
Zhang Liping (teacher at Yangchuan Primary School in Zhuanglang County) returned with a poetic outfit when she was most at home when she was studying

Source; PingLiang Children's Reading

At home, when I was studying, I returned with a poetic body

Zhang Liping, a teacher at Yangchuan Primary School in Zhuanglang County

Climbing on the three-foot podium and speaking pearls, Jing on a plain paper, with splendid embroidery in the abdomen, this may be the long-cherished wish of every language teacher. However, the reality of this shore and the ideal of the other shore are far away, and they seem to have a boundless chasm and a long distance that I cannot cross, cannot reach. It seems that only reading can redeem me from reality.

When reading at home, when I return with a poetic body, my soul can be moistened, my spirit can grow, and my soul can be soothed. The new crown epidemic is raging, although it is during the winter vacation, it is impossible to visit relatives and friends, let alone have a small gathering of good friends, so I simply study behind closed doors. Unexpectedly, this open volume was really immersed in the fragrance of books, and I never came out again.

Zhang Liping (teacher at Yangchuan Primary School in Zhuanglang County) returned with a poetic outfit when she was most at home when she was studying

Everything is insightful and learned, and human emotions are articles. The books contain the code of dealing with the world, and also imply the recipe for getting along with themselves. When you walk into the classics, you read a book with words, but you understand a life without words. Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea tells me that man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated. Shen Fu's "Six Memories of Floating Life" tells me: Ordinary daily life has no harm in fun, and cloth and vegetables can also be art.

And reading the classics at home woke me up from the glitz, laid out a small square table, and shut the world out. Quietly find a vein of books and keep a pure land. Boating in the sea of books, swimming in the ink, thinking of a thousand years, and traveling in the eight wildernesses.

Santiago can fight with the vast sea, can not yield to boundless doom, he writes the value of life with a "fighting" posture, and wins back the dignity of the human person with the spirit of "fighting". But what about the metabolism of the human world? "The Old Man and the Sea" is written about the dialectic of transcendence and limitation, the love that is still after seeing the truth of life, and the courage to "know that it cannot be done". It seems that the aging of life is the law of nature, no one can rewrite it, it seems that life is full of challenges and ups and downs, but you still have to insist on going. In ancient times, Qin Shi Huang sent Xu Fudong to search for the elixir of immortality, and now there are biologists' gene editing that makes people hope to "rejuvenate and rejuvenate". However, these are too far away from us ordinary people. For us, reading is a good medicine against the erosion of time and the withering of the soul, it can make people's spirits enriched and their lives full.

Ordinary years are also full of fun, ordinary life can also pin long feelings, when the passing time is gone, she may be waiting at the end of your memory, Chen Yun is so to Shen Fudang. "Six Memories of Floating Life" does not have a grand narrative, Shen Fu wrote the sentiment of boudoir Swallow, which can make the text move people's hearts through time and space, he described the trivialities of family rice salt, but he can "sing and cry for no reason and the words are true" and become an immortal classic.

Reading at home is quietly charging, and it empowers the growth of teachers. In the era of "Internet +", massive information fills the eyes and ears of students, and fragmented reading replaces classic reading. The popularity of electronic products allows students to indulge in a short, flat and fast reading experience. Of course, the fact that students are reluctant to read the classics with a slope does not mean that they refuse to study, on the contrary, students in the formative stage are more eager for a broad and free language space. The overall construction of teachers in Chinese teaching may not be able to make students "stand on top of the mountain and see the mountains", but it can lead them to climb high and look far, and the witty humor of teachers in the Language classroom may not be able to fully understand the meaning of it, but it can ignite their enthusiasm for reading.

Zhang Liping (teacher at Yangchuan Primary School in Zhuanglang County) returned with a poetic outfit when she was most at home when she was studying

If teachers stick to a corner of teaching only and not reading, cannot jump out of the barriers of teaching materials to teach language, cannot integrate their own reading thinking into the classroom, and do not know how to activate students' life experience, then students will not be able to experience the vivid and interesting language exploration, and it is more difficult to obtain sustained growth.

