
Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

author:Zhejiang Social Sciences
Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

The series of "Chinese Village Development: Zhejiang Sample Studies" is the result of the zhejiang sample research project "Zhejiang Sample Research on the Development of Chinese Villages" of the Zhejiang Cultural Research Project. The series of books selects 11 villages in 11 cities in Zhejiang Province as research cases and forms 11 monographs. The series explores the actual scene and internal mechanism of rural traditional construction from the perspective of long-term historical research, traces the historical projection of the village in its current period, records the overall historical process of the village, and locates the historical coordinates of its current development in the process of rural civilization; with detailed and meticulous case analysis, observes, records and analyzes how Chinese villages as grassroots living communities can adopt strategies such as adjustment, abandonment, renewal and absorption in the face of the drastic changes in the period of social transformation. Reconstruct the new rules and orders that are in line with society and the times, maintain survival, promote development, and improve quality; conduct in-depth village research, deeply intervene in the production and living environment within the village, carry out economic, political, governance, cultural, and ecological integrity research, establish a complete factual record and analysis sample for the exploration and development of different types of villages in the period of contemporary social change, and extract the development path, characteristics and values of universal significance from them. Leave the imprint of rural development in our time and space in the vast historical time and space. The series of books not only analyzes the sample value of Chinese villages, but also provides a wealth of research cases and distinct local resources for related disciplines.

Introduction to the editor-in-chief of the series

Chen Ye is the vice president and researcher of Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, the vice president of Zhejiang Ethics Society, the vice president of Zhejiang Historical Society, the president of regional art history research association, and the director of Zhejiang Studies Research Center of Zhejiang Provincial Philosophy Society Key Base. He has long been engaged in the research of local history, cultural history and art history. He has published 10 personal monographs, presided over 17 cooperative monographs and 29 books of 5 series, and published more than 100 papers in national first- and second-level journals, which have been reprinted by Xinhua Digest and others. He has undertaken more than 10 major national and provincial projects, and won more than 10 national and provincial scientific research awards. In terms of rural research, he has presided over, researched and published "Where is the Township Pass: Research on the History and Urbanization Transformation of Luojiazhuang Village" and "Rural Studies: Exploration and Practice in Zhejiang", and published a number of academic papers on rural traditions and rural culture.

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Shexiang Chasing Dreams: Research on the Development of Hangzhou Longfeng National Village

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Li Mingyan by Li Xu

Zhejiang University Press| December 2021

ISBN  978-7-308-21329-5

Paperback | 88.00 yuan


As a mountain minority village dominated by agriculture and not baptized by rural industrialization, the change of Longfeng National Village is typical in Zhejiang Province and even the whole country. With "the transformation and development of ethnic minority villages in developed areas" as the main line, this book closely observes and records how Longfeng National Village responds to the problems in development under the background of beautiful rural construction, summarizes and refines development experience from multiple perspectives such as industrial development, cultural change, social governance, and residents' lives, analyzes and judges the future development ideas and plans of the village, explores the path of further green development of Longfeng National Village, sorts out the context for the future development of Longfeng National Village, and provides a basis for the inheritance of traditional culture. He made suggestions for the revitalization of longfeng national villages.

About the Author

Li Mingyan, Doctor of Management, Associate Researcher of the Institute of Economics of Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, Deputy Director of the Rural Research Center, has been engaged in agricultural economics and rural development research for a long time, presided over the National Social Science Foundation Youth Project, the key project of the Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Research Project (Phase II), published the monograph "Research on the Impact of Rural Labor Transfer on the Efficiency of Farmland Utilization", and published more than 20 papers and research reports.

Li Xu, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Researcher of the Institute of Political Science of Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, chinese and Western philosophy, thinker with local feelings, author of "The Virtue of the Heart: An Ontological Study of Yangming Heart", presided over and participated in a number of rural research projects, and published more than 20 papers in various journals.

