
Is IVF a high success rate?

IVF fertility is currently the best way to treat infertility and has become a boon for many infertility families. However, in daily life, some patients believe that nowadays, medical science and technology are developed, IVF technology can delay the time of conceiving a baby, even if the age is older, it will not affect the success rate of IVF, and therefore, many patients have delayed in choosing IVF treatment. So, does age really not have an impact on IVF success rates?

Is IVF a high success rate?

Hengjian Overseas said that as we get older, the success rate of IVF will also decline. Generally speaking, 23 to 30 years old is the golden time of female fertility, when the female body is fully mature, the egg quality is high, the physical fitness is good, and if the pregnancy is born, the incidence of fetal stoppage, miscarriage, premature birth and fetal malformations is the lowest; Males peak their sperm quality at the age of 25 to 35, when the offspring are the best.

However, after exceeding this age, women's fertility begins to decline, especially after the age of 35, the quality and quantity of oocytes in women decrease significantly, and the ovarian reserve function, embryo implantation rate and clinical pregnancy rate are reduced; Genetic abnormalities such as embryonic and fetal incidence and miscarriage rates are increased.

Therefore, the problem of eugenics and fertility in the elderly population is even more significant, and many elderly women will seek help from IVF technology. However, access to high-quality oocytes is a basic guarantee of the success of assisted reproductive technologies, so age also has a large impact on IVF outcomes.

Is IVF a high success rate?

So, what are the main aspects of the impact of age on the success rate of IVF?

First, the effect of age on eggs and ovarian reserve capacity

Ovarian reserve refers to the number of raw follicles present in the ovarian tissue, which is an important indicator of female fertility, and as we age, the number of eggs remaining will become smaller and smaller, and the ovarian reserve will be less and less.

In addition, ovarian responsiveness refers to the ability of follicles in the ovaries to respond to changes in endogenous or exogenous hormone levels, which is a prerequisite for ensuring that eggs develop, mature, ovulate and ivy are able to obtain a sufficient number of eggs and high-quality eggs.

Both ovarian reserve capacity and ovarian reactivity are highly correlated with age, that is, both ovarian reserve capacity and ovarian reactivity gradually decline with age.

Second, the effect of age on sperm

Men in 30 to 35 years old sperm motility, good quality, good vitality, at this time the offspring will be more excellent. Although men can produce healthy sperm when they are older, the problems of poor sperm quality, low motility, and high sperm DNA fragmentation rate also exist objectively.

The study found that the probability of a woman having a miscarriage is about 10% to 15% if the man is under 30 years old; If the man is over 40 years old, the probability of a woman having a miscarriage is about 35%.

Is IVF a high success rate?

Third, the impact of age on the environment in the womb

A stable intrauterine environment is necessary to promote embryonic development, including endometrial receptivity, normal morphology of the uterine cavity, and appropriate uterine tone. Endometrial receptivity is mainly affected by the thickness of the endometrium, tissue structure and blood flow.

With age, there may be multiple uterine manipulations leading to damage to the lining, inflammation of the endometrium, endometrial polyps or submucosal fibroids, adenomyosis and other diseases. And this series of changes have caused great difficulties to the implantation and development of the embryo.

Fourth, the effect of age on embryo quality

A woman's germ cells are born with a gradual aging trend, with only 2-3% of oocytes released by young women around the age of 20 experiencing chromosomal abnormalities, and by age 40, this risk increases to 30-35%.

Age increases the rate of errors in the first and second meiosis of oocytes. The decrease in egg quality and the increase in chromosomal abnormalities are manifested by the developmental delay and stagnation of the embryo before implantation, the increase in the possibility of mental retardation or fetal malformations, and a significant increase in the rate of miscarriage in the second trimester. Therefore, age has a very big impact on women's fertility, whether it is natural conception or IVF, choosing the best age for childbearing is the most scientific.

Hengjian overseas tip: IVF technology is not something that can be done at any age. Ivy infant treatment at the right age not only has a higher success rate for transplantation, but also reduces complications during pregnancy and leads to healthier offspring. In addition, patients need to pay attention to the fact that if they want to do IVF, they must pay attention to the optimal age for IVF. It is good to do IVF at the age of 30 to 35, but the success rate of IVF after the age of 40 is relatively low.

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