
Baidu Encyclopedia's "national football" entry was changed to refer specifically to "women's football"

Upstream journalist Peng Guangrui

On February 9, some netizens found that the Baidu entry of "Chinese national football team" had become the "exclusive" of Chinese women's football, and "China men's national football team" had another special entry.

This news has won a large number of netizens and fans, and even some fans said that "it should be like this" and "do a beautiful job", and they clapped their hands and applauded.

But less than a day later, upstream journalists searched for the keyword "Chinese national football team", and the situation has changed.

Baidu Encyclopedia's "national football" entry was changed to refer specifically to "women's football"

The National Football Baidu entry has been modified to refer specifically to women's football, and the men's football team has another interpretation.

Image source: Network

The upstream news reporter learned that someone posted a screenshot and said with a text that searched for "Chinese national football team", and the entry given by Baidu Encyclopedia showed that "Chinese national football team" generally refers to "Chinese national women's football team". The Chinese women's national football team was established in 1984 and is managed by the Chinese Football Association. The first head coach is Cong Eryu, the current head coach Shui Qingxia, and the current captain Wang Shanshan. The Chinese men's national football team has another entry to explain.

But then, the upstream reporter searched according to the keyword "Chinese national football team", and the results showed that the Chinese national football team (the general name of the Chinese national football team), the introduction is that the Chinese national football team was founded in 1924, at first only the men's football team, the women's football team was established in 1984.

Baidu Encyclopedia's "national football" entry was changed to refer specifically to "women's football"

The national football entry was once again revised

Baidu entries can be edited by everyone, and entry creation and modification are free.

The upstream reporter called Baidu's hotline, and the customer service staff said that as long as the edit button is clicked, the entry can be edited, and it can be presented after editing through the review.

However, according to the method introduced by customer service, after the entry editing mode of the Chinese national football team is turned on, it is displayed as "Under review, temporarily unable to edit".

Then the reporter tried to search for an entry at random, click edit, and indeed you can edit and modify the content of the term.

In this regard, Baidu hotline customer service said that it could not give an explanation, and said that it was necessary to feedback the problem through the online customer service (webpage declaration) of Baidu entry. When asked whether he could contact the relevant departments of Baidu to understand the situation, the other party said that he could not contact him.

Source: Upstream News

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