When reading at home, teachers can either absorb the strengths of the family like a bee collecting nectar, or concentrate on one place like a woodpecker catching pests. After watching the popular TV series "The Age of Awakening", teachers can read modern history and see the popular characters of this dynasty. In view of the dual combination of "humanistic themes" and "language elements" of the ministry's edition of language textbooks, teachers can read "Chewing Words", enrich language knowledge, taste "Poetry Classics", feel the humor of the ancients, recite "Chu Ci", and appreciate the Chu di style. In "One Hundred Suggestions for Teachers", Sukhomlinsky suggested that teachers should educate students spiritually through extracurricular reading. Similarly, teachers' home reading can also form a reading driving effect in the class and even the school.

Teachers guide students to carry out home reading activities, so that they can use annotations or excerpts to appreciate the charm of the classics, outline the subtleties of the articles, write short reading notes, or classmate exchanges, or teacher-student dialogues, or parent-child appreciation. This kind of accumulation of daily punch card type home reading, is "the day arch a pawn is endless, the merit is not tang donated to the sea", it is like chatting about melon seeds, in the small talk of the south sea and the north of the sea, do not feel the bitter tiredness of melon seeds, and later, the table has been like a hill. When the school day starts, a thick stack of reading notes is turned over again, and it is not taught to spend a day idle.

Home can be both leisurely and fulfilling. Or in addition to housework, or when alone, hold a book and read, let the reading take you to poetry and far away. If you are tired of the hustle and bustle of life, you can flip through Thoreau's Walden, if you are doubting the pursuit of ideals, you can read Maugham's "The Moon and Sixpence"; if you have lost faith in the value of life, you can read Stetson's "Retreat Notes"; if you do not expect the beauty of human nature, you can taste Shen Congwen's "Border City".

Reading at home is a different kind of dialogue, it allows you to appreciate the beauty and moving of fairy tales, the heart becomes clearer, can let you feel the vastness of history, the mind understands, can let you experience the wonderful twists and turns of the novel, and the emotions are rich. In this way, when you tell your children about "cherishing friendship", you no longer have to use empty theories to preach, but you can read to them the dialogue between the fox and the little prince in "The Little Prince": Do you see the wheat field there? I don't eat bread, and wheat is of no use to me at all. I was also indifferent to the golden wheat field. And that really frustrates me. But you have blond hair. Well, once you tame me, it's going to be wonderful. The wheat, which is golden, will remind me of you. And I'll even love the sound of the wind blowing the wheat waves. When you tell your children about "studying hard", you don't have to be morally kidnapped and forced to reminisce with you, you can contrast the decline of China's modern history with the rise of Western capitalism, let them deeply understand themselves, and discover the true meaning of learning on their own.

If you study alone and have no friends, you are lonely and unheard. Reading at home gives us the opportunity to be alone, but reading is not a matter for us. Whether your insight is profound or not, whether your experience is broad, you must eventually talk, communicate, and share with others, and then you can discover your own shortcomings and precipitate your own thoughts. When you move from individual reading to co-reading, the spark of thinking can collide and the inspiration for reading can be stimulated. Fortunately, my home reading journey is not alone, with peers gathering in the clouds to exchange reading insights and share the details of the book list.

Reading at home is not just a personal reading event, it can also be an excellent educational opportunity. When I fall in love with reading, I also influence my students, teaching them to read from the heart, to read with pleasure, and to read with understanding. In the winter vacation, our class also has parents and students to carry out parent-child reading activities, they also spontaneously set up a "class reading group" and "reading corner" online, or in the form of reading aloud to convert words into sounds, or in the form of essays to write reading experiences, or to exchange reading doubts in the form of questions, or to record the reading stories around them with childish brushstrokes, to transmit the resonance of reading, so that the fragrance of books spreads in the class.

When the parent puts down his body and picks up the book, abandons the mundane affairs to return to the family, sits quietly, gently brushes away the dust of the cover, and swims in the book with the children, he may be able to find the warmth of the long-lost, or may trigger good memories.

