
Fan Xulun | Fang Hongjian in "The Siege of the City" and Qian Zhonghan in front of the Rope Wutang

author:Southern Weekly
Fan Xulun | Fang Hongjian in "The Siege of the City" and Qian Zhonghan in front of the Rope Wutang

Chin Chung Han (1912-1982).

Yang Jiang's "Remembering Money and the Siege of the City": "Fang Hong gradually drew on two relatives: one is ambitious and talented, and he is often full of complaints; One is arrogant and loves to boast and sing. Both of them had read "The Siege", but neither of them thought of themselves as Fang Hongji, because they had never had Fang Hongji's experience. The "head" one is from his uncle Gao Changyun, and the last "one" is from his younger brother Qian Zhonghan.

At the age of eighteen, Qian Zhonghan published the novel "Running Away" (the October 1930 issue of the Student Magazine), in which the protagonist "was originally a proud boy with empty eyes." When I was in college, I published an article on the basic concepts and depiction methods of Chinese and Western dramas (see also my "Two Comparative Literature Essays by Qian Zhonghan Signed "Yaozi"", China Reading News, April 13, 2022); also published a book of "Practical Rulers for Students", and said to himself in the twenty-seventh pass: "Self-laughter cannot be hidden by nature, and I like to boast about my half-understood knowledge to others." ”

"The Siege of the City" has just been published, and Qian Zhonghan serialized his memoir "Miscellaneous Notes on Running the Tricks" ("People's Daily" from July 20 to August 10, 1947), "Written in front of the text" quotes:

I am in Wuxi, not a social figure, and I have never really been active, but because people are always a member of society, and Ewing is an ordinary friend, there are quite a lot of social center members, so sometimes I may be dragged to participate in a certain kind of assembly, maybe I have not participated but have been a bystander, so as to be a social activity in Wuxi, although I can't say that I am a real insider, but I am finally an amateur runner. I can only play tricks by chance for Wuxi society, and I am not an insider, and the main reason is probably due to the limitation of personality. First, I am too subjective to be a certain faction, and social activities must be carried out in a group in order to succeed. Second, I am too irresponsible, I have a lot of interests, people don't dare to entrust me with all my work, so they entrust me, and I never have the confidence to dare to accept it. Thirdly, I am a person who is too willing to show affection to others, so it is easy to offend people, and if I offend people too much, I will never be suitable for social activities. As for my belief in Wuxi society, there are several reasons why I have to play tricks and not be completely out of the situation. First, some senior friends, because of my father's relationship, love the house and Wu, want to mention me, so they want to give me a chance to show their faces when there is something, but Liu Jingzhou's son is a guinea dog, and it is not enough to do tricks in the end. Second, because I have no expertise, my profession often changes, I have friends, and the relationship between friends is complicated, and social affairs are not allowed to stay out of it. Third, I am still a little dull, and I often have to say and write about things that I can't see. If you talk more and write more articles, you will inevitably be easily involved in the whirlpool of right and wrong in society and will not be able to extricate yourself. Because I am not an insider in Wuxi's social activities. Although I was engaged in social activities in Wuxi, I was scratching my boots and rashly rewriting, which inevitably led me to be bold and reckless, but also because even if I occasionally ran the show, I had several different Wuxi social groups and social activity experience, and the personnel metabolism during this period was quite enough to observe the progress of the times and the changes in the affairs of the city.

Chapter 2 "Internship at the Chamber of Commerce": "I was studying literature in Guanghua at the time, and although I was not a top student, I was quite conceited. ”

Chapter 3 "People's Newspaper Cameo": "I once looked at everything and plausibly ridiculed Brother Tiping...... Now that I think about it, those words are really ignorant, and it can be said that there are no taboos. ”

Chapter 4 "Dabao Gongs and Drums": "I was young and arrogant. ”

Chapter 5 "Dead Friends": "I don't dare to brag about underground work, and at most I make cameo appearances, and I don't do any actual work. ”

"Written at the end of the text" ended:

