
From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

author:Candy Mom
From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent
The "baby temperament" within 4 months is related to the parents' education level, age and mother's pregnancy mood.

The parents around sugar mother are always very confused, the same is raising a baby, why some babies seem to come to "repay the favor", some children seem to come to "revenge"?

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

In the face of a small baby who can't speak yet, have new parents ever thought that the different characteristics of the little one are because they have a different "baby temperament".

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

Babies have different "temperaments", see which one is more like your baby?

With in-depth research, the innate temperament of infants has been more carefully divided, and the following 4 most representative "baby temperaments" have emerged.

Quiet baby temperament: This temperament is also known as lazy or heart-saving. They are easier to carry from birth, usually lying quietly in bed and looking around, the movements are soft and slow, they will not cry easily, and even when they are needled, they will not struggle and cry strongly.

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

Social infant temperament: Social skills are not necessarily skills that adults only have, some babies show social skills in infancy, and such babies are also known as cheerful babies.

Although the language ability of young babies is not strong, they can make rich facial expressions and different body movements to achieve social purposes. Examples include kissing, greeting, and firm gaze.

Emotional baby temperament: The mood changes of this type of baby are more obvious, easy to be stimulated by the external environment, and usually show a more impatient, impatient or very timid personality.

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

They will cry because their parents are making milk powder, changing diapers and not getting wet in time, and it is more difficult to coax, and adults still have some headaches.

Sports baby temperament: As the name suggests, sports babies have more muscle movements, which refers to naughty and active babies. They are energetic, often after learning to flip, sit, climb, walk and other big movements, they begin to become idle, as long as they wake up like to move.

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

In addition, those babies who like to use "baby language" to quarrel with adults and slap others when they are unhappy also belong to the sports temperament. But they're not bad boys, they're not bad, they're just naughty and not bad.

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

How to distinguish between the type of temperament of a child? New parents observe this way

People can not have only one emotion, many parents say that their baby seems to be "mixed", each temperament has, which is not accurate, want to observe their own baby is what kind of temperament, you can use this method.

Parents observe and record the frequency with which the baby's various temperaments appear, namely: always do it, do it often, sometimes do it, rarely do it, appear occasionally, and never do it.

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

The baby may have a combination of multiple temperaments, but the performance of "always doing" and "often doing" is his dominant temperament. After learning to observe the baby's "temperament", it is more effective to take the baby and education with half the effort.

In addition to the topic of "good or bad", Sugar Mom also saw that everyone was discussing what kind of temperament baby was more likely to be a school bully. In the end, the number of votes for the "quiet temperament" baby was the most, which made the parents of other temperament types of babies very disappointed. In fact, there are many kinds of school bullies, and everyone does not have to be too anxious.

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

Babies with different temperaments may become different types of school bullies

If a new parent has a baby with a quiet temperament, when taking care of him, it is very comfortable for adults to eat well and sleep well every day.

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

In the future, they are likely to be the kind of "focused school bullies", listening carefully to lectures in class, completing homework on time, and not worrying about school and exams.

Babies with a social temperament may be more inclined to speak, host, and show their faces in the future. Because they are good at communication and socializing, they dare to ask questions, exchange answers, and dare to compete for opportunities for themselves than children with a quiet temperament.

Emotional and athletic temperament, will not be trapped by the pressure of learning, they know how to release emotions, may be the kind of children who love to play and learn well, but are smarter in the eyes of everyone.

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

In the final analysis, different temperament types can affect children to become different school bullies, but knowledge mastery and hard work still depend on real efforts.

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

Learning bullying is not exclusive to a certain type of temperament, and parents cultivate their children in this way

We bring the child to this world, not only let him be a bully, every child of temperament type may become a bully, in addition to learning, parents should also pay attention to the way to cultivate children with different temperaments.

1) Children with different temperaments should use different communication methods

Social infant temperament generally begins to appear around 3 months, and one of the most obvious features is "not recognizing birth". They are very cute, but be aware that it is easy to trust strangers at a young age, and even be abducted, and parents pay attention to the baby's politeness problems and safety education.

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

The advantage of emotional temperament of children is that parents can quickly judge various emotional states through their emotions, which is better discipline than children who are sullen and do not speak. Don't be tough with emotional children, try to learn to empathize with these children is the more witty way.

The quiet type of baby is very good to bring, but it can not be allowed to digest its emotions on its own, and when he is young, parents should make more eye contact with him and hug him appropriately. When he grows older, he has to chat every once in a while, take the initiative to ask them about happiness or unhappiness, and grasp his psychological dynamics.

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

If there is a child with an action temperament at home, do not stop and control his movement all the time, it is better to find some parent-child interactive games and participate in the child's activities in order to enter the child's heart and guide the child how to do it safer.

2) Dig into the areas that your child is good at, and you don't have to compare yourself with others

Quiet children can sit at home and practice for a few hours, but sports children can sit for 10 minutes. Parents want their children to have a specialty, but others may not be suitable for their children if they do well

From the "baby temperament" to see the potential of the bully, the naughty and active baby is not bad, may be more intelligent

Quiet temperament can learn more quiet specialties such as piano and painting, and sports children can try sports such as dancing and ball games. Social children can learn to host, speak and other specialties, and emotional children may learn to perform better.

In any case, parents still have to consider what their children really like, and do not carry stereotypes about gender and personality, otherwise the children will resist and cannot stick to it.

【Today's topic】What kind of temperament is your baby?