
Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

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This material is excerpted from "Freehand Flowers and Birds Chrysanthemum Painting Method", written by Jia Baomin, published by Shaanxi People's Fine Arts Publishing House, excerpts of network sharing content for reference only, if you need to study in depth, please buy genuine books from formal channels!

The fan diagram is explained in detail step by step

Step 1: Before painting, first of all, there must be a composition arrangement, so that you have a good idea. The steps are based on the convenience of painting, and generally the front and back of the drawing content are the front and back of the steps. This figure is in the front of the stone, so the first step is to draw the stone. There are many kinds of painting methods of stones, which can be hooked first and then scratched, or they can be hooked and scratched, subject to their own painting habits, and do not have to stick to the fixed method. The ink color depends on the needs of the entire width.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step 2: Take the flat-top chrysanthemum as an example, the stone is the first layer, and the chrysanthemum is the second layer, so the second step is to draw flowers. When painting flowers, the pen should be returned, and the pen pen should be seen in the pen (seeing the pen refers to the traces left on the paper by the action of starting, moving, stopping and other actions of the brush stroke, so that people can see), and there must be changes in length, width and narrowness. Flat-topped chrysanthemums are most taboo to draw dull, this picture arranges two groups of chrysanthemums, the upper right corner is three flowers, the lower right corner is two flowers, to show how much change.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step 3: After the flowers are painted, when semi-dry, the flower buds are dotted with heavy ink to make the thick and light ink colors penetrate each other. Then draw the branches, this picture is autumn fragrance green (Garcinia garcinia ink) to draw the branches to seek its potential, pay attention to the arrangement of the composition at the same time to have a posture. After the branches are painted, the leaves are drawn, the leaves are five out, that is, a group of five brushes, the left and right are wrong, the size is different, the virtual and the real are used interchangeably, there are dry and wet, and remember not to draw too solid and too wet. When the leaves are semi-dry, the leaf tendons are hooked, so that the ink color of the leaf tendons and the leaf hue phase are infiltrated, forming an effect of ink interpenetration. Leaf tendons should not be too solid and over-exposed, otherwise they are dull.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step 4: After the chrysanthemum is painted, then arrange the appendages, this picture is a wooden fence, the color of the wooden fence can be determined according to the ink color arrangement of the whole frame, which can be ochre ink, light ink, or heavy ink. When painting, it is also required to see the pen, so as not to hurt the chrysanthemum. The arrangement of birds can be painted with famous birds, and can also be drawn according to the needs of color, and the color and structure can be arranged at will. This picture shows the bald eagle, that is, the famous bird, and its structure and color should be subject to the actual object. First, the chest, back and compound feathers are drawn in light ink, and then the mouth and face are drawn in heavy ink, and at the same time, the feathers and claws are drawn. Light ink outlines the back of the head, while the neck is painted with a false stroke.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step 5: Organize the picture, adjust the relationship between each part, and color at the same time. The periphery of the flower is first dyed with a light ochre circle, and the yellow heart is yellow from the center of the flower to the place, and the petal tip is white. Stain the gaps between the leaves with light ochre green dot grass and dots. The stone can be blank or colored according to the relationship between black and white, this figure first dyes the stone with light ochre, and dyes the lower and right sides of the stone with light ink when wet, in order to change. The bird has a green dotted back, a pale ochre dyeing of the eyes and head and tongue, a white powder dyeing of the head and jaw, and a simultaneous dyeing of the abdomen, and the final inscription and seal.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