After writing "Miscellaneous Notes", review it yourself. First, my article is quite suspicious of "my friend Hu Shizhi", so it is a trick to decorate oneself with the people of the time. I hope that all of you who I consider friends, don't deny that I have a friend, so that I still have to run this trick. Second, my article is quite self-promoted, and if a friend sees me bragging, he or she submits an article to refute it, or attacks me in a group, then I may also become a news figure. Because it is common for some people to have names like me, they are not known, and when they scold celebrities or newspaper people, they will immediately be noticed by others, and they have the skills to ascend the dragon. I hereby warn in advance, friends after reading my article, fortunately do not fall for my plan. Third, before writing this article, I offended many fathers and friends because I used the pen name of Chang Wuji to write "Chronicles of Social Figures", and because I spoke the truth bluntly. was originally a purely objective description, coupled with a good friend eating tofu, the original intention was nothing else, and because of this, Pingkong caused a lot of right and wrong, and I really regretted it. Therefore, when writing this article, I am loyal and have praise and no depreciation, but when I put pen to paper, I still can't help but be mean. This may be related to longevity, please say hello first, if there is any offense, please don't mind, but when I die in a short life, laugh and eliminate the hatred in my heart. However, pray a thousand times, don't curse me when you are alive, because the blessings of birth are thin, and the shade on the hall is still being enjoyed; The evening scene of children and grandchildren is already hopeless, and if there is another gambling curse, it will inevitably be unbearable. Fortunately, I saw the thin noodles of the old generation, and I was patient for the time being. Fourth, as recorded in this record, there are still many people and few things, which shows that I have always been outside the circle in Wuxi society, and have not yet gone deep. This kind of writing, empty readers' spirit, newspaper space, is not particularly bold, and sinful, I hope that the reader and president Shuai Kunzhong will forgive. Looking at the life of contempt, there are very few people who are responsible for me in society, and there are many people who are negative for me. This leads to the two public precedents in society. At first sight, although the society is called all evil, and the hearts of the people in the middle of the world are still loyal and forgiving; People like me have failed the society a lot, and the society can still not abandon me because my father was not without a desire to serve the society, and I can still do tricks. This may be the place where all the evils of society are, but there may be loyalty and forgiveness here. Second, there is still fairness in society. I am confident that in Wuxi society, with a variety of congenital and acquired environments, compared with many friends, have unique advantages, intelligence, or can not lose much, and the princess of Gon can succeed as the protagonist, but I am barking and barking, self-drinking, still a trick.

is a "self-aggrandizement", which is similar to Fang Hong's kiss of showing off his talent in front of Miss Tang.

and "Zhong Han Miscellaneous Treatise (14)" ("Ren Bao", December 7, 1948): "The most distressed person in the world is the one who has a high eye and a low hand. Those who read history regard a hundred years as a fleeting, tens of millions of people as grass mustard, and firewood, rice, oil and salt, can not be entangled all day long, and they are frightened. The son of the scholar, the ear eats the spittle of his father and brother, Li Du is a slave, Han Liuruo is a child, and the family book is a few lines, and the words are not repeated, and the master of this eye is low. And this number of eyes are low, and there is quite a lot of surplus, so they are troubled all day long and can't get rid of themselves. "Brother" needless to say, he is the one who wrote "The Siege".

"Zhong Han Miscellaneous Treatise (20)" ("Ren Bao", December 14, 1948): "Yu has a thin tongue and a good thing. ”

"Hanzhong People Poetry Cun, Yu Chinese New Year's Eve Six Magicians Say When Many Critical Diseases Have Been Tested Today, the Country Is Like This, How Can People Empower Themselves to Explain" ("Xi Bao", January 27, 1948): "I still remember that I was angry and angry, and my eyes were empty without rivers and seas. The fame is unintentional, and the book and sword carving insects disdain to work. ”

Fan Xulun | Fang Hongjian in "The Siege of the City" and Qian Zhonghan in front of the Rope Wutang

The opening sentence of Qian Zhonghan's "Miscellaneous Notes".

The young Qian Zhonghan is indeed as crazy as his brother. Qian Zhongshu "The Beginning of the Thirty Years of Zhong and Han": "The wine is stored in each old man, and the youth goes to the hall during the day." In the first year of the third year, there is only regret, and the four seas are gradually decreasing. Geng's sorrows and joys are also faint, and there is a shortage of food and clothing. I am anxious to be the same as my son, and I am not drunk, so why do I forget it. He also satirized his brother's "madness" and "absurdity". Hu Hanjun, "What I Know About Qian Zhongshu and the Siege of the City" (News World, July 28, 1979) cloud: "All this news about him was told to me by his younger brother Qian Zhonghan, because Qian Zhonghan and I had many opportunities to meet in Wuxi, Shanghai, and Chongqing. This younger brother has a completely different personality from his older brother, and after graduating from college, he is enthusiastic about learning and excelling. Qian Zhonghan's brother-in-law Xu Jingyuan (half of Zhao Xinlin's prototype, see "Wen Wei Po" September 11, 2010 Xu Daxiong's "Me and Zhao Xinlin in the Siege") when Qian Zhonghan praised "Brother Yao" Qian Zhonghan "has a foundation in learning and is skilled in rhetoric".

