
People with noble qi will know at a glance, those who have their own noble qi generally have three major "facial characteristics" There is an old Chinese saying called "phase from the heart", a person's inner state and state of mind can be through the face

author:First psychological

People with noble qi will know at a glance, and those who bring their own noble qi generally have three major "facial characteristics"

There is an old Chinese saying called "phase is born from the heart", and a person's inner state and state of mind can be reflected through facial features. The face is the projection of the heart on the face, and to a certain extent, we can also judge the general direction of a person through the face.

As the famous American psychologist Dr. Barack (Dr. As beilac put it, faces are a permanent record of a person's temperament and disposition, and faces are maps that help us understand a person's true character.

Noble qi is a temperament that emanates from the inside out, a person's connotation, aura and attraction, is the rich qi in numerology, but also an inner quality including virtue, kindness, modesty, self-confidence, etc.

Not necessarily only rich people have nobility, and people with their own nobility generally have the following three facial features.

The nose is plump

People with plump noses and flesh have good career fortunes, and their career pattern of making money is relatively large, not only is it very motivated to work hard, but also very strategic in making big money.

The nose of the flesh makes them look positive and kind in appearance, the nose has a fleshy heart that is not poisonous, and the amiable appearance and sincere attitude of treating others are helping them to accumulate character.

The kind appearance makes people feel very warm, so people with flesh on the nose are not bad, and good interpersonal relationships are very helpful to the development of their career luck.

The book "The Microsychology of Life You Don't Know" mentions two concepts of psychology: the optimistic coefficient and the pessimistic coefficient.

The power of these psychological coefficients accounts for a certain proportion of what actually happens, meaning that optimistic people are more likely to encounter pleasant things in ordinary times, while pessimistic and dull people are more likely to encounter painful things.

The optimistic, positive, energetic mentality itself is also a manifestation of nobleness, and people with a full nose are generally very positive.

Mentality is a psychological tendency, mentality affects emotions, emotions affect behavior, optimistic mentality will make them calm in the face of adversity, more powerful in adversity, according to the optimistic coefficient, their opportunities and good luck will indeed be more.

Looks atmospheric

Guiqi does not only refer to the fate of a person who is rich and noble, after all, life and death have a destiny, wealth is in the sky, and everything follows fate.

Therefore, guiqi refers more to a person's elegant manners and extraordinary demeanor between hands and feet, which are closely related to the influence of the environment and their own cultural literacy. Wise people give people a sense of talking.

Generally speaking, people who look atmospheric are very noble, such a dignified and generous appearance, even if there is no beauty, clean and neat looks are also very temperamental.

The face of the face with an atmospheric appearance is rounded in the middle, the forehead is full, and the so-called heavenly court is full and the earth pavilion is round, which is a blessed appearance.

People with such a good appearance are generally broad-minded, regardless of the details of gains and losses, and they can only be blessed with tolerance and generosity.

A full forehead will appear to be wise and alert, and it is also very flexible in memory and observation, and it is a person with a brain. The eyes are the windows of the soul, clear eyes will make the appearance of the atmosphere more looking, noble people generally have a clean aura without heart, this sense of freedom is very much for their own temperament.

And clear and clean eyes will give people a kind of peace that is simple in their hearts and not in harmony with the world. The general personality of the atmosphere is also very calm, very affinity, but also the spirit of responsibility, and people with this kind of face around will give people a reliable feeling.

The sound is clear and loud

Generally speaking, the sound as bright as a bell can see the frankness and self-confidence in a person's heart. The book "The Conversation That Changed a Lifetime" distinguishes between self-confidence and self-esteem.

Self-confidence in psychology generally refers to a person's assessment of a person's ability to respond flexibly in specific situations, while self-esteem is an individual's subjective evaluation of his or her overall value, that is, a sense of self-identity and self-worth.

The former is limited to specific things and scenarios, and people can not have confidence in doing something because they are incompetent or not fully prepared, but this does not mean that they deny themselves.

People with low self-esteem have no confidence in themselves. People who speak clearly and brightly are very confident, this voice comes from Dantian, the breath is also very stable, from their confident attitude, it can be seen that such people will not affect their evaluation because of some things.

In their view, people are flexible, and the knowledge and skills that they are not good at can be changed through learning, so there is no need to make yourself a promise and a fear of hands and feet because of something.

In addition, people with clear and loud voices are full of energy and good health, and in addition to the confident aura, the healthy and energetic state is also a blessing.

There is a saying that people cannot be disguised, and the sea is incomparable, because some people do contain very powerful energy inside. But whether a person is gentle and amiable, confident and optimistic, mature and calm, these noble characteristics we can sometimes really observe through the face.

People with noble qi will know at a glance, those who have their own noble qi generally have three major "facial characteristics" There is an old Chinese saying called "phase from the heart", a person's inner state and state of mind can be through the face

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