The second fan figure is explained in detail step by step

Step 1: First use light ink to outline the flowers, use the pen with the flat top chrysanthemum, require the pen to see the pen, can be clear, can be muddy, painting by feeling, pay attention to the shape of the flower and the shape of the edge petals and the feeling of brushstrokes. After the flowers are painted, the branches are drawn, and the ink color of the branches is based on the color of the leaves, and the heavy branches of the leaves are also correspondingly heavier. The leaves are lighter and the branches are slightly lighter. The key is to see the pen, see the strokes.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step 2: After the flowers and branches are drawn, then draw the leaves. The arrangement of leaves can be sparse or dense, this picture is sparse leaves, pay attention to the posture of each leaf, and at the same time have a feeling of leaf and leaf connection, otherwise it is easy to disperse. The ink color can be slightly heavier, the ink color should have dry and wet changes, and the shape should have a difference and pitch change. Because of the small number of leaves, do not be sluggish.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step three: after the chrysanthemum is painted, arrange the appendages, this figure is arranged as a wooden fence, because the front of the chrysanthemum dynamic is larger, more changes, so the fence should be calm, small change and the front of the chrysanthemum contrast. First paint with light ochre ink, large strokes, large water, and a wide pen shape, and when it is semi-dry, then use light ink and dry pen to repeatedly draw the fence, so that light ink and light ochre ink form a virtual effect.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step 4: Draw a second layer of chrysanthemums behind the fence, which is a kind of changing flat-top chrysanthemum, first draw a layer of chrysanthemums in the center with light ink, and then make up the outer petals, the method is the same as that of single-top chrysanthemums. In order to distinguish the former chrysanthemum, the leaves are blue-black, painted in a floral shade, and the color can be slightly lighter, densely shaped leaves, which contrast with the chrysanthemum in front. The ink color of the leaf tendons is also slightly lighter to form a uniform effect.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step 5: Organize the picture and adjust the relationship. First dye the white chrysanthemum in front of it with a pale grass green circle to show white. Paint the heart of a small chrysanthemum flower with Garcinia garcinia dots, paint the petals with a head blue dot, paint the petals at the root of the petals with phthalocyan blue dots, and dot the white dots with white powder. The branches and leaves are painted in grass and green, and there is no need to explain it too clearly. The second layer of chrysanthemums is colored with garcinia on the reverse side of the paper. The front coloring is easy to hurt the ink. Finally, embellish the insects to add to the autumn fun. Its painting method first draws the structure of the mantis with light grass green, re-paints each part with light three greens after drying, and outlines the structure with heavy grass green after drying to show its shape. The bee first paints the chest, head and claws with ochre ink, pure ochre, heavy ink dot pattern, and light ink to paint the wings.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

The fan diagram is explained in three steps

Step 1: Stone in freehand flower and bird painting, sometimes indispensable, belongs to the common sense and impermanence of the content, learn to paint flowers and birds must learn to draw stone, its methods are diverse, according to the composition needs to use different methods. This figure uses the method of ink accumulation on the edge of the hook. The first time it comes out of its shape.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step two: use light ink to hook the flowers, although the ink is light, but also to have a change of dry and wet, and seek change in the plain. The petals can be painted larger to prevent stinginess. Requirements are the same as above.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step three: After the flowers are painted, then draw the branches and leaves, the branches should be drawn with the trend, the branches can be thick or thin, but the potential should be obtained. This figure uses a drooping leaf, the leaves are connected, blended together, focusing on the shape of the whole leaf, that is, large shape, overall shape, do not have to stick to the shape of each leaf. The leaf tendons should also take into account the overall shape.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step 4: Arrange appendages and embellish small chrysanthemums, fence in ochre ink color, the method is the same as before. Because this picture is a warm color of yellow chrysanthemum, so the small chrysanthemum is vermilion, first with ochre yellow dot flower center, ochre dot flower center small dot, cinnabar to paint petals, rouge point petal root, leaves to ochre green, the same painting method as small orchid. The stone continues to be hooked and rendered.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Step 5: Adjust the picture, first adjust the ochre to dye the flowers with Garcinia, and dye the gaps in the leaves or the deficiencies of the leaf ink color with ochre green, so that it becomes a unity, and the grass is dotted with the same color to increase the sense of environment. To increase interest, you can add birds to the painting. This picture shows the, which first uses ochre ink to dot the chest and back and compound feathers, draws the head and wings with heavy ink, and dyes the back and deficiencies with light ochre after the ink is dried, and dyes the eyes at the same time. Blue and black dot mouth, jaw stained with white powder, the last inscription and seal.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Appreciation of Jia Baomin's works

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

autumn scenery

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

Autumn colors and autumn sounds

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Pictorial + Video: Jia Baomin Freehand Chrysanthemum Fan Painting Steps

October frost flowers

How to draw chrysanthemums (1)

How to draw chrysanthemums (2)

How to draw chrysanthemums (3)

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