Derun Minxin: Research on the Development of Shaojiaqiu Village in Ningbo

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Dong Xiaomei, Wang Kuntu, etc

Zhejiang University Press| November 2021

ISBN  978-7-308-21464-3

Paperback | 98.00 yuan

Shaojiaqiu Village is an immigrant village built around the land, although it has experienced vicissitudes, but the history is not long, only more than 200 years. Shaojiaqiu Village has no advantages in transportation, industry, commerce and other resources, and its development is mainly due to "people" - the strong impulse to get rid of poverty and get rich after the reform has made the villagers burst out with unprecedented creativity, they take party building as the guide, adhere to the integration of "autonomy, rule of law, and rule by virtue", turn the vast number of farmers' yearning for a better life into a driving force for promoting rural revitalization, take "moral village" as the general outline, read the "Tao Te Ching", and create a good experience in grassroots governance with "micro-openness, micro-grid, and calculus" as the main content. It has bred a civilized rural style, a good family style, and a simple folk style, built a new pattern of party building leading the composite governance of rural areas, realized the combination of party organization coverage and service coverage, and realized the great change from "backward villages" to "advanced villages".

Main Author Profiles

Dong Xiaomei, Han ethnicity, Hubei Qianjiang people, CPC member, lecturer, doctor of history of Central China Normal University, is currently a teacher of the School of Marxism of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, a researcher of Zhejiang Institute of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Provincial Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and a member of Zhejiang Provincial Juli Zhensi Famous Teacher Studio, whose main research direction is oral history of rural reform and development in China. He has presided over 2 provincial and ministerial projects, participated in the compilation of the "Jingchu Quanshu" of the National Social Science Major Fund Project, proofreading two traditional Chinese cultural classics, and published more than 10 academic papers in CSSCI, Chinese core and provincial journals.

Wang Kuntu, with a postgraduate degree, is currently the deputy director and associate researcher of the Institute of Law of Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, the deputy director of the Office of the Leading Group for the Evaluation of Professional Institutions for the Construction of the Rule of Law Government of the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, the vice president of the Rule of Law Evaluation Research Association of the Zhejiang Law Society, the "Five Batches" of Talents of the Propaganda and Cultural System of Zhejiang Province (2020), and the Young Social Science Scholar of Zhijiang, Zhejiang Province.

The Road to Prosperity - Research on the Development of Shangyuan Village in Wenzhou

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Xu Jianfeng et al

ISBN 978-7-308-21341-7

Shangyuan Village is a microcosm of the rural development of Wenzhou, Zhejiang and even the whole of China, is the first-mover area of Zhejiang's private economy, and is also a typical village of Zhejiang's private economy. There is a famous saying that fully explains the status of the private economy in Shangyuan Village: "China's private economy looks at Zhejiang, Zhejiang's private economy looks at Wenzhou, Wenzhou's private economy looks at Yueqing, Yueqing's private economy looks at Liushi, and Liu's private economy looks at Shangyuan." The research group conducted in-depth investigations and interviews, using detailed first-hand information and literature, showed the magnificent development history of the private economy in Shangyuan Village, from the rise of the low-voltage electrical appliance industry in Shangyuan Village in the early 80s, the formation of industrial clusters, the evolution of the main body of the business from the family handicraft workshop, to the factory to the joint-stock cooperative enterprise, the limited liability company, the enterprise group, the big entry of raw materials and semi-finished products and the big outflow of electrical products, the internal development of the enterprise to a large number of going out, to the overseas development outside the province, the transformation and development of the industry. The innovation of commercial formats and business models summarizes the experience of opening up, innovating and reforming the private economy of Shangyuan Village, and looks forward to the future development of Shangyuan Village.

Xu Jianfeng is a researcher at the Institute of Economics, Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences. He is a member of the Economic Committee of the Central Committee of the China Democratic Construction Association, the vice president of the Zhejiang Economic Association, the vice chairman of the Development Research Institute of the Zhejiang Provincial Chamber of Commerce, and the director of the Zhejiang Taiwan Studies Association. He was selected as the second-level talent of "151" in the new century of Zhejiang Province and the "five batches" of talent in the propaganda and cultural system (theoretical circle) of Zhejiang Province. He has published monographs such as "Forty Years of Zhejiang's Opening Up", "China's Accession to the WTO and Zhejiang's Economic Development", and edited "Accelerating Transformation and Upgrading to Build a Rich and Strong Zhejiang" and "The Chinese Dream and Zhejiang's Development (Economic Volume)", and has written dozens of books. He has published nearly 100 papers in core economic journals. He has undertaken more than 20 projects at the provincial and ministerial levels and above, and more than 80 other projects. A number of achievements have been awarded by the provincial government for outstanding achievements, more than 10 achievements have been transformed into proposals of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Provincial Cppcc Committee, and more than 20 achievements have been approved by the main leaders of the province.

