single-ingredient vitamin D later.

If you are a baby who drinks formula and can drink according to the recommended amount, you do not need to supplement with vitamin D. If your baby drinks less milk powder, you can supplement about half of the amount of vitamin D according to the situation.

Finally, a warm reminder

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble substance, or oil-soluble substance, and used mothers know that vitamin D capsules are filled with "oil". According to the principle of similar solubility, the oily foods in the diet can also more fully disperse and dissolve vitamin D, that is, this helps the body absorb vitamin D. It is recommended that your baby take vitamin D drops after meals or with meals (milk).

Source: Internet Doctor Alliance

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