
Your parents are with you as parents

The contradiction between you and your parents may be the fuse of the contradiction between you and your children now.

Do you think back to what it was like when you were out with friends? Isn't it particularly talkative? Also easy to accept opinions? But what about your parents when you get home? Don't you think the nagging of your parents is superfluous and you've grown up.

What is human being changeable? In fact, people are individually different, an individual who will have different behaviors according to different situations.

Your parents are with you as parents

When you have a child, you will often feel that your parents are possessed by your soul in you, because you see yourself in your children, and you also see your parents in you.

You and your child are both being children for the first time, and you and your parents are parents for the first time. Parents' love for us and our love for our children may be expressed in the wrong way, sometimes with "aggression" and "intimidation", and sometimes the parent may not really need to realize until he is very old: Oh, I did this wrong! Why is that? In fact, your strong and weak relationship has changed, and you should learn to forgive when your actual situation is stronger, otherwise you and your children and parents will form a button that can never be solved. But I really see a lot of people around me, and they want this button to be fastened as much as possible, so as to reflect his sense of presence.

Parents and families are not choices for us and our children, which makes me treat each other with a word "native family", which really saves many people, who complain about their lives and blame all their inadequacies on him: "native family", and also think that "native family" and his inertia cannot be changed. But it is precisely your "original family" that can change the fate. It's just that you're not conscious.

Your parents are with you as parents

China is a typical collectivist culture: you have me, I have you. Western parents usually don't help you take care of your children, they think that my life has begun to count down, I want to walk the rest of the way happily, and Chinese parents will feel strange if they don't take care of their children. China's social welfare and living pressures are different from those of Western countries, but is that why parents have to give your whole life for you?

Friends, don't let some regrets happen again, this may be the true meaning of our lives!

Your parents are with you as parents

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