The Rise of Green: A Study on the Development of Yucun Village in Huzhou

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Wen Haiyan and other ◎

ISBN  978-7-308-21421-6

Yucun is the birthplace and practice place of Comrade Xi Jinping's concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains". This book focuses on the historical appearance of Yucun village before the reform and opening up, elaborates and analyzes the changes of Yucun in the past 40 years after the reform and opening up, and the exploration and effectiveness of Yucun's transformation and green development under the guidance of the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", with special attention to reflecting the daily production and life of villagers. The dynamic mechanism and development experience of Yucun's transformation from "stone economy" to green development are expounded, and the research value and enlightenment significance of Yucun as a Zhejiang sample of Chinese village development are extracted.

Wen Haiyan is a researcher and deputy director of the Institute of Economics, Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, director of the Rural Research Center. Standing Director of Zhejiang Agricultural Economics Association, Chief Expert of Major Provincial Topics. He has long been engaged in the research of rural economy, food security and regional economy, and has published 2 monographs and 5 editors-in-chief. He has published more than 60 academic papers in journals at or above the provincial level, and more than 10 consultation reports have been approved by major provincial leaders. He presided over the completion of 4 provincial key projects and 2 general projects.

Transformation Empowerment: Research on the Development of Miaojia Village in Jiaxing

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Zhang Xiumei et al

ISBN 978-7-308-21299-1

Paperback | 96.00 yuan

This book examines the transformation and development of Miaojia Village in Dayun Town, Jiashan County, Jiaxing City, North Zhejiang Plain since the 21st century from the perspective of "post-productionism". Before the transformation, Miaojia Village, like other Chinese villages, was based on agricultural production, especially grain production, after the reform and opening up, with the implementation of a series of agricultural and rural policies, the primary industry with grain production as the main position has diversified; the function of undertaking industrial transfer in Shanghai has been highlighted, and capital has entered the rural secondary industry; and the development opportunities of the tertiary industry have also been discovered, all kinds of tourism and leisure facilities, homestays and other new rural spaces, economic and social non-farming, production and environmental ecology, Characteristics such as the diversity of space and function are highlighted. This book discusses this transformation in more detail from the aspects of economy, society, culture, and life, trying to reveal how external factors such as policies and capital act on rural society, and how rural space, rural culture, and social structure are gradually adapting to the post-productive transformation and realizing the transformation of rural nature.

Zhang Xiumei is an associate researcher of the Institute of Public Policy of the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, the deputy secretary-general of the Rural Research Center of the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, the deputy secretary-general of the Zhejiang Sociological Society, and the special researcher of the Advisory Committee of the People's Government of Zhejiang Province. His research interests include rural development, social governance and public policy. He presided over the completion of 1 national social science fund youth project, presided over 1 national social science fund project under research, and presided over the completion of key social science planning projects in Zhejiang Province and many other projects. He has published 1 monograph on rural studies and published many papers in core domestic journals such as Zhejiang Academic Journal, Zhejiang Social Sciences, China Social Science Daily, and Exploration and Controversy.

Blossoming rich and noble: a study on the development of Tangdi Village in Shaoxing

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Yu Weijie and others

ISBN  978-7-308-21342-4

After the reform and opening up, the villagers gave full play to the advantages of mountain villages, gradually abandoned traditional agriculture, and actively expanded the production of other flowers and seedlings on the basis of orchids, forming the industrial advantages of planting orchids, planting flowers and planting seedlings in the whole village, and the planting base and sales network were almost all over the country. Under the strong leadership of the village party branch, Tangdi Village has lived a prosperous life without forgetting the spiritual civilization, seized the historical opportunity of the construction of beautiful villages and the strategy of rural revitalization, and built Tangdi Village into a state-level beautiful and livable demonstration village with the Tangdi spirit of "people working hard in the spring and early", racing against the clock, and really grasping the "Tangdi speed", combined with the "integration of three governances" and "integration of three industries", to build Tangdi Village into a state-level beautiful and livable demonstration village with beautiful environment, convenient living and happy villagers.

