
How can parents educate their children about death? Young children feel abandoned in the face of the departure of their loved ones. In order to protect their children, some parents will make up some lies to tell their children to die

author:3-minute psychology class

How can parents educate their children about death?

Young children feel abandoned in the face of the departure of their loved ones. In order to protect their children, some parents will make up some lies and tell their children that their deceased relatives have gone to heaven in an attempt to weaken their children's sense of sadness. When the child's pet dies, the parents will hurry to buy the next one, hoping not to be discovered by the child.

These habitual practices of parents are not conducive to the education of children in life, although children are small, but they also have the right to grief and mourning, they should know from an early age that death is irreversible, life is short, and the departure of relatives is forever.

When children are able to mourn for the end of life and love, humanity is deepened, and the simple, honest truth is an important part of death education, and the first step in helping children face the loss of a loved one or a loved one is to allow them to fully express their worries, pains, and feelings.

When talking to your child about death, don't give your child ambiguity, or you will put the cart before the horse. There is an example in the book "Child, Give Me Your Hand": "When a four-year-old girl is told that her grandmother went to heaven and became an angel, the child prays that the rest of the family will die and become an angel." It can be seen that this kind of rhetoric will make children ambiguous about death.

We need to tell the truth honestly to our children, and give them hugs and companionship, so that children can feel at ease, and when parents can face death calmly, they have the ability to guide their children through death education.

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How can parents educate their children about death? Young children feel abandoned in the face of the departure of their loved ones. In order to protect their children, some parents will make up some lies to tell their children to die

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