The house gives the flesh a resting place; reading gives the mind a resting place. In his own unique space, let the mind swim in the paper and ink, let the mind fly with the words. Reading at home allows us to truly return to our homes. In the impetuous business era, reading rebuilds our spiritual home, cleanses away materialism, reduces anxiety, and meets a better self in books.

The ancients could cherish the moonlight, forget the worldly customs of the landscape, and send affection for poetry books. Reading at home is both a drop and a pick-up. What is let go is the worldliness, the obsession that cannot be desired, the exhaustion in Vanity Fair; what is picked up is the spirit, the reunion of life and life, the self in the coordinates of the heart.

We can't get out of all kinds of cumbersome wenshanhuihai, and we can't influence the various forms of performance appraisal. Reading "Chibi", I found that Du Mu, who was full of talent, also had depression and unevenness; I was shocked to appreciate "Ma Shuo"; Han Yu, who was bright and bright, also had a sad tone of unevenness and sound; Gong Zizhen, who was not singing or crying, also had a sigh of ten thousand horses in the face of the decline of the country's fortunes. Sima Qian wrote the "Records of History" with shame and humiliation because he buried his head in ancient books, read ancient history, and read himself, and gained spiritual resonance from them, forming a spiritual motivation that inspired himself: King Wen ji performed "Zhou Yi"; Zhongnie wrote "Spring and Autumn"; Qu Yuan's exile, Naifu "Leaving Sorrow"; Zuo Qiu was blind and had "Chinese"; Sun Tzu's feet were footed, and the "Art of War" was revised; Bu Wei Qian Shu, the hereditary "Lü Lan"; Han Fei imprisoned Qin, "Speaking Difficulty" and "Lonely Anger"; "Poems" three hundred, the works of the great sages who were angry. As for us, suffering is no stronger than others, hatred is not longer than others, and when a grudge reaches us, it becomes a complaint of two or three, so why not use books as bricks and stones to build a wall against secular injustice and mediocre life? In this way, through reading, it is also good to keep out the miserable winds and rains of the world.

Frustrated or with nowhere to tell, sad and happy or no one to share, and the books are amorous like the old people, morning and evening sorrow and happiness every blind date. Reading can open a door for you to see distant worlds. In this hurried era, people's time is measured by capital, like piece products on the assembly line, seemingly lively and greeting, but no one refuses to stop and sit down and talk about quiet alleys, golden sunsets, desperate villages, and distant childhoods. Everyone is running around, for livelihood, for the future, it seems that only fame and fortune can bring security. However, the appearance of fame and fortune, like the sun, pierces your eyes every day, but you have never come closer. On the big modern machine, everyone either takes the initiative or is forced to carry out "inner rolling". Toward the sun, chasing fame and profit. Just like The Father of The Kwa, running non-stop. However, on the way to run, it seems that we have long forgotten that we are not a father. We don't need to interpret myths in the flesh of mortal flesh, we need vivid and real human fireworks.

Fortunately, there are holidays, to loosen the knots of the soul, to give yourself a holiday, to find victory in the study, to return in leisure. Just lie flat, face the sun, hold a book, read Tang poems and Song ci, listen to music, taste tea, and spend time leisurely. Perhaps, this is the small struggle that I can do not be trapped by the torrent of the times, or it is the spiritual self-reserved place where I refuse to be occupied by big data.

Reading at home, not only personal feelings, from individual reading to reading together, it is like walking together at night, strengthening courage, cheering, it is OK. But to truly understand the essence, we also need to read people and masters, who are like the lights of the long night, like the helmsmen of the sea. Solving from their experiences and getting out of their minds allowed me to find a shortcut to reading.

