
After the spring, the child enters the golden period of growing tall, and 3 kinds of heightened delicacies are often given to the baby to eat, helping the baby grow tall

World Health Organization research shows that there is a significant seasonality in the growth and development of children. Among them, spring grows the fastest, and the growth rate of height is 2-2.5 times that of autumn.

After the spring, the child enters the golden period of growing tall, and 3 kinds of heightened delicacies are often given to the baby to eat, helping the baby grow tall

In the past winter, the child's exercise volume has decreased significantly, coupled with the lack of sunshine, which will lead to insufficient calcium absorption in the child's body. This is the "culprit" that hinders the child's growth.

At the same time, the winter vacation plus the Spring Festival will make many children overeating, not only did not grow tall, but gained a lot of weight, and the nutritional composition in the body was also unbalanced.

After the spring, the child enters the golden period of growing tall, and 3 kinds of heightened delicacies are often given to the baby to eat, helping the baby grow tall

So at the beginning of spring, the golden period of children's growth and height came. Parents must remind their children to eat more of these foods.

1, shrimp skin and other calcium supplement food

Calcium is the basis of bone growth, is the top priority of growing tall, spring human growth and development rate accelerates, calcium demand increases, should be more use of calcium-rich food.

Shrimp skin is rich in calcium, which contributes to the continuous growth of epiphyseal chondrocytes in long bones. Especially in the critical stage of development - infants and adolescents eat shrimp skin, the effect of fueling will be more obvious.

After the spring, the child enters the golden period of growing tall, and 3 kinds of heightened delicacies are often given to the baby to eat, helping the baby grow tall

In addition, the shrimp skin is rich in magnesium, magnesium has a regulatory effect on the nervous system, helps children's brain development, and also has a certain improvement effect on children's diet, convulsions and other problems. In addition, putting some shrimp skin in the diet is very good for improving children's appetite and enhancing children's physique.

Seaweed shrimp skin soup, shrimp skin stewed winter melon are very delicious dishes, can often be made for children to eat.

2. Foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids

More than 60% of brain tissue is fat, which can improve the activity of brain cells and enhance memory and thinking. Among them, DHA, known as "brain gold", has an important impact on visual, cognitive, memory and discriminative learning.

Unsaturated fatty acids can promote the synthesis of DHA in the body, so that children eat foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can help babies grow tall and promote brain development, which has many benefits.

After the spring, the child enters the golden period of growing tall, and 3 kinds of heightened delicacies are often given to the baby to eat, helping the baby grow tall

Parents can use steaming, braising, frying to make more sea fish for their children to eat; in addition to eating some nuts every day, you can also add nuts such as pine nuts and cashew nuts to some dishes for children to eat.

In addition, yogurt, soy and soy products are also foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids, suitable for children to eat

3. Vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits

Vitamins are essential elements for long and high school, vitamin D, vitamin C and vitamin A supplements, can promote the absorption of calcium, providing rich raw materials for bone growth.

In the winter children's recipes, meat is often the mainstay, coupled with the relatively small variety of fresh vegetables and fruits in winter, many children have low vitamin content in the body, and often have mouth ulcers, nail barbs and peeling.

After the spring, the child enters the golden period of growing tall, and 3 kinds of heightened delicacies are often given to the baby to eat, helping the baby grow tall

Spring is getting warmer, and add more fresh vegetables and fruits to your child's recipes.

For example, carrots can supplement vitamin B and can also be converted into vitamin A in the body, which is an essential substance for bone growth.

The content of vitamin C in cauliflower is very high, which is an important component of bones and connective tissue, and is very important for the formation of bone collagen!

Children want to grow tall, diet is the key, throughout the year, the child's body growth and development needs are different, such as spring to supplement calcium vitamins; summer to eat more light food, to ensure protein intake; autumn to moisturize and dry; winter to supplement enough calories to children.

Parents must help their children adjust their diet according to the different seasons, and help their children grow tall

After the spring, the child enters the golden period of growing tall, and 3 kinds of heightened delicacies are often given to the baby to eat, helping the baby grow tall

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