Although a little bit of "material" is taken from" Qian Zhonghan, it is like "the young disciple who carries his teacher", Fang Hongjian has not tasted "arrogant, loves to boast and sing", Qian Zhonghan of course has no reason to "think that Fang Hongjian thinks that Fang Hongjian is", and he feels that Fang Hongjian is "completely useless". Qian Zhonghan said in his later years "The Siege of the City" (Qian Ruhu sorted out "Qian Zhongshu's Notes", "The Ninth Episode of "The Story"): "Many of the character prototypes in the novel are friends and students brought by Ziquan, but they are mainly alluded to in the skin of language, expression, way of doing things, etc., and the storylines in the book are almost all novelists' words. For example, the deeds of the protagonist Fang Hongjian are not Zhong Shu's own experience, and I really can't connect with any specific characters around him. But the phrase, 'not annoying, but useless,' would have to sit in the right seat for most of our cousins. ”

Yang Jikang seemed to be like Sun Roujia at that time, "misunderstanding" and hard Lai Hong's gradual "arrogance" and "bragging"-

Fang Hong was gradually frightened and half a cut shorter, he couldn't imagine that the old man was so shrewd, he was busy writing back letters to beg for mercy and explanations, and he didn't dare to think about it from then on.

Hong gradually hated to tear the newspaper in half, and choked the throat of the director of the king, and saw how much he could squeeze out the meaty formula used to open the resume. No wonder Miss Su's brother wanted to say "long admiration" when they met, no wonder Peng Tu knew that he was a doctor studying abroad when he heard that his surname was Su. At the time, I laughed at her cliché! News like oneself is the vulgarity of the coronation, and the stench is so stinking that readers have to hold their noses. Besides, if someone is a real doctor, what are they? She had never talked to Miss Su about her degree on the boat, and when she saw the news, she would conclude that she was bragging. Where is Claydon University in Germany? When he wrote the letter, he vaguely said that he had obtained a degree, and his father-in-law saw that the letter was sent from Germany, and it was arbitrarily a German university, so he knew it to insiders, wouldn't he smile and crook his mouth? I became a liar myself, and I have no face to see anyone again!

Hong gradually hated and said, "I bragged to you that I have a degree?" It's a joke. ”

Rou Jiahuo sat up, his eyes widened, and his face turned blue: "You told Zhao Xinlin about us?" You're not human! You're not human! You must blow on him—" said as he slapped his hand on the bed. Hong gradually took a few steps back in fright and said, "Roujia, don't get me wrong, you listen to my explanation-"

"I saw through it, it's all bragging, it's all — it's — bragging." Hong gradually turned around and asked, "Who is bragging?" "You. You said how she loved you in the past and wanted to marry you, but today she is obviously good with Zhao Xinlin, but she didn't even look at you. It's you who pursued her and didn't catch up! Men blow it all like this. Hong gradually could not put forward counter-evidence for this kind of "Ancient History Discernment"-style suspicion of antiquity, so he could only say repeatedly: "Even if I brag, you can see through it, even if I brag." ”

Want to care about the person you love to "make a good impression in your heart" and "sharp teeth" and "show eloquence", which is also considered "boasting and singing"? "Fang Hongjian also enlarged the old mansion in his fallen hometown several times", "Even if I brag". "Old house", Wuxi Rope Hall also. Fang Hong gradually "often complained", which is not false ("I have been complaining for the past year, and I am about to break out").

A few years after the circulation of "Remembering Money and the Siege of the City", Yang Jikang said that Hong gradually was appropriate and thoughtful. Sun Xiongfei "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang Talks about the Adaptation of the Siege" ("Wenhui Monthly" March 1990 issue): "Yang Jiang said: Fang Hongjian is soft-hearted, weak-willed, and has a little talent, but he can't do it. His character is passive and does not take initiative in anything. He resisted the old lady, and when he was scolded, he sat down silently. Qian Zhongshu added: Fang Hongjian is a passive protagonist, Things happen to him. Qian said that it had appeared in Crystal's "Two Meetings with Mr. Qian Zhongshu" ("Ming Pao Monthly", July 1979 issue): "I inadvertently leaked a sentence that said that "The Siege" was an autobiographical novel, and Mr. Zhong Shu immediately objected, saying that "The Siege" was definitely not an autobiographical work, and felt that it was almost a boring move for literary critics to look for the traces of the author in the work. For example, the male protagonist of "The Siege" is very different from my personality. I am an aggressive, positive and energetic person, while Fang Hongchuan is more passive, procrastinating, and finally disillusioned with the whole life. "aggressive", mad, "passive" and "nest" opposite.

jokingly talking about the afterlife, if it comes to the present. Ten years after the publication of "Miscellaneous Notes", Qian Zhonghan "offended people" and was "abandoned"; The evening scene is bleak, and he writes novels to entertain himself. Sun Chongguang in "Spring and Autumn in the Commercial Port" is his self-portrait, a "young and vigorous" "little elder", and he is taught that "you must not make arbitrary comments and believe in your mouth"; Qian Zhongshu was only "a cousin of his second uncle's family", and he flashed in a flash.

Fan Xulun

Editor-in-charge: Liu Xiaolei