
There are these 5 symptoms in the third trimester, indicating that the fetus has entered the basin and the pregnant mother should be ready to give birth

Introduction: The process of women's pregnancy coexists with hardship and happiness, after a long October pregnancy. In the third trimester, every expectant mother will look forward to meeting her baby as soon as possible, and at the same time nervous, worried that the baby will suddenly be born without preparation. I wonder if you have ever had such an experience?

There are these 5 symptoms in the third trimester, indicating that the fetus has entered the basin and the pregnant mother should be ready to give birth

Xiao Liu is nearly 37 weeks pregnant, and recently she feels that her appetite has increased greatly, and her appetite is very good for three meals a day, and she has to add meals between meals. Since it has reached the third trimester, Xiao Liu is worried that weight gain will affect production and wants to deliberately control the amount of food. However, the mother-in-law advised her to eat more if she had a good appetite, and she could reserve energy for the baby.

There was also an unprecedented feeling that made Xiao Liu more worried, she suddenly often felt that her lower abdomen was falling, and occasionally she would have abdominal pain. Xiao Liu was very scared and worried about premature birth, so he let his mother-in-law accompany her to the hospital for examination, and the doctor told her after examination that this was the fetus in the basin, indicating that the baby was waiting for the opportunity to be born.

There are these 5 symptoms in the third trimester, indicating that the fetus has entered the basin and the pregnant mother should be ready to give birth

The doctor told Xiao Liu that the lower abdomen fell and the appetite was enhanced, which was also a normal reaction after entering the basin, xiao Liu thought that it was in the basin, and the baby was ready to be born at any time, and asked to be hospitalized for delivery.

The doctor suggested that she go home to rest and observe, the doctor said that after entering the basin, the pregnant woman's body will have some changes, and the baby is also trying to prepare for birth, but it does not mean that she will give birth immediately, but also wait for the time to mature, and then enter the hospital as soon as possible.

Tips: Choosing a mother-to-be who has a normal birth, the fetus in the third trimester into the pot is an important tip for labor, so be sure to understand the common sense about the potting in advance.

01, about the fetus into the basin

In the third trimester the fetus will be wrapped in fetal membranes and amniotic fluid, curled up into the pelvic cavity in a hip-up-head-down position, and the position of the fetus in the abdomen is fixed, which is in preparation for childbirth, called entering the pelvis.

Many pregnant mothers feel a tight belly or have mild abdominal pain in the third trimester, which is due to the fact that the fetus is pulling the mother-to-be's abdomen during the process of descending.

There are these 5 symptoms in the third trimester, indicating that the fetus has entered the basin and the pregnant mother should be ready to give birth

Most expectant mothers who give birth for the first time will have their babies in the pot at about 36 weeks of pregnancy, and a few women will enter the pot near the time of childbirth. Expectant mothers who have had fertility experience generally enter the pot when they are close to giving birth.

02. 5 sensations after the fetus enters the basin

After the fetus enters the basin, because of the change in position, it will also bring changes in the body, and many novice pregnant mothers will have nervous production in the third trimester of pregnancy, and they will inevitably panic about the changes in the body. The following 5 feelings indicate that the fetus has been put into the basin, and the expectant mother should pay attention to the fact that once the birth symptoms occur, they must go to the hospital in time to wait for delivery.

Feeling one: the abdomen falls

The increased abdominal tolerance of the fetus in the third trimester will also become larger, and after entering the pelvis, the abdomen will also have a feeling of falling because the fetus slowly descends to the pelvic cavity.

Sensation two: pain in the

Fetal descent causes the birth z system to be compressed and stimulated to feel painful, and even irregular pseudo-contractions appear. In this case, the expectant mother should not panic, as long as it is not a regular interval, or frequent contractions will not give birth immediately.

There are these 5 symptoms in the third trimester, indicating that the fetus has entered the basin and the pregnant mother should be ready to give birth

Tips: As soon as there is regular abdominal pain, or amniotic fluid is broken, red, etc., it is necessary to seek medical attention immediately.

Feeling three: belly shape changes

Due to the position of the fetus after entering the pelvis, the pregnant mother's original bulging abdomen will also fall, and the stomach will harden. The shape is not as round as the original drum, the distance from the chest becomes larger, like the shape of a grapefruit, and the belly feels hard and hard to the touch.

Sensation four: frequent urination

After the fetus enters the pelvis, the pressure on the bladder increases, resulting in less urine storage and frequent urination in the number of toilet visits.

Pregnant mothers should pay attention to not because they do not want to go to the toilet and control drinking water, usually should also pay attention to drinking water, do not deliberately hold urine, in order to prevent urinary n road infection. Be sure to grasp the time when you go out, or familiarize yourself with the location of the toilet first.

Sensation five: increased appetite

As the fetus moves down, the pressure on the chest, heart and stomach slows down, and the pregnant mother will feel that her breathing is more painful and her appetite is increased.

There are these 5 symptoms in the third trimester, indicating that the fetus has entered the basin and the pregnant mother should be ready to give birth

In the third trimester of pregnancy, you can not ignore the diet, pay attention not to overeat, in case the fetus grows too fast at the critical moment or the pregnant woman's weight surges, which is not conducive to smooth delivery.

03. Pay attention to 4 aspects after the fetus enters the basin

Expectant mothers in the third trimester should also pay attention to appropriate amounts of activity to promote the fetus into the basin. Because the fetal development is different, the physical condition and pelvic condition of the pregnant mother are different, if you do not enter the pelvis for a long time, you can also consult a doctor in time. Doctors will also guide or assist the fetus in the basin through intervention for different situations.

Note 1: Pay attention to obstetric examination

Every obstetric examination during pregnancy is very important, especially in the third trimester, the doctor can judge the condition of the fetus according to the results of the examination, and can also judge whether the fetal position is normal, and if it is abnormal, it can also be adjusted in time. Doctors will speculate on when the fetus will enter the pelvis and alert the expectant mother to the signs of labor.

There are these 5 symptoms in the third trimester, indicating that the fetus has entered the basin and the pregnant mother should be ready to give birth

Note 2: Eat a sensibly

The pressure on the stomach as the fetus enters the basin in the third trimester of pregnancy is reduced, but it is also necessary to pay attention to a balanced diet. Expectant mothers should eat more energy-supplementing foods to save energy for production, such as protein-containing foods.

Since the fetus has matured, the calcium and cod liver oil that are usually supplemented can be suspended so as not to burden the body's metabolism.

Note 3: Personal cleaning

The fetus is ready to be born, it may be born at any time, pregnant mothers should pay attention to personal cleanliness and hygiene, change underwear frequently, and often wash private parts with warm water.

Note 4: Prepare for delivery

Entering the pot is the first signal of childbirth, and the expectant mother should understand the knowledge of childbirth, which helps to relieve tension. In addition, you should prepare the items needed for hospitalization and childbirth, and if there are signs of labor, you can pick them up at any time and leave.

There are these 5 symptoms in the third trimester, indicating that the fetus has entered the basin and the pregnant mother should be ready to give birth

Tips: If there is a mother-to-be with pregnancy complications, it is best to check in advance and follow the doctor's arrangement, and if necessary, you can be hospitalized early to wait for delivery.


Many expectant mothers spend their entire pregnancy in a tense mood, worrying about fetal development and suffering physical pain. In the third trimester, expectant mothers are happy and anxious, looking forward to seeing the baby as soon as possible and afraid of the pain of childbirth. The fetus into the basin is a signal to meet the baby, understand the knowledge of the pot, make psychological preparations as soon as possible, self-regulate, and the family also gives encouragement to relax and welcome the baby.

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