
The first step to become Gu Ailing, sleep for ten hours a day...


China's Gu Ailing is a proper "top stream".

In the freestyle ski jump final,

She won the championship with her outstanding performance,

For the Chinese delegation to win,

The third gold medal of this Winter Olympics!

The first step to become Gu Ailing, sleep for ten hours a day...

And she's not just a ski genius.

Also finished high school early,

Admitted to Stanford University,

Love basketball, cross country sports,

Or the darling of the fashion world...

How does this "open and hanging life" do it?

Gu Ailing once shared his secret:

"Sleep is my 'secret weapon'

From childhood to sleep 10 hours a night,

Now too. ”

The first step to become Gu Ailing, sleep for ten hours a day...

"From 8 to 14 years old,

I've only been skiing on weekends.

And I can be older than those who are older.

More professional athletes

Secret weapons that do better,

It's ten hours of sleep a day.

Really sleep ten hours a day. ”

She even called her mom "Sleep Cop",

Because mom always stressed with her to sleep well.

And Gu Ailing's mother also said in the interview:

"My education for Gu Ailing is,

First, sleep more;

Second, learn more;

Third, play more. ”


If only we could sleep ten hours a day...

What happens?

Are you a "long sleeper"?

Although the recommended sleep time of the scientific community is 7 to 9 hours a day, there are always some people in life, even if they sleep enough for 9 hours, they still feel that they have no energy and go everywhere they sleep; there are also some people who only sleep for 5 hours a day but can keep full of energy and energy...

Why!? Because...... Sleep is also a matter of fate. There are some people in reality who naturally need to sleep longer than others.

For example, they only sleep enough for 10 hours to ensure a good mental state when awake, such people are called "long sleepers", not diseases, but genetically determined. Of course, we can't say that Gu Ailing must be a "long sleeper", but sleeping well is certain

Of course, there are short sleepers as opposed to long sleepers.

For example, we will often hear that the success secret of a certain successful person is to sleep only 4 to 5 hours at night, sleep late and get up early, chicken blood all day, we don't just look at others sleep less, the key is that people are not sleepy.

There are indeed some people in this world who do not need so much sleep, and their mental state is also very good during the day, such people are called "short sleepers", which is also innate, genetically determined.

Of course, whether it is "long sleep" or "short sleep", the most important thing is to sleep enough to sleep comfortably. Obediently listen to the voice of your own body.

Sleep deprivation is really harmful

1. The impact grows tall

A very critical hazard of staying up late is to affect the child's development, which is easy to make the child grow tall. Because the factors that affect the growth and development of children are not only genetic factors, nutritional conditions, exercise, etc., but also related to the amount of growth hormone.

At night, when the child secretes growth hormone at the highest, if the child does not rest at this time, it will affect the secretion of growth hormone. If you can go to sleep early, then more growth hormone is secreted. By getting enough sleep every day, your child can grow taller. Therefore, for children, developing the habit of going to bed early is especially important for physical development.

2. Reduces the body's immunity

The first step to become Gu Ailing, sleep for ten hours a day...

While children stay up late, their body organs are also staying up late. For example, the child's heart and brain, which are still in the stage of development, are always overloaded with work, and it is easy to leave hidden dangers.

Therefore, if there is often insufficient sleep, the child's physical resistance will be weakened, resulting in symptoms such as no appetite and poor spirits.

3. Influence the brain's creative thinking

If the child does not have enough sleep, then the child's attention can not be fully concentrated, when the body does not rest, the child's brain cells can not be rested, so that the child in the case of lack of sleep, will affect the development of brain power.

And if the child stays up late at night and sleeps enough, he will have insufficient energy during class, which will affect his academic performance.

4. Affect mental health

The first step to become Gu Ailing, sleep for ten hours a day...

If your child does not get enough sleep, he will be prone to tantrums. In the case of lack of sleep in the morning, there will also be getting up, and it is more serious, so that the child will lie in bed and it is more difficult to wake up. Children will have low mood, easy to be anxious, nervous and other bad psychological conditions, and in severe cases, even suffer from autism, which will affect the child's mental health.

