
Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment

Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment


2024-06-29 20:24Creators in the field of sports

Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment

At night, the street lamps are swaying, and Lao Hu sits on the food stall with one cup after another.

Lao Hu is a decent person, even if the family is not as good as in the past, he can still use the influence of the past to have a head and a face. Oh, this hasn't just been rated as the best of the best of the year's traffic kings. It's just that this thing can only be eaten with a familiar face, especially when the old enemy Young Master Kai likes to mention the outstanding young man of the year, and he is even more angry.

"Life is not going well." Lao Hu raised his neck and sighed with emotion.

"What's the matter, Lao Hu, a person here drinks and makes himself look like a drunken cat."

Looking up, it was Brother Yong standing in front of him. Once upon a time, Brother Yong was a well-known figure on the road, and a few double-flowered red sticks under his hands were like wolves and tigers, saying that breaking the dog's legs overnight would never be delayed until the next morning. It's a pity that Brother Yong is also old, who can not be old? According to Brother Yong, "Now a group of energetic little red guys are walking around the world with guys pinned to their waists every day, waiting for one day to pounce on them and stab Brother Yong a few times to bleed and become famous."

Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment

"." Lao Hu saw Brother Yong get up and immediately wanted to leave, after all, one mountain does not allow two tigers, and in the early years, the decent man Lao Hu and the Jianghu man Brother Yong competed a lot. The two sides first had a weird yin and yang, then spit on each other, and finally developed into a battle when they met. Brother Yong ridiculed Lao Hu Se to make Zhi dizzy, and even the class flower who was married three times dared to marry into the door; Lao Hu didn't talk nonsense, and immediately threw a pair of colorful pants at Brother Yong.

"How old are the two of us, the current world is no longer the time when the two of us compete with each other, let him pass those things in the past." Brother Yong pressed Lao Hu's shoulders and spoke seriously.

"Hey." As soon as the old beard sat down, he sighed again.

"What the hell is going on, what's going on?"

"Look at this." Lao Hu took out his mobile phone and flipped through a photo.

"That's right, Pan Liang Tiaoshun, who is this?"

"This is called Momo, young, good-looking, I fell in love with her when I first met her."

"What, you're going to be a junior? That's not going to be fun. Brother Yong waved his hand again and again, as if he was a means to know Banhua.

Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment

"What are you doing, I want to be a secretary and share the point. You also know, it's not enough for my old Hu to have Xiao Dai as an assistant next to him, Xiao Dai is capable and capable, and he has already tossed after being busy, and if he adds weight, I am afraid that he will have to ask for sick leave and be admitted to the hospital for repair. ”

"Then don't give him any more weight." Brother Yong said with relief. "Look at our club, those uncles are completely lying down and doing whatever they want, bragging and farting all day long and not doing serious things. I finally went out of the street to collect protection money, but I was chased by the dick Si Wang with a frying pan and chased three big roads. ”

"It's different." Lao Hu smiled bitterly. "You also know the one in my family, have a big appetite, and they hug me every day and ask when they can get another outstanding young man of the year."

"We're all at this age, can we still think about this? I've had four of these things in the last 10 years, and it's not that rare. Brother Yong smiled dumbly.

"Who says it's not, my ancestors are wide." Lao Hu, who knew that he was speechless, then paused, "I can't stand the horizontal and vertical wants of my family, so the parent who was grinding silently half a year ago finally let go on the other side." ”

"All relieved?"

"Well, I'm relieved, but there's a condition on the other side."


Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment

"The parents on the other side said that the bride price is easy to discuss, but I heard that your old Hu has a distant nephew named Xiao Li, who is clever and capable and smart, or let him come to us as a housekeeper."

"Xiao Li ......" Brother Yong was silent when he heard this name, this kid is good in everything, but he has a bad problem, and he is panicked when he doesn't pick up some money when he goes out.

"I said that Xiao Li can't do it, but I have to love my relatives and friends, brothers and nephews. Fortunately, I also have a nephew named Ah Shui......"

"Ah Shui, who is both the chosen and the only one?"

"No, the water × the water."

"Clear." Brother Yong's jaw.

"Supposedly, it's all nephews, it shouldn't make a difference, right?" Lao Hu began to complain again. "God knows that the other side actually disagrees, saying that Ah Shui is too watery to bully the soft and afraid of the hard, unless Xiao Li, who can pick up money, sends this matter to mention." I thought he was fighting with me, so I sent a message every few days to ask, 'Ah Shui is silent, can it be done'. At first, the other side could patiently reply to me that I couldn't do it, but then I simply sank into the sea and didn't even go back. ”

"It's normal for you to ask the same question twice for three days, and people don't reply."

"I sent another message two days ago, but I didn't expect to be blocked at some point, but today I received it silently and was taken away by another family."

"Where did you go?"

Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment

"Fat Tiger Iron Pot Stew, is the one that specializes in stewing geese. You said that you should not be damned, and if you don't do it as a good secretary, you have to run to serve the fat tiger as a maid. ”

"Harm, people didn't nod their heads at the beginning, who can you blame if you don't agree?"

"Can I agree?" Lao Hu shouted aggrievedly, "Just this bit of belongings, you let me tear down the east wall and make up the west wall." Don't talk about these bad things, I heard that your brother Yong has been in a lot of trouble recently? ”

"What's the matter?" Brother Yong's eyes widened.

"Your club is about to fall apart, and several big brothers are shouting to leave."

"That's not a good thing." The corners of Brother Yong's mouth curled slightly.

"Good thing?"

"Of course it's a good thing." Brother Yong is colorful. "Those guys rely on their seniority, lie down on the credit book every day and sleep a lot, and Lao Tzu has already seen that a few of them are not pleasing to the eye."

"That'...... What about recruiting Baoshan? I heard that your club is quite looking forward to this, and the group of people below is even more excited. ”

"That's it." Brother Yong's eyes narrowed up and down into two slits, "Come, come here, I'll just tell you one." ”

Lao Hu couldn't help but lean his ears over, but he didn't even hear a word after waiting for a long time. When he turned his head, he found that Brother Yong had long since disappeared.

"Bastard, what about you?" Lao Hu was angry and sent WeChat.

"Go ahead and play a trick on you."

"You haven't told me about that yet, let's see how to operate the plate." The old man asked with a crackle.

After a while, Brother Yong replied, and a line of five words came into view.

"Trick them too."

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  • Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment
  • Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment
  • Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment
  • Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment
  • Lao Hu and troubles, and Brother Yong's enlightenment

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