Yu Weijie, born in 1963, is a native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Bachelor of History and Master of Agronomy of Zhejiang University, researcher of the Institute of Culture of Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, mainly engaged in the study of Chinese agricultural history and dietary history, has published many monographs such as "Rice Rice And Clothing: Clothing and Food Culture of Liangzhu People", "Chinese Prehistoric Plant Archaeology: Essays on Prehistoric Humanities and Plants", "History of Chinese Food", "History of Hangzhou Song Dynasty Food", etc., and has published more than 70 papers such as "ChiMi kao" and "Unintentional Willow Insertion: On the Selective Spread of Peppers in China".

Village City: Research on the Development of Jinhua Garden Village

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Wang Ping◎ by

ISBN 978-7-308-21289-2

This book uses research methods such as literature, character interviews, and on-site observation to make a panoramic and in-depth account of the economic, political, social, and cultural development history of Huayuan Village in Jinhua Huayang, Zhejiang Province. Highlighting the process of industrialization and urbanization of the village in the past 39 years since the establishment of the first large-scale township enterprise in Garden Village in 1981. With detailed historical data and broad research horizons, this book shows that the development model pioneered by Garden Village, with inclusive and sustainable industrialization as the main driving force, new urbanization as the basic form, and operational governance as the coordination means, has important reference value for promoting the rural revitalization strategy to go deeper and more concrete. As a typical representative of the "super villages" that have grown up in reform and opening up, the research conclusions of this book answer which villages have the conditions to develop into small towns, and how to achieve the leap from villages to towns through industrial upgrading, spatial planning, grass-roots party building, social governance, and spiritual civilization construction. The results of this book have strong theoretical and practical value for continuing the multidisciplinary research on "super villages" since the 1990s.

Wang Ping, born in 1982, Ph.D. in Sociology, Fudan University. He is currently an associate researcher at the Research Center for Intelligent Society Governance of Jiangsu Laboratory. From 2011 to 2020, he worked at the Institute of Sociology, Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences. He is a director of the Cultural Sociology Committee of the Chinese Sociological Society and a standing director of the Zhejiang Volunteer Association. During his doctoral studies, he visited Yale University in the United States and Lund University in Sweden. He is the sole author and co-author of 8 academic monographs and has published more than 20 papers in domestic and foreign journals. Two of the books won the first and second prizes of provincial and ministerial outstanding achievements respectively. Presided over 4 provincial and ministerial projects.

Culture-based research on the development of Qingyang Village in Quzhou

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Lu Fuying and other ◎

ISBN 978-7-308-21330-1

Based on the objective facts of village development, this book is marked by Comrade Xi Jinping's inspection of Qingyang Village in 2006, dividing the development of Qingyang Village since the reform and opening up into two periods, and conducting a preliminary systematic investigation of the 40 years of village development from the historical, economic, governance, cultural, ecological and other levels. In particular, based on the protection and development of Mao's cultural resources since 2006, a panoramic sketch was made of the process of developing village cultural tourism, promoting the integration of culture, business forms and ecology, and driving the comprehensive development of villages. This paper analyzes the triple logic of Qingyang development, reveals the important characteristics of Qingyang development, discusses the sample value and development limitations of Qingyang development, and provides the main enlightenment of village development. This book is a case study that emphasizes fact-first and seeks to draw conclusions based on the first-hand resources obtained from the investigation in order to make the research true and reliable. At the same time, a special interview and literature article were set up to present some of the information obtained from the survey for further study.