In order to ensure the sleep of primary and secondary school students, in 2017, the Ministry of Education issued the "Compulsory Education School Management Standards", which clearly stated that the school work and rest time should be scientifically and reasonably arranged, to ensure that students have free time between classes and necessary after-school activities, and to plan and control the amount of homework after class in various disciplines as a whole. Home-school cooperation ensures 10 hours of sleep for primary school students and 9 hours of sleep for junior high school students every day.

In 2021, the Ministry of Education also proposed to do a good job in homework, sleep, mobile phones, reading materials, and physical fitness management of primary and secondary school students, and entrust the sleep quality and time of primary and secondary school students to the joint "co-governance" of home and school, and include it in the monitoring and assessment.

In the same year, the Ministry of Education and other six departments issued the "Guide to the Evaluation of the Quality of Compulsory Education", in the evaluation of the quality of student development, "healthy life" as a key indicator, proposed, on time and rest, to ensure adequate sleep.

The formation of children's good habits, in the end, the guidance of parents is the key, parents procrastinate at night, chase drama and stay up late, and do not arrange children, children naturally do not sleep. If you wash your child on time, tell bedtime stories, and turn off the lights to sleep, your child will also be on time.

If you want your child to sleep well, parents may wish to try these methods!

How can I help my child "get a good night's sleep"?

1. Help your child build a sense of falling asleep ritually

When it is time to go to bed, parents should dim the lights, turn off electronic devices, and create a quiet family atmosphere. Parents try not to let their children play with their mobile phones before going to bed, because the blue light on the screen will affect the secretion of melatonin, which greatly disturbs the biological clock.

It is best to set up a "bedtime program", such as bathing, touching, pulling curtains, saying goodnight, etc., because the child's body needs these signals to calm down and remind yourself that "I am going to sleep after doing these things".

2. Help your child build a belief: The bed can only be a place to sleep

Many family beds take on too many functions, in addition to sleeping, or building blocks, study platforms, trampolines, slides and so on. In this way, the child wants to do something more after going to bed, and refuses to fall asleep for a long time.

Therefore, try not to pile up debris on the bed, let alone let the child play in the bed, help the child to carry out "situational training" with the bed - as long as he gets to the bed, he will produce the conditioned reflex of "I want to be quiet and ready to sleep", which is more conducive to falling asleep as soon as possible.

The first step to become Gu Ailing, sleep for ten hours a day...

3. Try to fix the sleep time

Children who go to bed early and get up early generally do not have emotional manifestations. Many parents will say: Oh, he just doesn't sleep, how can I let him sleep and he doesn't sleep? It's hard for you to just move your mouth. Parents are best to do a series of more rhythmic work for their children before falling asleep to gradually lead their children to sleep. One thing that must be clear is that the child does not have to sleep when he is tired, but must sleep when the time comes. For example, if you decide to sleep at 20:00, you must go to bed at 19:30, and parents should try to adjust the pace of life to this time.

4. Firmly enforce your sleep rules

Once the sleep rules are established, the parent's execution is more important than the child's compliance.

It is not recommended to ignore the child's sleep time when going on vacation and arbitrarily modifying sleep habits because of the child's needs. Some children can't sleep after lying in bed, and they will get up or run out from time to time for these reasons: "I want to drink water." "I want to go to the bathroom again." "I have a good idea, do you want to listen?"

In this case, parents can make some "permission tickets" for their children, such as the right to use only three "permission tickets" after going to bed every night, and each request will be used up until it is used up. In general, most children can abide by such a game-like convention.

5. Sleep quality is more important than duration

For children, sleep quality is more important than duration, and good sleep habits benefit for a lifetime.

Many children sleep more during the winter and summer holidays, but why do they look more listless and tired? Mainly because of the increase in holiday activities and electronic devices, the time to fall asleep is delayed and the stimulation of the brain is increased, which affects the time and quality of the arrival of deep sleep. So quality sleep is more important than adequate time.

Good sleep is not only beneficial

Healthy growth of children

It can also help the development of children's bones

Recovery of physical strength

Be sure to say goodbye to staying up late

May every child stay at night and night

Sleep well every day

This article is synthesized from | Doctor Lilac "The first step to become Gu Ailing, sleep it for ten hours a day!" 》

China Education Daily "Staying up late will become stupid has a scientific basis!" This children's sleep guide asks parents to check the | Special Attention》

Responsible Editor | Du Runnan

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