I read "Water Margin" several times, but I can only distinguish between characters by loyalty and treachery, and judge stories by likes and dislikes. However, after reading Jin Shengsi's annotations, he suddenly became enlightened. Jin Shengsi regarded Wang Jin as a "superior figure", but I lamented the ups and downs of Lin Chong's fate and the encounters of life. I looked up to Wang and then felt sorry for Lin Chong. Wang Jin, who is awake in the human world, is the dragon who does not see the head and tail, he knows that the wind rises at the end of Qingping, and he says "no" to the chaotic world with an attitude of escape. Lin Chong, on the other hand, is different, he has illusions about the "evil" that is coming, so he has the deep love of children hidden in Hugh's book, and he also has the heroic shortness of breath on the Cangzhou Road. He is the majority of us, forever longing for the years to be quiet, willing to exchange "encouragement" for peace. However, in the gao li era, it was impossible to wait for the wind and waves to calm down, and it was impossible to return to the sea and the sky. Teacher Pei Yanling's "Lin Chong Night Run" is my favorite, countless times to see, countless times full of tears. Unfortunately, the kind of toughness in Teacher Pei's body, I still don't have. Bacon wrote in On Singleness and Marriage: "Whoever has wives and children is restricted in his freedom of movement and thus becomes a hostage to fate. "Lin Chong is not Lu Zhishen, who comes and goes without concern, so you can't ask him to be as dashing, casual, and happy as Lu Zhishen." Lin Chong is the majority of us, in the darkness and injustice, he can only endure humiliation and burden, as long as there is still a way to seek perfection, he has no choice.

In the torrent of the times, reading is the confirmation of the individual's spirit. In this era, we are destined to be calculated by capital, we will be wrapped in big data, network information and life breath blend with each other, Mars has human footprints, the moon will also be full of big data nets. And we, everyone seems to be running naked in big data, it knows your preferences, it knows your itinerary, it knows your network very well, and you rarely have private space.

Because of reading at home, you begin to reflect on yourself, begin to examine your surroundings, consciously alienate yourself from this impetuous society, and keep a distance from the hustle and bustle of the times. If you don't want to like lies, if you don't want to applaud impetuousness, please bow your head and read. You should know that on the absurd stage, the body does not sway, the spirit does not bend the knee, and the bottom line of what can be said and not said is conscience. Because reading you understand that when your student abandons himself, it is his signal to you for help. Because by reading you understand that when someone points fingers at your teaching, you should raise a warning sign from the bottom of your heart. Learning is a systematic multi-factor activity, and the differences in school, family, society, talent, experience, etc., will make students' grades very different, not determined by the degree of individual effort. When there is a problem with a student's language learning, you should reflect on the effect of reading activities and pay attention to the student's life state.

Zhang Liping (teacher at Yangchuan Primary School in Zhuanglang County) returned with a poetic outfit when she was most at home when she was studying

Reading at home is insightful and personality growth. Once a student who loved to read and think handed me a small note, and he wrote: If only praises are allowed at home, and not complaining, I would rather hide out; if the class is only allowed to sing and laugh, and not to hear moans, I would rather drop out of school. Perhaps he felt keenly the collective bondage to individuality, or perhaps he had once longed for individuality to grow in reading. If reading at home can make our teachers stop catching up and reposition their coordinates in the tide of teaching reform, wouldn't that be a great merit for education?

Reading at home is the personal development of teachers and the momentum of education. Once you let go of your fanatical pursuit and start to think calmly, you will understand that it is neither too early nor too late, and why the "double reduction" policy has landed in this situation at this time is nothing more than the situation. In the category of exam taking, the arms race that pursues scores makes countless children crazy for it, which is both a waste of resources and a waste of intelligence. Behind countless children are countless families, participating in wrestling, participating in involution, participating in competition. Behind countless families is a distorted allocation of resources, a distorted social form, and a distorted river of the times. As a result, the anxiety and bitterness of modern people also came into being.

If you compare life to a war, then reading is to release the south mountain, that is, to disarm and return to the field, and maybe when the enemy soldiers will fall from the sky, then your rest is also a good time for the horses to strengthen the army. In the long process of growth, reading at home may be just a star, a speck of dust, a cloud. It may not be remarkable, it may not matter, but when the wind rises at the end of Qingping, when the horn of the times blows, are you really ready?

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