Lu Fuying, born in July 1962, shengzhou, Zhejiang, Ph.D., professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Public Administration of Hangzhou Normal University, leader of political science and administrative management, executive dean of houchen experience and local governance research institute, chief expert of social governance and social construction research center. Zhejiang Province "New Century 151 Talents (Second Level)", Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province Colleges and Universities Young and Middle-aged Discipline Leader, Zhejiang Province Famous Teacher. He is also the vice president and secretary general of the Zhejiang Provincial Sociological Society, the vice president of the Public Administration Society, the vice president of the Political Science Society, the vice president of the Chinese Rural Social History Research Association, and the researcher of the Zhejiang Provincial Museum of Culture and History, and so on. His research interests include social change and rural governance in rural China, local government and grassroots social governance, and he has published more than 10 monographs and co-authored books, and published nearly 200 papers. He has presided over 3 national social science fund projects (including 1 key project), more than 10 provincial and ministerial projects, won a number of scientific research awards at or above the provincial and ministerial levels, won more than 10 affirmative instructions from provincial and ministerial leaders, and has been invited to give lectures at The Pudong Cadre College in China for many times.

Cultivating the Sea, Herding and Fishing: Research on the Development of Ant Island Village in Zhoushan

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Xu Weibing, Dai Wuhong, tang Hongsen

ISBN 978-7-308-21290-8

Paperback | 90.00 yuan

Ant Island Village is a small hanging island in Putuo District, Zhoushan, with an area of about 3 square kilometers and an inhabited history of about 300 years. Unlike the land cultivation of agricultural societies, there are also coastal fishing villages that are different from half farming and half fishing, and fishing is still the traditional way of livelihood of Ant Island people. Combing through the seventy years of social and cultural changes on Ant Island, the collectivization period and the reform and opening up period are important historical nodes. By adjusting fishery production and its operation and organization methods, and effectively integrating social and cultural resources, Ant Island people took the lead in establishing the first people's commune and taking the road of collective development, which not only greatly changed the face of Ant Island society, improved the lives of fishermen, but also laid the foundation for the development of Ant Island after the reform and opening up. The ant island spirit of "hard work, dare to gnaw bones, and bravely strive for first-class" condensed in the collectivization period is not only the inheritance and promotion of tradition, but also a valuable spiritual heritage of contemporary times. The development of Ant Island is a vivid practice of building socialism. Taking the road of collective development and giving play to the role of capable people has certain sample value and practical significance for today's "rural revitalization".

Xu Weibing, born in 1980, is a native of Kaihua, Zhejiang. Doctor of Law, Associate Researcher, Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences. He is mainly engaged in cultural anthropology research, involving southwest ethnic groups, cultural heritage, regional development and other directions. He has presided over 3 projects of the National Social Science Foundation and the Social Science Planning Project of Zhejiang Province, published 1 monograph, published more than 10 papers and written more than 10 government consultation reports.

Dai Wuhong, born in 1984, is a native of Wuyuan, Jiangxi. Doctor of Law, lecturer at Shangrao Normal University. His research interests include social anthropology and tourism anthropology. He has presided over 3 provincial and ministerial projects such as the Jiangxi Provincial Social Science Planning Project "Research on the Decline Containment and Value Reshaping of Traditional Villages in Jiangxi under the Strategic Perspective of Rural Revitalization", published more than 10 papers, and presided over the completion of a number of tourism plans such as "Wuyuan County National Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Tourism Demonstration Base Construction Plan".

Tang Hongsen, born in 1955, is a native of Xiangtan, Hunan. Professor of Zhejiang Ocean University, Honorary President of the Chinese Society of Modern and Contemporary Historiography. He is mainly engaged in the study of the history of the Communist Party of China and the history of the People's Republic He has presided over 7 social science planning projects of the National Social Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, published more than 10 monographs (co-authors), and published more than 100 papers.

Cultivating Zhiyuan - Research on the Development of Taizhou Beach Village

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Wang Li, Yang Guiqing, Tao Xiaoma

ISBN 978-7-308-21343-1

Paperback | 84.00 yuan

The research on the development of Beach Village takes the cultural pile, understanding and excavation of the history and culture of Beach Village as the research approach, and takes personal participation in the reform and development of Beach Village as the practical basis, and conducts a comprehensive investigation and research on the development process, change trajectory and adjustment strategy of Beach Village under the background of social "great transformation" since the reform and opening up in 1978. The author went deep into the village, consulted genealogies, account books and other materials, interviewed villagers, and the kanta site, which corroborated with the historical facts passed on by the villagers by word of mouth, providing a solid and reliable basis for interpreting the "possibility of creative transformation and innovative development of traditional farming culture", and empirically proved that the main force promoting the contemporary transformation and development of the beach village came from two aspects: one was the strength of economic reform with the implementation of the family contract system and the establishment of a market economic system as the core, and the other was to promote villagers' autonomy, rule by virtue, The rule of law is the core of the power of political reform.

