
The day before yesterday, an old client who had traded 7 years ago contacted me and was going to ask me to buy another house. Thank you so much for their trust! The more honest people are, the more they think about your customers, in general,

author:The sword points to the world 1234

The day before yesterday, an old client who had traded 7 years ago contacted me and was going to ask me to buy another house. Thank you so much for their trust! The more honest people are, the more they think about your customers, and in general, customers will not forget you.

At the end of 2015, the couple and I looked at a house on the longevity side, when the offer was 3.92 million, after the favor, he bid 3.8 million, and when it came to the intention of payment, he said that he could accept the price of up to 3.87 million. I said, how much can be talked about specifically, I have no bottom, three intentional bookmarks, one 3.8 million, one 3.85 million, one 3.87 million, can talk about which to deal with, the customer is very happy to agree.

Later, the process of talking was mostly WeChat conversation, so it was recorded. At first agreed, 3.9 million, and then 3.87 million landlords also agreed, according to the general time of the direct transaction. However, considering that the customer loan only has a provident fund of 500,000, when the transfer, can get more than 80% of the money, I fought with the landlord on this condition, the landlord agreed to sell 3.85 million, and finally sold at the middle price, the customer is very happy, because the three intention funds are in my hands, even if I trade at the highest price, he can accept it, but, for the sake of fairness, I still save him more Lele 20,000, although not much, but it is also money.

Since then, the whole transaction has been very smooth, and the current house is about 10 million or so.

The couple, the man, Ph.D. from Fudan University; the woman, with a master's degree from Tongji University, has now been admitted to the university, which is also a 985 institution. When the deal was first completed, the woman asked for a discount on the intermediary fee, and the man did not let him continue, he said, everyone is hard, you earn your hard money, I earn my hard money, as long as you buy me the right house, it is worth it! Later, I saved him 20,000 yuan, which is equivalent to about 50% off the intermediary fee.

7 years later, they originally had a suburban villa, also worth 10 million, they plan to transfer the villa to their son, and then buy a house of more than 10 million! I gave them a detailed analysis of how to buy the most advantageous, how to buy the most cost-effective property tax, and they kept saying thank you! Regardless of who they end up buying with, I'm sure my analysis will certainly be useful to them. Consultation is to rely on everyone to pass on, the accumulation of good houses will have a surplus celebration, the accumulation of bad houses will have a residual disaster, I firmly believe in this truth.

I can only say that the world is bustling, all for profit, and the world is bustling, all for profit. The so-called "do not make evil money in the world"! It's easy to say, those who spray me every day, I dare to say that I did not make evil money, do you dare? Now it is the first month, when you say it, don't think that the first month does not thunder!

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