
The Chinese women's football team counterattacked strongly! Can't bear to witness: After the round of 12 out, the men's football team suffered another wave of blows

After the Chinese men's national football team lost 1-3 to Vietnam in the round of 12, it was once again hit by a strong impact - the status of the national football team was not guaranteed! Recently, some media found that when you search for "Chinese national football team" on Baidu, the page of the Chinese women's national football team (below) pops up.

The Chinese women's football team counterattacked strongly! Can't bear to witness: After the round of 12 out, the men's football team suffered another wave of blows

On this Baidu encyclopedia, the profile of the "Chinese national football team" reads: "The Chinese national football team generally refers to the Chinese women's national football team." In the past, the position of the word "woman" in this sentence originally contained the word "man".

According to the custom, we refer to the "Chinese national football team" as "national football". In the past, the general convention of national football was "China's national men's football team", and Baidu Encyclopedia has always been written like this. However, recently the name of "national football" was strongly counterattacked by the "Chinese women's national football team".

The Chinese women's football team counterattacked strongly! Can't bear to witness: After the round of 12 out, the men's football team suffered another wave of blows

We searched for "China Women's National Football Team" (above) and there was a sentence on the page that read "Synonymous with The Chinese National Football Team".

Let's look at the page of "China Men's National Football Team" (below), which no longer refers to "Chinese National Football Team" by default.

The Chinese women's football team counterattacked strongly! Can't bear to witness: After the round of 12 out, the men's football team suffered another wave of blows

Can't bear to witness! Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the status of men and women's bipedalities was dropped one by one.

The Chinese men's soccer team just lost 3-1 to Vietnam on the front foot of the round of 12, and the Chinese women's soccer team lifted the championship trophy in the Asian Cup for 16 years a few days later. One is to lose miserably and hide the ball, and the other is to sacrifice himself to block the goal and win the championship. Naturally, the status of the two in the minds of fans has formed a strong contrast: one is the earth, the other is the sky.

The Chinese women's football team counterattacked strongly! Can't bear to witness: After the round of 12 out, the men's football team suffered another wave of blows

It may be that the iron is not steel, blaming the men's football team for not arguing, some fans resolutely took the hat of the national football team off the top of the men's football team and put it on the head of the women's football team.

The national football status of the men's football team is not guaranteed! It has to be said that this is another wave of blows suffered by the Chinese men's football team after the 1-3 defeat to Vietnam in the round of 12. Too cruel, this netizen who can modify the data actually removed the hat from the Chinese men's football team.

The Chinese women's football team counterattacked strongly! Can't bear to witness: After the round of 12 out, the men's football team suffered another wave of blows

As we all know, in the past, the Chinese men's football team was far greater than the women's football team in terms of both attention and capital investment, which can be seen from the number of spectators in the Chinese Super League and women's Super League. Naturally, when people say national football, they know that they are referring to the Chinese men's national football team.

The status of men's football has been dropped! Originally, if there was no huge contrast between the Chinese women's football team winning the championship, the men's football team would not face such a bad public opinion, at most like the loss of Li Tie's coaching period, and would not be cancelled the treatment of "national football".

The Chinese women's football team counterattacked strongly! Can't bear to witness: After the round of 12 out, the men's football team suffered another wave of blows

But if you don't advance or retreat, the honor of "national football" is only given to the most qualified teams, don't you want to forge ahead, lying flat is also yours?! From an emotional point of view, the national football team should still refer to the Chinese men's national football team, but if from the perspective of achievements, whoever has good results is the boss, then the Chinese women's national football team is more worthy of the title of "national football".

For this data change, I don't know what everyone thinks, do you support it, or do you not support it?

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