Wang Li is a professor at the School of Arts and Media of Tongji University and a doctoral supervisor. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the China Academy of Art and the China Academy of Art. Research areas: history of art history, history of design, cultural history, urban-rural communication, etc. He has published monographs such as "A Brief History of the Development of Chinese Design Thought" and "Research on the Primitive Aesthetic Culture of Liangzhu"; directed the documentaries "Zhejiang Sample Research of Contemporary Chinese Villages - Beach Village", "Longquan Celadon", "Twin Cities Ask: Shanghai and Florence", etc.

Yang Guiqing is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in engineering from Harvard University and Tongji University. Research areas: housing and community planning, urban planning theory, etc. He has published monographs such as "Urban Social Psychology" and "Huangyan Practice: Exploration of Beautiful Rural Planning Practice and Construction", and participated in the major project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Research on the Evaluation System and Model of Sustainable Chinese Living Environment", and won the first prize of scientific and technological achievements of the Ministry of Education.

Xiaoma Tao is a professor at the School of Economics and Management of Tongji University and a doctoral supervisor. He received his Ph.D. in Management from Tongji University. Research field: regional economy and industrial economy, etc. He is the co-author of "Economic Principles of Urban Development and Urban Planning", and the paper "Research on Urban Efficiency Evaluation Considering the Input of Natural Resource Elements". Main research projects: Research on urbanization development planning in Ninghai County, Zhejiang Province, and research on the technology roadmap for the development of low-carbon economy in Shanghai.

E-commerce Xingcun - Research on the Development of Lishui Beishan Village

Zhejiang Cultural Research Project | The series "Village Development in China: A Sample Study of Zhejiang" was published

Should be red and so on◎

ISBN  978-7-308-21328-8

This book mainly analyzes the formation of the Beishan model, the characteristics of the Beishan model, and the replicable experience of the Beishan model and its reference significance. It analyzes in detail the characteristics of the Beishan model of "leading the way of life, creating independent brands, driven by leading enterprises, having the courage to pioneer and innovate, promoting the agglomeration of elements, and promoting government support", and answers the question of how this formerly poor and backward remote mountain village, with the help of the east wind of the Internet, with a "Beishan spirit" of daring to work hard, pioneering and innovating, and mutual assistance and mutual sharing, has realized the transformation from a traditional village to a modern Taobao village, created the "Beishan model" of rural e-commerce, and further transformed into a rich and beautiful Zhejiang countryside. The rise of Taobao Village has injected vitality into the rural economy and has become an emerging force that cannot be ignored affecting the development of China's rural economy. The "Beishan Model" has extensive reference significance, is a new sample to solve the problem of mass entrepreneurship, and has important reference significance for the comprehensive implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.

Ying Huanhong, born in April 1964, is a native of Jinyun, Zhejiang. He is currently a researcher at Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences. He graduated from the Department of Political Economy of Beijing Normal University in 1986, graduated from the Postgraduate Class of Business Administration of the Party School of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1999, and was hired as a researcher by the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences in 2005. His main research interests are non-public ownership economy, enterprise management and regional economy. He has presided over the completion of the National Social Science Foundation project "Research on the Innovation of Family System and Private Enterprise System", presided over the completion of the National Academy of Administration System Scientific Research Cooperation Fund Project, a number of Zhejiang Provincial Social Science Planning Projects, and a number of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government Major Decision-making Theory Support Research Projects. He has published monographs such as "Corporate Culture Management", "Family Enterprise System Innovation", "Inheritance and Transcendence", etc., and published dozens of papers in "China Soft Science", "Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theory Research", "Social Science" and so on.

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